Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 158 The Attraction of Game Consoles

Chapter 158 The Attraction of Game Consoles


Waking up Tirpitz wasn't too difficult. Scharnhorst didn't harm him. The only thing that was more uncomfortable was that Tirpitz sat up from the bed in a daze, then stunned. Looking at Lu Yanzhi in a daze, he said directly, "Who are you?"

Scharnhorst burst into laughter, and she followed Lu Yanzhi into Tirpitz's room. Yixian tied up her hair and inserted a beautiful jade hairpin, but the woman with the twisted hair is not Lu Yanshi's dishes, so Lu Yanshi didn't pay too much attention.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi was so ruthless that Tirpitz turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. Therefore, Lu Yanzhi said to Tirpitz sadly: "You don't know me? Who asked me to help you at one o'clock last night?" Who asked me to tell her the plot details of the book when she drew Hood's standing picture? Are you pretending not to know me now?"

Due to being too excited, Lu Yanzhi's voice was miserable, even to the point of crying, but Tirpitz still had a dazed expression: "So who are you?"


Lu Yanzhi almost blurted out a sentence: I am your uncle, but in the end, he forced himself to hold the sentence in his stomach.

Scharnhorst was almost laughing, and explained: "Tirpitz is like this, just woke up a little confused, don't worry, since the two of you have known each other, she must know about you, just for a short time Probably can't remember."

"In a short time? How short?" Lu Yanzhi looked at Scharnhorst and asked. He felt exhausted because of Tirpitz.

"I don't know, I should be able to remember it tonight, this guy, he is always a little confused when he wakes up during the day!" Scharnhorst continued to explain.

"Since this is the case, then fine!" Lu Yanzhi sighed helplessly, there was nothing he could do about this situation.

After watching Tirpitz finish washing his face and brushing his teeth, Scharnhorst brought Tirpitz to the dining table.

Yixian sighed slightly: "Scharnhorst, I always feel that you must have had a particularly hard time during this time."

Scharnhorst smiled, revealing sadness in his smile: "No way, we are all German, so we should help each other!"

Tirpitz sat on the side, still dressed in pajamas, unconsciously gnawed on a fried dough stick, and looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously from time to time.

"Ah, I remembered you, my fan!"

Tirpitz suddenly took a hard bite of the fritters, then pointed at Lu Yanzhi and danced.

Lu Yanzhi was overjoyed, "Let me just say, I worked hard yesterday, and I don't have any morals to help Tirpitz draw a book. How can I be forgotten?"

With a little expectation, Lu Yanzhi looked at Tirpitz.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I signed it for you!"


"Where's my name? You should remember it, my name!" Lu Yanzhi asked unwillingly.

"Your name? Did you say it?" Tirpitz scratched his hair in distress.

"I have said that, let me give you a reminder, Lu..."

"Lu? Lu Li? Lu Ran? Lu Mo? Oh, how could you tell me your name, and I didn't ask you, you must have remembered it wrong." Tirpitz lowered his head and guessed several names. a correct one.

Lu Yanzhi gave up completely.

Scharnhorst comforted at the side: "You are already considered good. It took her three days to remember my name, and then she said that my name is so long, and she gave me a nickname. You are so stupid." To make Tirpitz look good in one day is already amazing!"

Lu Yanzhi didn't speak, picked up a bun and took a bite. She imagined the bun as Tirpitz, and after eating two buns, she really felt much more comfortable.


After breakfast, Scharnhorst was going to work, and Tirpitz had already gone back to bed.

"Well, I won't give you the key. Anyway, it's useless for you to come here during the day. You can go shopping in Bundle City, and then come back at night."

Even if Scharnhorst didn't say anything, Lu Yanzhi didn't intend to ask for the key. After all, as Scharnhorst said, what are you doing here during the day?Watching Tirpitz sleep?Lu Yanzhi said that he was worried that he would go crazy if he stayed with Tirpitz if he didn't go out for a walk.

There are still many places to visit in Bondle City. Lu Yanzhi took it to the Chaoxing Ocean Guard Company specially. The side task of retrieving Fengxiang released by the system was not considered a failure. Anyway, it was fine during the day, and Lu Yanzhi was still thinking about the past. See if there is any opportunity. As a result, the entire company is closed, and there is no one, so I have to give up.

In this way, I wandered aimlessly in Bundle City with Yixian until after five o'clock in the afternoon, then returned to the hotel I rented, took the home console PR5, and went to Scharnhorst's home.

"Ha, it's really time for you to come. I just came back from get off work."

Scharnhorst greeted Yixian while opening the door.

Yixian glanced at Lu Yanzhi: "There is no way, my admiral came here in time."

"Come in, by the way, what are you carrying?" Scharnhorst looked curiously at the game console in Lu Yanzhi's hand.

"A game console, I guess Tirpitz would be interested, so I'll give it a try." Lu Yanzhi explained with a smile.

Scharnhorst shook his head: "It seems that for Tirpitz, you won't let it go until you get it. You are so well prepared!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled awkwardly, feeling as if he was abducting someone else's daughter.

"Although it's not very optimistic, you should be the most promising admiral who came to catch Tirpitz. I wish you success."

"Are there any other admirals coming to fish for Tirpitz?" Lu Yanzhi asked a stupid question.

"Of course, I don't know how the news got out, but you can rest assured. Those admirals who came to fish for Tirpitz have never even passed me. How could they see Tirpitz."

As Scharnhorst said, he went to wake up Tirpitz, and then Tirpitz continued to sit cross-legged on the bed and eat, everything seemed to be the same as yesterday.

"Ah, Lu Yanzhi, are you here? Will you continue to help me draw the Prince of Wales?" Tirpitz asked while looking at Lu Yanzhi while eating.

Lu Yanzhi was pleasantly surprised: "Do you remember me?"

Tirpitz wondered, "Of course I remember what you're talking about. You also helped me draw the Hood. How could I forget you?"

Well, looking at Tirpitz like this, it is obvious that he has forgotten what happened this morning, but it is a gratifying progress to be remembered by Tirpitz, and Lu Yanzhi is very generous. care about.

"I brought you something good!"

"What good thing? A notebook?" Tirpitz said excitedly after finishing her meal. To her, she really didn't know anything more attractive than a notebook.

"It's not a notebook, but it's definitely not much worse than a notebook. The house is the second of the three treasures."

"It's not a notebook? Boring." Tirpitz lay on the bed, lost interest.

"The game console has a large number of small games, and two people can play together."

Yixian helplessly dragged Scharnhorst out of Tirpitz's room. He really didn't want to see the admiral's appearance, all kinds of flattery and fawning made people speechless.

 Huh, 200 chapters, so terrifying!Please recommend, please subscribe!

(End of this chapter)

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