Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 147 This time is the real Bundle City

Chapter 147 This time is the real Bundle City

Bonder City is a new city. Because it is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, during the Dark Era, it suffered the most serious attacks from deep-sea ships. There were not many deep-sea ships born from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. They once drove humans to the inland. After the end of the Dark Age, Bibi brought Wichita here and established the Ship Girl Alliance here. In just over twenty years, this city has developed into one of the best port cities in the world.

The passenger ship built by Lu Yanshi approached the port on the afternoon of September 23rd. When he disembarked from the ship, Lu Yanshi let out a comfortable moan. Even though he had been on a ship many times, this sudden down-to-earth feeling was the most comfortable.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled down from the gaps between the tall buildings, covering the city with a layer of golden brilliance.

Crowded street with many shops, candy store, bakery, watch shop, restaurant etc.

Most of them are blond and blue-eyed, and most of them are in a hurry.

There are civil servants with briefcases in their waists, middle-aged women with vegetable baskets ready to go home to cook, ladies with bags under parasols, and tall beauties in bold and sexy dresses, making passers-by frequently look sideways.

The young man in the peaked cap nodded and bowed down to hand flyers to passersby one by one. The ragged child held a stack of newspapers and tirelessly asked passers-by if they needed newspapers. In fact, it was already afternoon, and another beautiful girl in ordinary clothes was staring at the shop window. A wide-brimmed hat with a veil and fireworks, and a sleeveless dress with a floral skirt. In the end, I had to look at the exaggerated price and reluctantly leave.

This is Bundle City, a vibrant and thriving city. There are many cars and rail trains on the streets. If you look at the whole city from the sky, you will find that there are not many factories around that spare no effort to emit black smoke. Thick smoke, tall buildings everywhere in the city, even far surpassing a city like Haikou City.

In this boomtown, if you want, there are countless jobs, and you can always get your own money status here.

With the establishment of emerging cities, those unscrupulous capitalists have already seen the potential of Bundle City. With the funds settled in, those guys can even intervene in political events. With a lot of money, they control the direction of public opinion by controlling newspapers and media. Government officials have also done extortion and extortion. Some government officials even disregard national development for the sake of votes.

Hidden under this city is the real darkness, the mafia, the speeding gang, they sell drugs and guns, steal and kidnap, murder and extort, and almost do all kinds of bad things, because this is a new city, they are here to flex their muscles.

Bryan Street is located in the very center of Bondle City, next to a huge forest park. This should be the safest place in Bondle City, because this is the location of the Branch of the Ship Girls Alliance in Bondle City. There is no People who dare to make trouble here, whether they are extreme religious elements or gangsters, know that the establishment of this city is inseparable from the Alliance of Ships and Mothers. Therefore, those extremists even dare to take machine guns to destroy the human government. Be careful.

Lu Yanshi and Yixian came here first, and before leaving, Nelson specifically told them that they could come to the Jianniang Alliance when they arrived in Bundle City. There is a hotel restaurant specially prepared for foreign admirals.

The long white hair is simply tied into a ponytail with a headband. The figure can be said to be tall, plump and exquisite, with exquisite appearance, almond eyes and Qiong nose, a bit like a mixed race between East and West.

She was the first person Lu Yanzhi and Yixian saw when they came here. She got off the black car, dressed smartly, and the person behind her should be a helper. A girl about 20 years old, reasonable The girl's appearance is definitely not bad, but with that white-haired and beautiful woman Zhuyu in front of her, this girl looks a bit ordinary.

At this moment, the assistant hurriedly followed behind the white-haired woman with a briefcase, and then walked into the building of the Ship Girl Alliance.

The Jianniang Alliance here is a towering building, which can be regarded as a landmark building. No matter where you look in the city, you can always see it at a glance.

"I guess, that woman must be the ship's wife." Lu Yanshi walked to the Admiral's House Hotel next to the Ship's Girl Alliance building, and said to Yixian while walking.

"The ship girl? It must be a powerful battleship, you can tell from the temperament." Yixian replied, she also saw it just like her admiral.

"If it's a ship girl, haha, with long white hair and an urban elite, could it be the USS Washington?"

"Maybe, I haven't seen the Washington." Yixian said.

"Washington, how powerful it is, with its own sister control 6, Legally Blonde."

"Admiral, you have to eat one bite at a time. You can get Tirpitz first and then talk about the rest!"

Yixian couldn't help pouring cold water on her, just now, her admiral was a nympho again, no, the admiral is a man, so that is Ye Chi?It sounds a bit weird, but it's dementia again anyway.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Just think about it at most. Such a powerful existence must be extremely conceited in my heart. How can I get it if I don't have any skills. For a salty fish like me, just think about it."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and walked into the hotel.

"Give me two single rooms."

Sitting on the cashier counter of the hotel was a young beauty of seventeen or eighteen years old. Lu Yanzhi didn't dare to ask if she was Jianniang. After all, even if she was beautiful, it was not exclusive to Jianniang.

"Open two rooms?"

The little beauty looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously.

"Yes, two standard rooms!"

"Are you sure you want two rooms?" The little beauty seemed a little unbelievable. She had been working here for a long time, and it was the first time she saw a woman with two rooms.

"I'm sure you want two rooms, don't ask too much, let's open the room!"

One room, of course Lu Yanzhi thought about it. When he was on the boat, he slept on the upper berth and Yixian slept on the lower berth. No matter if he wakes up at eight, nine or ten o'clock, Yixian is already fully dressed, looking at him quietly, and he doesn't want to look down from the head of the bed, that would be too much.All in all, there are no benefits at all on this trip.

"Sorry, there's only one room left!"

The little beauty chuckled, and said cunningly, in her opinion, these two must be couples who just got together, and because they were shy, they were embarrassed to open a room.

"What? Why is there only one room left?" Lu Yanzhi was astonished, and immediately understood that this guy did this on purpose.

"I can't help it. A lot of people have come here recently, and now there is only one room left!" The girl spread her hands, as if I couldn't help it.

"Here, Yixian, how about we..."

"Just one room! Let's open the room!"

Lu Yanzhi stared blankly at Yixian, unable to say a word.

"What's the matter? Don't we just sleep in the same room on the boat?" Yixian said indifferently.

Lu Yanzhi was right after thinking about it, his thoughts that couldn't help becoming dirty!
 I finally caught up, huh, it shouldn't be too much to ask for a recommendation and subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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