Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 130 Everything is as usual

Chapter 130 Everything remains the same


"Actually, let me tell you, the constellation thing is really fake. You said she didn't build the old world, so how could she come out to compete with you? Don't worry, I was just joking with you just now." Lu Yanzhi said sincerely.

"Besides, even if her constellation really comes out, can she still beat Saratoga? You know, Lexington is an aircraft carrier, so it must be closer to Saratoga, the same aircraft carrier. Constellation? Oh, at most Even if they are cousins, the relationship between Lexington and Saratoga is not as close as the two of them have always been with each other in the old world."

"Until Lexington sinks!" Lu Yanzhi silently added in his heart.

"That's not what Admiral Lu said just now." Saratoga's words made it impossible to hear the emotion.

"Hey, I was just joking and talking nonsense just now. I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on Saratoga. I'm sorry, I was wrong. In the future, I will never make such jokes again."

"Although it's a joke, the constellations really exist, right?"

"Actually... the constellation was not built, and it's not considered..."

"That's the old world!"

Before Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Saratoga.

"Hindenburg, it's incomparable. These blueprint ships in the old world that don't even have a keel in the water may be summoned, not to mention the constellations. Even if they are blueprint ships, they will appear sooner or later."

"However, at least it hasn't appeared yet." Lu Yanzhi persuaded.

"If Saratoga meets Lexington, and then continues to fight and grow with Lexington, then who will control the constellations, I am afraid that even Lexington himself will prefer Saratoga. "

Saratoga turned his head to look at Lu Yanzhi, his expression suddenly firm.

"You're right, what's the ranking? I'm the second one who built it. I'm the second sister of Lexington. In the old world, I can accompany my sister through life and death, and go through the baptism of gunfire, and I can do it now."

"Understood?" Lu Yanzhi smiled and at the same time secretly made a gesture to the prestige on the other side.

Saratoga cheered up: "I figured it out, I'll bid farewell to Nelson this time when I go back, and I'm going to find my sister."

"Okay, ah, hey, what did you say? Farewell?" Lu Yanzhi was confused.

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi and said with a smile: "Thank you, Admiral Lu, if you hadn't reminded me, I might still be sitting here waiting to die. Then, maybe my sister somewhere is already with Xingxing."

"Well, actually, you don't have to take the initiative to look for it. Now that the information is so developed, where there is a new ship girl, the admiral's circle can know it instantly. It's better to go there at that time than to be alone like a headless chicken." Hit strong." Lu Yanzhi opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

"You don't need to persuade me, I have figured everything out, I want to find my sister, and then accompany her to fight, grow, constellations? Hehe, Xiaosan, Bichi!" Saratoga said, walking away happily .

"How is it? It depends on the situation, the master has succeeded." Shengfu stepped forward and asked.

Lu Yanzhi looked dazed: "It's over, it's over, do you think Nelson will kill me, it's over."

"Hey, master, what do you mean by that?"

"Saratoga wants to find Lexington. What should I do? Nelson will definitely kill me. Saratoga is the first sister of the aircraft carrier of their Fleet Girl Alliance. I am responsible for my strength. I..."

Lu Yanzhi wanted to cry but had no tears. What was the point of saying that the number one thug of his immediate boss had run away?

Haikou City Wharf.

"CV-16, do you want to go back to the Ship Girl Alliance with me?"

Saratoga figured everything out, and was in an unprecedentedly good mood.

CV-16 was originally standing at the back, but was suddenly called out by Saratoga, hesitating again and again.

"I, I, I'd better go directly to Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion. Nelson gave me a mission to help Admiral Lu clean up the sea."

Saratoga shook his head, CV-16 is hopeless, and it will be a matter of time before he joins Lu Yanzhi's tutelary fort.

"It's really not pursuing, it's just salty fish!"

Saratoga felt that after she had a goal, her whole body became motivated, and it was no longer the same as in the Ship Girl Alliance. She had nothing to do all day long, and occasionally taught the aircraft carrier who came to ask for advice. This kind of life, she will never do it again in the future. It won't be too long, wandering, find my sister, fight and work hard together.

"Where is Admiral Lu? Would you like to sit down?" Saratoga asked again.

In her heart, although there is nothing special about Lu Yanzhi, at least it made her understand that her pursuit for a long time, let's say, is okay.

At this time, how could Lu Yanzhi go to the Ship Girl Alliance?Therefore, Lu Yanzhi refused without hesitation.

"It's been so long since I've been out, and there are still people waiting at home. I have sent a telegram saying that I can go back tonight. It's not like disappointing my family, so I won't go up."

Pian'an, sure enough, it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, what kind of admiral, what kind of ship wife.

thought Saratoga.

"In this case, then I will go down first, you guys, there will be a period later!"

"There will be a period later, there will be a period later. Tennessee, sail!"

Lu Yanzhi even felt that if he stayed in Haikou City for a second longer, Nelson would come to make trouble for him, so he hurriedly urged Tennessee to sail home.

Back at the tutelary mansion, San Juan told the story of traditional Chinese virtues to Fubo firefly, Yixian sat in the office and had a headache facing the tall file folder, Ninghai Pinghai, cooking competitions in the restaurant, everything, and when he left Same, nothing changed.

"Ah! It really feels like a world away!" Walking to the small square, Lu Yanshi spread his arms and squinted his eyes intoxicated.

Helena showed no mercy: "Admiral, we've only been away for less than half a month, and it's not as long as the last time I took Yixian out."

"Feeling, feeling, do you understand?" Lu Yanzhi was choked up, looking at Helena and said in embarrassment.

"Well, I'm finally back. I miss my bed so much. Well, I'm going to have a good sleep. Don't call me for dinner." Tennessee stretched her waist.

"Me too, I won't eat dinner, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Atlanta said, running after Tennessee.

"Ah, it's a pity that it's afternoon. Otherwise, it must be very comfortable to sit on the beach for a while with umbrellas and deck chairs." Just as Helena finished speaking, Lu Yanzhi glanced thoughtfully, but, Before Helena could react, she looked away.

"CV-16, Ling Bo, let's go, let's go back to the dormitory too, after so long, I can finally have a good rest."

"Why don't you go back and rest for a while?"

In the entire square, there were only two people left in an instant, Lu Yanzhi and Shengfu.

"No need, it's been so long, there must be a lot of things that the tutelary mansion hasn't done, just leave it to me to do it!"

Prestige is not at all like fighting outside for half a month, still full of energy, and actually thinking about cleaning up the health of the town guard mansion.

Lu Yanzhi stopped him and said: "Just take a vacation for yourself. This afternoon, you don't need to work as a maid for your reputation. You can go to sleep, you can go to the class of the destroyer, you can sit in the restaurant and eat biscuits and desserts, or Sitting under a palm tree in a daze."

"In this case?"

Shengfu thought for a while and said, "In this case, let's accompany you, master!"

 Sorry for the rush, I'm at work.

(End of this chapter)

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