Chapter 162

To give the boss a hard blow to relieve his anger, of course he would never do that, after all, there are so many people watching, but, of course, it is inevitable to lose money and eliminate disasters.

Not only was Chicheng and the others free of charge for their supper, but they also had to pay for mental damage. In the end, the boss forcefully asked the boss to pay 500 yuan for compensation. This is not to be fussy, but to treat this kind of behavior badly. Otherwise, if there is another Kaga or something in the future, what should I do if I drink a lot of wine, and then I am blackmailed, kill chickens and monkeys, kill others, etc. In short, I have to tell that boss and the ordinary people around him, don’t Mess with the ship, you can't afford to mess with the ship!

Ignoring the boss's regretful expression, Lu Yanzhi led Yixian, Chicheng and the others out of the shop.

"Thank you very much for your help this time. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to resist flying the plane!"

Feng Xiang said sincerely, the so-called king of Hades is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are difficult to deal with. As a ship girl, fighting the mysterious and unpredictable deep-sea ship girl is a trivial matter, but the only thing that is difficult to deal with is meeting ordinary people. If it is too much, it may kill people. After all, compared with the ship's mother, human beings are too fragile.

Lu Yanzhi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, it's just a little effort, and the boss's behavior is indeed too much!"

Chi Cheng pulled Feng Xiang over, and said with a smile: "Feng Xiang, you don't need to thank you, as an admiral, shouldn't you help your ship's wife?"

"Sister Chicheng, even if it is an admiral, we are just, ah, wait, sister Chicheng, what did you just say? Your own ship girl?"

Feng Xiang looked at Chicheng with a confused face, and even Lu Yanzhi looked at Chicheng with a confused face, looking at Chicheng at a loss, girl, you are too deep into the drama, do you still want to act now?
This is even more true for Yixian, what the hell is this guy doing?Are you planning to join our tutelary fort so easily?

Looking at the bewildered people, Chicheng smiled again: "Hey, I'm just kidding, I still want to thank Admiral Lu for his help this time, if Admiral Lu has time tomorrow, please come to our company, we will definitely Thanks a lot."

"Sure enough, I thought too much, how could I join my tutelary mansion so easily!" Lu Yanzhi sighed in his heart, and then said to Chicheng with a smile: "I will definitely visit you sometime."

"In this case, let's go first." Chicheng said, bowed slightly, and then walked towards the west side of the pedestrian street with Fengxiang and a few little lolitas.

After walking a few steps, among the little girls, the one with the gray hair suddenly turned his head, stuck out his tongue at Lu Yanshi, then pulled out his eyelids and made a grimace.

"Cun Yu, hurry up and follow!" The little girl with golden double ponytails followed closely behind Fengxiang and shouted, and then the little gray-haired girl laughed and jumped to follow.

"What a cute little loli, if you catch Chicheng, then these little loli will definitely join the town guard's mansion, right?" Lu Yanzhi smiled knowingly, and then took Yixian's hand and walked towards the hotel.

"Sister Chicheng, weren't you joking just now? Are you really planning to join Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion?" Feng Xiangan couldn't bear the doubts in his heart after walking a long way here.

Chicheng sighed and said, "This admiral Lu is better than that bad admiral who is suing us. The loss of things is obviously not our responsibility, and the appearance of the deep-sea ship girl is not something we can decide."

Feng Xiang also said angrily: "That shameless guy, does he think that he can force us to join the tutelary mansion with a single contract? How is it possible, hmph, even if he joins the Ship Girl Alliance, he won't go to his tutelary mansion!"

Thinking of Lu Yanzhi again, Feng Xiang hesitated and said: "But, sister Chicheng, we are not familiar with that Lu Yanzhi. Could it be that he really joined his tutelary mansion so casually?"

Chi Cheng stared at Feng Xiang and said seriously: "Feng Xiang, that Admiral Lu is really helping us, don't you feel it? Moreover, when he was helping us, he did it subconsciously. , After coming out of that restaurant, he was born with the idea of ​​fishing for us, such an admiral will not have a bad heart."

"But, why don't we ask Washington for help? Legal Pioneer, even if it's because we are Japanese, but for the sake of being a ship girl, she won't stand by and do nothing, right?"

"Fengxiang, what are you talking about? Do you want me to take the initiative to ask Washington for help? How is this possible? Could it be that Chicheng, who is unparalleled in fighting power, is going to ask her?" Chicheng showed disdain.

Fengxiang is speechless, even if you are a first-ship war, you are unparalleled in combat power, but you are not a lawyer, a well-known barrister in Washington, I don’t know how many ship girls have helped, even if you are famous in the human circle, these words, Fengxiang shrewdly didn't say it out, if he did, maybe Chicheng would deploy the ship outfit and practice with herself.

Seeing Fengxiang's unwillingness, Chicheng said again: "Ann, I'm really tired after wandering outside for so many years, it's time to find a town guard to live a stable life, and now, there are only two of us left in the company. Can escort, what about these little guys?"

"Hey! Speaking of which, these years have really suffered for you, Chicheng sister!"

Suddenly, Fengxiang's tone was low, and Chicheng said with a smile: "What? Do you know that I am suffering? If you know that I am suffering, just listen to me obediently. Tomorrow, if that Admiral Lu comes over tomorrow, I will find a chance to ask. I want to come with the two of us. Take the initiative to join, there is no admiral who will refuse!"

Fengxiang nodded: "Everything is very similar to Miss Chicheng!"

Behind them, four little lolitas were bouncing around and playing with each other, only the gray-haired little lolita, that is, Murasame, was extra careful about the communication between Akagi and Fengxiang.

Here, Lu Yanshi, who returned to the hotel, fell into a tangle again, and the reason was naturally the oath ring that he had won in the previous lottery.

Yixian's favorability has already reached [-]. It stands to reason that if you give the ring at this time, you will definitely not be rejected. However, if you give it at this time, you always feel that you are insincere. It is for certain things. Therefore, Lu Yanzhi is worried again. Yat-sen has many hearts.

"Oh shit, the system, you gave me such a big problem!" While Yixian was going to take a bath, Lu Yanzhi lay on the bed and was very tangled.

"Forget it, I can't give it now, let's talk about it when the next opportunity is right!"

As if he had made up his mind, Lu Yanzhi put the ring away again.

Looking at the interface in the system, the side mission to get Fengxiang is still there, click on it at will, and behind Fengxiang's name, there is a 21 favorability point, which surprised Lu Yanzhi.

I spent a whole week with Tirpitz doing this and that, and finally gained 21 favorability points from Tirpitz, but this Fengxiang, who hadn't seen it since getting off the boat, actually had [-] favorability points?
Then, Lu Yanzhi was surprised to find that under the favorability list, Chicheng was also on the list, and the favorability was still an astonishing 37.

"What's the situation? Akagi isn't joking today?"

 Chapter 1!Ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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