Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 145 Fengxiang

Chapter 145 Fengxiang

She has long flowing black hair, a tall pink kimono, and clogs. She is not talking about Yixian, but the frigate Fengxiang on the passenger ship.

That day, Lu Yanzhi and Yixian were watching the sea on the deck, while this sexy and charming girl with big breasts was flying the carrier plane.

There was no extra verbal communication, but the side task suddenly triggered by the system made Lu Yanzhi's mind come alive.

"Ding: Successfully captured the light aircraft carrier Fengxiang, reward, an opportunity."

Leaving aside the problem with the system's rewards, just knowing that Feng Xiang is a wild ship girl through the system is enough to make Lu Yanzhi ecstatic.

Fengxiang, in the game, only 2-6 rare ships are limited to drop. I don’t know how many admirals who claim to be Europeans have been defeated. Lu Yanzhi never thought that in this world, he would have a chance to get it.Although the combat power is not high, but just for that beautiful appearance and sexy figure, no matter what you say, you have to work hard to fight for it.

"Admiral, are you dumbfounded?"

Yixian lost her good face, she still had a lot of hostility towards this kind of Japanese ship girls except for destroyers, and she couldn't say that she was very good towards Japanese destroyers, the reasons needless to say.And just now, my admiral was watching the sea with me, but he was attracted by others, how could Yixian bear it.

Lu Yanzhi secretly thought something was wrong. For example, when he was enjoying the beautiful scenery with his girlfriend, he was attracted by a beautiful woman. Especially, his girlfriend had a grudge against that beautiful woman. This was a terrible mistake.

"How is it possible, there is nothing on this boat that can attract my attention more than you, Yixian."


Yixian sneered, Lu Yanzhi's sudden strong desire to survive was useless.

However, if you change the topic at this time and ignore Yixian's emotions, it will definitely be wrong.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhi spoke again, leaning on the guardrail, instead of staring at Yixian, he looked towards the far sea.

"What I said is true, Yixian, the spring breeze is ten miles, it is better for you to smile gently."

Yixian also looked into the distance, swarms of seagulls... In fact, there is really nothing to see on the sea. Yixian was tired of watching it. He was born from the sea in his early years, and then, he arrived in a city, and then, he joined the alliance for the ship's mother As for work, although the combat effectiveness is not enough, I can only do some clerical work, but the unavoidable going to sea is still indispensable. The reason why I came here is purely to accompany the admiral.

Yixian didn't speak, Lu Yanzhi was careful, and heaved a sigh of relief, this test seemed to be over.

"Actually, Admiral, the reason why you paid extra attention to that ship girl is because you want to salvage the ship?"

This, Lu Yanzhi said honestly: "I have this idea, mainly because, just now, the system in my mind issued another mission for me, and asked me to get that ship girl, by the way, that ship girl is Fengxiang light aircraft carrier."

"The task of the system?"

Yixian looked at Lu Yanzhi. If it was a systematic task, then she would definitely try her best to help the admiral complete it. After all, among other things, the admiral's system gave rewards, no matter what kind of rewards they gave. Equipment, or considerable resources, are indispensable to the tutelary fort.

Lu Yanzhi nodded: "Yes, the task given by the system when I saw the ship girl just now, but the reward is just an inexplicable opportunity, if Yixian is not happy, there is no need to do this task, anyway, the reward is not clear White."

If Yixian was really upset, it would not be difficult to give up this task. After all, Lu Yanzhi cared more about Yixian's mood than an unknown matter.

"Admiral, what are you talking about? Since it's a system mission, of course you have to complete it well. After all, the system's rewards are not bad. You can reward me with a Kirov cannon, let alone the light aircraft carrier Fengxiang this time. You can’t give up the mission because you feel that the reward is unclear.”

Yixian really knew the general situation, and compared with his own children's personal relationship, he obviously cared more about the development of the town guard mansion.

Because of this, Lu Yanzhi went over to strike up a conversation with Feng Xiang if he had nothing to do in the past two days.

"Standing in the sun is not good for your skin, oh, I forgot, Miss, you are a ship girl..."

"The sea, I also like the sea quite a lot, it's magnificent and makes people feel comfortable..."

"By the way, miss, are you an aircraft carrier? I don't know what type it is, but it must be very powerful. I've heard many stories about aircraft carrier battles..."

Lu Yanzhi had talked a lot about such strike-ups in the past few days, but the girl didn't pay much attention to them, which made people discouraged. Even Yixian began to laugh.

"Admiral, how can your performance be so poor? Wasn't it like this when you scooped me up?"

Lu Yanzhi himself had given up on himself, and was lying in the cabin at the moment, facing Yixian's ridicule without arguing, he just said in a low voice: "Forget it, it's impossible to have too many intersections, it's only been seven or eight days. , how could it be possible to successfully salvage the boat, and I don’t have a [-]% setting to salvage the boat, so I won’t do this task.”

"Are you sure you want to give up like this, Admiral? After all, the light aircraft carrier Fengxiang is very rare!"

That's right, the light aircraft carrier Fengxiang is very rare in the game. It is unique to come to this real world by yourself, and you don't have to struggle in 2-6 like those Ou Ti.

"Yixian, do you think it would be better for me to just tell her my identity as the admiral, and then just tell her that I want to win her?" Lu Yanzhi asked after turning over and getting up from the bed.

"If the admiral really told her your thoughts directly, the situation would definitely be worse."

Yixian smiled lightly.

"Admiral, haven't you noticed? Even if Feng Xiang ignores you these days, he doesn't have too much resistance to you!"

"I think she is so indifferent to everyone." Lu Yanzhi said helplessly.

"Did you know? For two days, I didn't even ask her where she works. If I know where she works, that's fine, at least even if I can't pick it up on the boat, I can still go to her in my spare time."

"No way, didn't she talk to you?"

Yixian was very surprised, every time he hid behind and watched the admiral talking with Fengxiang, that Fengxiang wasn't talking and laughing, at least he occasionally struck up a conversation.

"Said, but what was said: ah, oh, um."

With that said, Lu Yanzhi started to go crazy again.

"Ahh! Let me die, I will never take the initiative to talk to her again!"

But Yixian was not in a bad mood, he lay down on the lower bunk and turned out the Song Ci Collection to read.

"By the way, Yixian, are you...wait a minute, when did you take this Song Ci selection over, give it to me!"

Yixian didn't refuse either, and handed the book to Lu Yanzhi with a smile.

"Yixian, did you never think that I could succeed from the very beginning?"

"No!" Yixian denied it.

"Really not?"

Lu Yanzhi was puzzled and lay down on the bed again, always feeling that Yixian was secretly happy that he didn't succeed.

 Chapter 1!Pfft, the writing is extremely jerky!

(End of this chapter)

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