Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 140 Military Police Department

Chapter 140 Military Police Department



Lu Yanshi had this expression at the moment. Looking back, a girl in a white uniform with a pistol in her hand looked at Lu Yanshi seriously.

"You're mistaken. I'm not Lolicon. I just saw this little girl here alone. I was worried that she would be taken away by bad guys, so I came over to take a look."

Being so slandered, Lu Yanzhi naturally defended immediately.

But the girl didn't relax at all, she still said with a tense face: "Please come with us, if you are innocent, we will naturally give you justice."

'Hey, how should I explain it to you?I'm really not a lolicon. I'm very familiar with Nelson from the Ship Girl Alliance. If you don't believe me, you can ask. By the way, my name is Lu Yanshi. '

"This admiral, please cooperate with my investigation and come with me. If you continue to evade, I will directly arrest you in the same way as a real lolicon."

Bolzano was in no mood to continue talking to Lu Yanzhi. In her heart, 90.00% of those who resisted going to the Gendarmerie were right about Lolicon, and they still wanted to use Nelson to use their power to suppress others?It's ridiculous, she Nelson can't control the work of the gendarmerie.

Lu Yanzhi was completely bewildered at the moment, and still a little flustered, what's going on?By the way, there is that little loli behind her, and that little loli can still testify for herself.

"Sister, this will help you so much, can you accompany me to the playground next time?"

Little Lolita's words chilled Lu Yanzhi's heart.

"Help? This has been arranged long ago? Fishing law enforcement?"

Bolzano was proud: "Hmph, we received a real-name report saying that you, Admiral Lu Yanzhi, have a serious tendency towards lolicon. For the safety of the ship's mother, we specially made this play. Now It seems that it is really not easy. Admiral Lu, come with us!"

Lu Yanzhi was dejected. It seemed that the Gendarmerie Department's trip was inevitable.

"Then wait a minute, can I arrange my ship girls first?"

"Those little destroyer girls?"

Bolzano looked towards Lu Yanzhi's car. Several little guys were scrambling to poke their heads out, wanting to see what happened here.

"No need, those little guys are going to assist our investigation. When the results of the investigation come out, you are telling the ship lady of your tutelary mansion to come and take them back."

"What about me?" Lu Yanzhi felt a little bad.

"You? If you really have lolicon tendencies, then stay in the gendarmerie to receive reform education. If not, then naturally everyone is happy, and you can go back with them."

Under Bolzano's watchful eyes, Lu Yanshi came to the side of the car, squeezed out an ugly smile and rushed to the third lane: "Can the admiral take you to a good place to play?"

"Okay, okay, Commander, where are we going?"

Firefly didn't understand the situation, and was really happy to play with the commander. How could he be willing to go back to the tutelary mansion so quickly? Even Ling Bo and Fu Bo looked excited.

Lu Yanzhi felt cold in his heart, these little guys couldn't help but be the last pig teammates.

The Haikou City Military Police Department, in a place completely opposite to the Jianniang Alliance, completely cut off Lu Yanzhi's hope of asking Nelson for help.

"Okay, Admiral Lu, sit here for a while, we need to ask some of your destroyers first."

After Bolzano finished speaking, he led the fireflies to the side first.

"This is your first time at the Military Police Department?" A man sitting next to Lu Yanshi smiled at Lu Yanzhi.

"Don't be nervous, as long as you don't overdo it, they won't do anything to you. I've been here seven or eight times, isn't it all right?"

Lu Yanzhi asked curiously, "Seven or eight times?"

"That's right, seven or eight times. Every time I came in, I had the same caliber with my little girls, so nothing will be found out at all." Get used to it.

Lu Yanzhi was speechless, this is a habitual offender.

"By the way, why were you arrested?"

Being asked this question, Lu Yanzhi gritted his teeth: "Report with your real name!"

Lu Yanzhi was 80.00% sure that the guy who reported him was definitely the trainee admiral Ma Linger who was sent back this morning.

The admiral immediately shared the same hatred with Lu Yanzhi: "Sure enough, he was also reported under his real name."

"Damn it, is it wrong to care about destroyers?"

"That's right!" Lu Yanzhi nodded in agreement, and brought the destroyers out to play, how could he become a lolicon? In this way, wouldn't there be too many lolicons in the world, only people like Yang Shuo Admiral, that's the disgusting lolicon.

Encouraged by Lu Yanzhi, the admiral continued: "The destroyers are immature, and they are married to educate them so that they will not be abducted by outsiders. How come they become lolitas."

"Yes, oh no, you? Married to a destroyer?"

"That's right, Destroyer Keeling, with a fluffy afro head and hearty laughter, how cute." The admiral said indifferently.

Terrified, Lu Yanzhi moved aside subconsciously, since he is not a lolicon, how could he join forces with them.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the admiral hurriedly shut his mouth. He was in the Gendarmerie Department, and he still dared not hear some words. Once Lolita's charges were confirmed, a lot of troubles would be inevitable.

"Okay, Luo Chen, you can go back, remember, don't let me catch you again."

Hearing this, Luo Chen stood up sharply, held Ji Lin's hand, and then gave Lu Yanzhi a reassuring look and walked away first.

"The lolicon admiral that you brought back from Bolzano and was reported by real name?"

He looked at Lu Yanshi with interrogating eyes, but at this moment, Lu Yanshi had the idea of ​​breaking the jar, but he was not afraid.

"That's right, it's me. However, one thing to correct is that I'm not Lolicon! I just took the destroyers out for fun."

"Tsk tsk, you don't need to explain to me, our Military Police Department has its own criteria for judging."

At this time, Bolzano brought the firefly over and pointed at Limbo: "Okay, you will be the next one!"

As soon as Bolzano brought Ling Bo over, Lu Yanzhi pulled the firefly over and asked.

"Did she make things difficult for you? What did she ask you?"

"No, that sister is fine, and she gave me candy."

Firefly this fool.

Lu Yanshi raised his forehead: "So, what did that sister ask you?"

"Um, I just asked the guarding mansion, who is Firefly's favorite, and whether the commander treats me well."

"anything else?"


Firefly grabbed her hair and said in distress.

"Then how did you answer the firefly?"

"Of course Firefly answered that she likes the Commander the most, and also, the Commander treats Xiaoying the best."

Firefly was very proud, and felt that the questions answered must satisfy Lu Yanzhi, after all, they were all related to the commander.

Lu Yanzhi murmured: "There should be no problem. This answer, as a ship girl, likes her admiral the most. It's normal. I treat every ship girl very well, so there is no problem."

It's probably all right, as long as Ling Bo works harder.Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhi was completely relieved. After all, the guy who married the destroyer was fine, so how could he be detained.

 Thank you for the one thousand reward from Yunhai, well, it really doesn’t work to code in an Internet cafe, and I still have to try my best to do two changes before going to work in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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