Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 169 What's wrong with sharing the same bed again?

Chapter 169 What's wrong with sharing the same bed again?

Tirpitz took the drawing paper with a puzzled look on his face.

Lu Yanzhi stared at Tirpitz, very nervous. After more than a week of hard work, he only got [-] favorability points, so don't be ruined by his impulsiveness.

Tirpitz didn't say a word, and Lu Yanzhi didn't dare to move. It felt like a long time had passed. Tirpitz put down the drawing paper and said slowly, "Continue to draw?"

"Oh, I'll just draw!"

Lu Yanzhi's tense heart calmed down, he picked up the brush, and drew the Prince of Wales with peace of mind, what should he do if he has no idea?I can't control it anymore, I still want to draw without thinking, and I have been watched by the boss, if I don't draw again, wouldn't my salary be deducted?No, there was no salary, so why don’t you paint?Isn't it going to lose favor?Darling, there are only eighteen favorability points in total, which is not enough to lose, okay?

Long blonde hair, uh, do you want to wear a blindfold?Since he is a horse thief, wearing a blindfold looks more fierce, so let's wear a blindfold.

Lu Yanzhi racked his brains, recalling the appearance of the Prince of Wales.

"What are you painting?" Tirpitz asked.

"Prince of Wales?" Lu Yanzhi was confused, why would he draw if he didn't draw the Prince of Wales?
"Who asked you to draw the Prince of Wales, you draw this."

Tirpitz smiled while pointing at the four-panel comic with himself as the main character.

"That?" Lu Yanzhi pointed to the drawing paper and asked in disbelief.

"That's right!" Tirpitz became excited in vain. I have read the book with myself as the main character, but I haven't read the comics myself. Moreover, this kind of cartoon-oriented comics is quite interesting.

"But, that was drawn by me!"

"I don't care, I want to see this right now, you have to draw it for me!" Tirpitz said unreasonably.

In her opinion, how could this kind of four-frame cartoon be such a waste of time, since it can be drawn easily, if it is serious, it can be drawn in hundreds of frames every minute.

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Let me try!"

Turning around, Lu Yanzhi began to conceive the plot of the second episode, um, let's draw Tirpitz's daily life.

The first grid: The biological clock and other people's books are completely reversed to teach the congregants, who sleep in bed all day long, including the leader Tirpitz, until the sun sets and the sky darkens, and Tirpitz gets out of bed: Let's start a new day with comics!

The second grid: Benzi teaching, do not fight or grab. There is a huge library called Cangjing Pavilion, which contains comic books and a rich collection of books. Tirpitz is the leader. Serve it to Tirpitz.

The third grid: In addition to comics, there is another activity of Benzi Teaching, which is playing games. All kinds of small games, which seem to be playful things to outsiders, but it is true that Benzi teaches more sacred things. The leader Tirpitz , and can even gain self-enhancement through games, so Tirpitz is the strongest.

The fourth grid: That is the most sacred and important thing of Benzi Teaching: the notebook, every day, from one o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the morning. In the Buddhist scripture pavilion, Tirpitz would read three books in five hours every day, which was unmatched by anyone in the book teaching.

Passed the drawing paper to Tirpitz, Tirpitz took it, and lazily said to Lu Yanshi: "Continue to draw!"

Anyone who saw the tired and lazy look couldn't help but want to give him two punches, but Lu Yanzhi didn't dare, so he could only turn around and continue painting.

Benzijiao's annual super event lasted for ten nights, and No.1 was determined through various competitions. Then, No.1 will be qualified to carry shoes for the leader Tirpitz.


Tirpitz turned over, lay on his back, and took the drawing paper from Lu Yanzhi.

The leader of Benzi Cult, Tirpitz, has a great enemy, that is Bismarck, a moralist, a cat-eared mercenary, but no one knows that the two are actually sisters of the same mother.


Uncomfortable lying down, Tirpitz lay on the bed again.

Similar to Tirpitz's dull hair, the cat ears of the guardian Bismarck can also emit similar super light. The two have fought countless times, but they have never been able to draw a conclusion.


The leader Tirpitz’s dumbo gains abilities through comic book games. As long as someone draws these things, Tirpitz will become stronger and stronger. Bismarck gains abilities by destroying these things. As long as there are these things that can be destroyed, Bismarck will also Getting stronger and stronger.


Bismarck raided the Buddhist scriptures pavilion of the Benzi Sect, destroyed a large number of notebooks, and greatly improved his strength. Tirpitz was temporarily defeated and defeated.



Lu Yanzhi went crazy.

"No painting, no inspiration!"

Tirpitz took a look at Lu Yanzhi. From her point of view, Lu Yanzhi definitely said this on purpose to whet people's appetite. This kind of thing, she is also a drawing book anyway, so how could she not know it? A hint of suspense grabs the reader's stomach and makes the reader pay the bill obediently.

Therefore, Tirpitz was thinking, whether to use the power of the ship's suit, or lock him in a small dark room or something, reminding him of this kind of thing, for her as a ship's wife, it is not too easy.

Tirpitz's eyes were a bit dangerous, Lu Yanzhi could tell, that kind of eyes, like the eyes of a cat's prey, were inconspicuous, but would give a sudden blow.

"Ha, suddenly I have inspiration again!" Lu Yanzhi's only choice was to submit.

"Then go on!"

Tirpitz turned over on the bed, feeling uncomfortable no matter what.





Yawning, Lu Yanzhi felt overwhelmed. It was past four o'clock, why was Tirpitz still not sleepy?

Cautiously asked: "Tirpitz, it's been a while, are you still sleepy?"

Tirpitz also yawned. Yawning is contagious. He rubbed his fluffy pink hair thoroughly, and he was indeed a little sleepy.

"I'm going to bed first, you go on, I'll watch it when I get up!"

As Tirpitz said, he turned around and fell asleep with his pillow in his arms. Within a minute, he heard a slight snoring sound.

"Get up and read again? Keep on knitting. From morning to now, my energy has reached its limit, okay? Anyway, you won't get up until tomorrow night, and I'm going to bed too. At worst, I'll get up and start painting tomorrow."

Lu Yanzhi thought so, and then fell to the ground in an instant and fell asleep.

For nearly eighteen or nineteen hours without a moment's rest, his spirit had reached its limit.

It wasn't until the first ray of sunlight crept into Tirpitz's bedroom that Lu Yanshi woke up in a daze.

What came from the hand was a soft touch, which was very comfortable to touch.

Lu Yanzhi turned around in a daze, trying to continue sleeping, and then suddenly woke up, he was still at Scharnhorst's house, is this soft?

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the lost is over!My heart is full, the book I have been chasing for so long is over! ! ! ! !Ah ah ah!

(End of this chapter)

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