Chapter 142

Rodney put down his things and left without even tasting the tea prepared by Yixian.

As soon as Rodney left, Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but want to see what kind of equipment the Ship Girl Alliance gave Ling Bo.

"41 cm triple torpedo, torpedo value plus seven, huh, hot chicken, Bofors anti-aircraft gun double? Firepower plus one, anti-air plus seven, hit plus one, drink, hot chicken."

Seeing the data in the system of the two equipment brought by Rodney, Lu Yanzhi complained endlessly.

"Forget it, it's fair to give one to Firefly and one to Fu Bo."

After distributing the two equipment to the two little lolitas, they naturally gained two muas. Lu Yanzhi was in a good mood, and even complained to Helena and the others.

"Look at Firefly and Fu Boduo are sensible. I sent the equipment, and even know to give me a kiss to thank me, but what about you, you are adults, you have nothing to do, even if you don't kiss, a hug is okay!"

Tennessee suddenly smiled charmingly: "If you give me the prestige equipment, then I can do whatever you want me to do."

Lu Yanzhi pretended to be lucky and said, "It's a good thing I didn't give it to you!"

"Lu Yanzhi, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Lu Yanzhi pretended to be innocent and said.

"Don't you understand Tennessee? The admiral said you are not a woman."

"Hiss, absolutely no such intention, Helena, you are slandering!"

Tennessee has a hot-tempered personality. Before Lu Yanzhi explained clearly, he watched her clasped her fists with her knuckles crackling, and walked towards him.

In less than 2 minutes, Tennessee rubbed Lu Yanzhi on the ground without using the strength of the ship's mother.

"Brother Tian is a real man, a good man with iron blood, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

At this moment, Tennessee put his knees on Lu Yanzhi's back and locked Lu Yanzhi's arms tightly. Lu Yanzhi could only pat the ground and admit defeat.

"Weak chicken!"

"You wait, I'll find my reputation to come and avenge me!" If you lose, you still have to say what you say on the scene.

However, Tennessee is not afraid at all. If it is a single-round fight, I am afraid that few people can compare with her: "A weak chicken who can only hide behind women!"


It's not friendly here, Lu Yanzhi walked towards the office heartily, at this moment, what could be more healing than Yixian's gentleness.

When he came to the office, Yixian made tea quietly by himself. The main reason was that all the intractable diseases were solved by the prestige, and the remaining minor matters were not a problem for Yixian and could be solved easily.

"Admiral, are you here? How about trying my freshly brewed tea."

Lu Yanzhi picked it up as he said and took a sip: "Tianmu Lake white tea?"

Yixian smiled softly: "That's right, the admiral is not used to drinking those clear teas, so he had to make this white tea."

"But, if I didn't come to the office today, wouldn't all of Yixian's thoughts be in vain?"

"I don't know either. It's Fulin's heart that feels that the admiral will come to the office."

"Telepathy?" Lu Yanzhi was dumbfounded.

"There's a tacit understanding!"

Yixian smiled.

Not in words, only by Yixian's side can one enjoy this moment of tranquility.

"By the way, I heard that the admiral took Firefly and the others to the Gendarmerie Department that day?"


Lu Yanzhi took a sip of tea and sprayed it on the ground: "Is what the firefly told you right? That little fool."

"Admiral, don't blame Firefly. After all, it's rare to hang out with the admiral. If you're happy, you don't care about that."

"It's nothing to blame, it's just that this little guy, when he came back, he swore to me that he wouldn't tell anything, so he almost swore with his hair. Unexpectedly, he would let you know in a blink of an eye."

Lu Yanzhi said, and thoughtfully said: "Fortunately, you are the only one who knows."

When Yixian heard this, he became happy: "Is this a little secret between Yixian and the admiral?"

Lu Yanzhi said seriously: "Forget it, of course it does, Yixian must not tell others, otherwise, I will definitely be laughed to death."

"In that case, can I ask for a reward?"

"Okay, you say, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

"Well, I don't have any good ideas right now, I'll tell the admiral when I think about it later." Yixian tilted his head and thought for a while.

"Okay, it's okay, Yixian thinks slowly, don't worry!"

As if thinking of something, Yixian asked again: "By the way, is the admiral coming here for something?"

"It's okay, just come and see Yixian."

Humiliated by Tennessee, he came here to seek comfort. How could Lu Yanzhi say this? In the end, face is still important, especially with Yixian.

After sitting here for a long time, after two rounds of brewing Yixian's tea, Lu Yanzhi left contentedly. It was not easy to communicate with Yixian, and felt that there were endless common topics to talk about.

"Yo! Detective 16, what are you doing?" Lu Yanzhi shouted when he came out of the admiral's room and met the sneaky CV-16.


CV-16 made a silent gesture, and then called Lu Yanshi over.

"Yaixian asked me to investigate who taught San Juan those knowledges. I have already figured it out recently."

"Oh, who is it?"

"At present, there are two people who are the most suspicious. Atlanta, San Juan's sister, for the happiness of my sister, these can all be justified."

"Is that Atlanta?" Lu Yanzhi asked in a low voice, mainly because the girl deliberately lowered her voice, so that people consciously dared not speak up.

"No, through my recent secret investigation, I found that Helena's suspicion is greater than Atlanta's."

"How to say?"

"The relationship between Helena and San Juan is considered good in the tutelary mansion. This is not the key point. The key point is that I asked Atlanta how to attract men's attention. The guy just laughed and said that force is paramount. Light cruiser With the Kirov cannon, that man would not like it, but when I asked Helena, Helena would just look at me suspiciously, and then pretend to be nonchalant and understand nothing."

"Then why didn't you report it to Yixian? If you say that, it must be Helena, right?"

"No, as a qualified detective, you must catch the criminal's direct evidence." CV-16 said cautiously, then stared at Helena who was not far away.

"In this case, then you continue to stare, I'll go first."

"Don't talk to Helena and the others!" CV-16 warned.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid, after all, we were husband and wife detectives together!"

Lu Yanzhi made a teasing joke, and CV-16 blushed immediately and stopped looking at Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi suddenly felt a little bored. If it was Helena, he would definitely wink at her, and then replied, "That's right, the couple's detective, but it's a pity that they're just a couple in name only."

However, CV-16 hasn't explicitly said that he will join the tutelary fort, and he won't lose his face if he flirts with him like this. It is estimated that joining the tutelary fort is not far away.

I went to the Lolita Classroom again, and the prestige is also here. I taught three little Lolitas with San Juan, and Lu Yanzhi smiled secretly: "Little guys, have you tasted the fear of being dominated in class!"

Without going in to disturb, Lu Yanzhi came to the fountain and rockery of the tutelary mansion alone, and suddenly felt a little deserted.

"Well, you should go out for a walk!"

 Chapter 1, thank you, Mr. Yunhai, for the reward of [-] coins, and thank you, Brother Nan, for the reward of [-] coins.

  Finally, ask for recommendations, subscriptions, and monthly tickets.

  Thank you brother! !

(End of this chapter)

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