Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 133 Someone wants an internship?

Chapter 133 Someone wants an internship?

San Juan won the battle for the admiral with an absolute advantage.

Thoroughly implement Helena's unobtainable best policy, occasionally come to role play, nurses, police officers, admirals, sailors, students, maids, urban white-collar workers, with a variety of stockings and high heels, let Lu Yan know Deeply addicted to it.

One day at the end of August, Lu Yanzhi was sitting in the office, and Yixian had something to report.

"Admiral, you have to restrain yourself. Look at how thin you are now."

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's appearance at this moment, Yixian felt very distressed.

"It's okay, I'm just losing weight recently." Lu Yanzhi didn't care.

"Losing weight? See for yourself how much weight you have lost? What kind of weight loss method can make you lose weight so badly in half a month."

Yixian hates it so much, San Juan, a demanding guy, is he really willing to squeeze the admiral's **** before he is willing?

"It's okay, it's okay, ha, Yixian, didn't you say something important?"

"If the admiral continues like this, I'm afraid he can only spend it in bed in the future. As the secretary ship of the tutelary mansion, I must teach San Juan well."

Lu Yanzhi coughed dryly: "Hey, it's nothing to do with San Juan, let's talk about the business first, let's talk about the business first."

Yixian had an idea in his mind that the criticism meeting against San Juan must be held, and the admiral would also criticize it, but now, let's talk about the business first.

"Isn't our tutelary mansion cleaning up the sea recently? Luyang City plans to arrange for a graduate of the Luyang Naval Academy to come to our tutelary mansion for an internship."


Lu Yanzhi frowned.

"Yes, a graduate of Luyang Naval Academy, yes, this is her information!" Yixian said, and handed a folder to Lu Yanzhi.

"Ma Linger? Girl! No problem, when will you be here?"

Seeing that it was a female admiral, Lu Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief. To be reasonable, he still didn't want a man to live in. In his harem, he could only allow the only man to exist.

Looking at Yixian's puzzled eyes, Lu Yanzhi explained: "There is no way, you are dressed so casually in the town guard's mansion, I don't want other men to see your outfits, only I can see them, hehe. "

Yixian naturally understands, especially San Juan, who deserves to be named and criticized. Since half a month ago, after he got the hang of it, he wears coquettish and explicit clothes every day. As a woman, I feel shy when I look at it. How could the admiral let other men see it? After all, the admiral is really possessive.

"The admiral will be here in two days. By the way, her initial ship is the light aircraft carrier Borg."

"By the way, does Yixian have anything else to do?"

As soon as Lu Yanzhi finished asking, Yixian said angrily: "Admiral~ Can't you see so many tasks? Can't you help me?"

"These things are simple. I'll ask the reputation to help you, and it will be done in a while!"

As Lu Yanzhi said, he got up and walked out. Today is an appointment with San Juan, and San Juan has a new trick tonight. Although it is only after ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Yanzhi can't help but want to Going to see San Juan.

As soon as Lu Yanzhi left, Yixian called Ninghai and Pinghai, and asked the two to call all the warships in the tutelary mansion except San Juan and the destroyer to discuss important matters.

"I called you here to discuss with you. In the last half month, San Juan has been demanding too much and squeezed the admiral into a shameful thing." Yixian looked serious.

"What's there to say about this matter? One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. We don't need to worry about it?" Atlanta was also called over. Although the girl did not say that she would join her tutelary mansion, San Juan was her sister after all. .

"Atlanta's words are wrong. San Juan is asking too much. It's completely killing the chicken and taking the eggs. It's a dead end. But it doesn't know that sustainable development is the last word?" Yixian retorted.

"Sustainable development? How can it be sustainable? My sister doesn't stay with Admiral Lu every day."

"Atlanta, even though that's your sister, you can't be so biased. Look at what our admiral has become in the past half a month." Abdominal muscles, strong body, but now, it feels like a gust of wind can blow people away.

"But, how should we do this? After all, we have reminded the master both openly and secretly, but the master didn't listen at all!" Shengwang looked at Yixian and asked, although Lu Yanzhi's personal maid usually only obeys the master, but , Lu Yanzhi did too much this time.

"The prestige question is on point. No matter who reminds them individually, although they promised very well at the time, they didn't care at all afterwards."

Yixian analyzed.

"So, we need to call the two of them together, and use the future righteousness of the tutelary to suppress them. At the same time, we must also investigate who caused San Juan to become like this. San Juan will be punished lightly at most, but that Those who instigate San Juan to become bad must be severely punished."

Hearing Yixian's words, Helena looked around with a guilty conscience, and found that the people around her were all fighting against each other, and no one paid attention to her. Helena felt relieved again. I'm afraid Tennessee had guessed at most about what she taught San Juan, but , that big fool in Tennessee would think so much, and he was in an absolutely safe place.

"CV-16, I leave this matter to you, find the murderer who abetted San Juan!"

Yixian handed over this task to CV-16, CV-16 nodded seriously, Admiral Lu took him to investigate the case in Haikou City, such a good person, I can't watch him sink, besides, this is the case No, the most interesting detective.

"Very good! Time is tight and there is no need to delay. The admiral's health is getting worse day by day. Just leave it at noon today. In the restaurant at noon today, we will criticize the two of them together!"

Yixian was very satisfied with the whole heart of the guarding mansion.

When it was lunch time, Lu Yanzhi was talking with San Juan and didn't know what to say.

Tennessee pretended nothing had happened and walked over to listen.

"San Juan, what are you playing tonight?"

"Oh, Admiral, you'll know if you come here tonight!"

Tennessee shuddered, disgusted to death, no, go and call Yixian, this couple is too irritating.


At this moment, Lu Yanzhi and San Juan met each other, and then looked at the seven girls opposite each other blankly.

"San Juan, you should calm down!" Yixian sits in the center of the town, she is the secretary ship, and the top leaders in the guard house, except Lu Yanzhi, are the first to speak.

"Yes! If you continue like this, you will kill the admiral sooner or later!" It is rare for Tennessee to formally call Lu Yanzhi an admiral. She worked in the Ship Girl Alliance before, and she has traveled far and wide, and has seen many storms.

"Admiral, you must at least take care of your own body!" Prestige earnestly said, worried about Lu Yanzhi's health.

Helena was still a little guilty, without saying a word, Heping Hai Ninghai stared at Lu Yanzhi.

CV-16 couldn't speak, and looked at Lu Yanzhi with beautiful eyes, feeling faintly worried.


Only two brands away!Never mind, though, San Juan's days of wantonness are over!
 I wanted to cry. I was watching TI yesterday. I was not careful. I didn’t go to bed until 1:[-] or [-]:[-].
(End of this chapter)

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