Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 171 It's So Much Fun Now

Chapter 171 It's So Much Fun Now


As a senior book appraiser, Tirpitz was actually attracted by the little comics he drew casually.

Lu Yanzhi stood [-]% sure, seven points that rose overnight?The favorability is definitely due to the comics I drew casually. Unfortunately, now it has dropped by two points. It really hurts to think about it.

Seeing Tirpitz had breakfast, Scharnhorst hurried to work. Although she didn't have much work as the head of the War Department of the Fleet Girls Alliance, after all, she was under one person, so she had to lead by example.

It was rare for Tirpitz not to continue to sleep, he lay lazily on the sofa, and then looked at Lu Yanzhi with an inexplicable expression.

Feeling uncomfortable being stared at by Tirpitz, Lu Yanzhi coughed dryly and asked, "Tirpitz, why are you staring at me?"

Tirpitz said lazily, "Don't you understand?"

Lu Yan knew the black question mark face: "Understood? What do I understand?"

"Comics, you agreed last night, what about the comics you drew for me?"

Tirpitz shook his head, with a feeling of hating iron for being weak.

Yixian was cleaning the house for Scharnhorst, but when he heard Tirpitz's nonchalant words, he immediately frowned, tied an apron, and stood in front of Tirpitz with rubber gloves on, pointing at Tirpitz. Bitz's nose said: "You still have the nerve to mention comics? My admiral stayed up all night to draw comics for you. In the end, he was so tired that he slept on the floor of your bedroom for a while. How dare you mention comics?"

There were still water stains dripping down the rubber gloves. Tirpitz hid back in disgust, picked up a pillow and hugged it in his arms and said, "He promised me!"

"If you don't want to see it, can he promise you?"

"But, he just agreed!"

Tirpitz was quite thoughtful.

Lu Yanzhi saw that it was not good, and if the two continued to fight like this, wouldn't they want to fight.He quickly ran over to support Yixian's shoulder and said in a low voice: "Yaixian don't blame Tirpitz, I want to succeed and end this sad day sooner, go ahead, Tirpitz hand over Solve it for me!"


Yixian opened Lu Yanzhi's hand, and continued to wash the dishes dissatisfied. She still had a lot to do.Scharnhorst's place is already so dirty that I can't stand it anymore. Seeing the deep friendship between the two in the past, Yixian decided to clean it up for Scharnhorst.

Lu Yanzhi knew the generality of Yixian's knowledge, so he dismissed Yixian and ran to Tirpitz's bedroom to take out the drawing board, paper and pen.

Anyway, I have been asleep for more than two hours, and I suddenly woke up. I don’t feel like falling asleep right now, so it’s okay to continue to draw a few cartoons for Tirpitz, just to see how much favor this four-frame cartoon can gain for me.

Tirpitz, who was lying on the sofa, saw Lu Yanzhi take out tools, and happily patted the place on his head, signaling Lu Yanzhi to sit there and draw.

On a three-seater sofa, Lu Yanshi took half of the seat, and Tirpitz took up two and a half seats lying down. Even so, her chubby feet were still hanging on the armrest. Her height is really not low, at least 1.7 meters is there, such a height can only be achieved by wearing high heels.

After Lu Yanzhi finished drawing a picture, he handed it to Tirpitz's face, Tirpitz took it with his hand, and then lazily said: "Go on!"

Lu Yanzhi continued to draw, handed over, and continued, and the two of them reached a tacit understanding last night.

A quiet painting, a lazy look.

"Will you add some embarrassment to them here?"

Tirpitz held up the latest cartoon handed over by Lu Yanzhi, pointed to a certain place and said to Lu Yanzhi, it was drawn by Lu Yanshi, and the book leader Tirpitz and the defender Bismarck fought again, The plot where the two fell into a valley due to exhaustion of energy.Tirpitz had been reading his and his sister's fanbook recently, so he had a whim.

Since Tirpitz was lying on his back, Lu Yanshi had to bend down and then raise his head to see it. In this way, the cheeks of the two got closer...

"Admiral! What are you doing!!!"

With an exclamation, even with a trembling sound, Yixian held the mop and pointed at Lu Yanzhi's right hand that trembled slightly!

From her point of view, it felt like the two were secretly kissing while hiding under the drawing paper.

Tirpitz was startled, he took away the drawing paper and turned his head in doubt, Lu Yanzhi also turned his head, and then, their cheeks finally came together.


Yixian just felt like a thunderbolt, no wonder, no wonder the admiral was so concerned about Tirpitz, okay, adulterer fuck, adulterer fuck!
Besides, Lu Yanzhi felt a soft touch on his cheek, then quickly raised his head, looked at Yixian with a wry smile, and then looked at Tirpitz.

Tirpitz actually blushed in a rare way.However, it's right to think about it. Although she has a lot of experience in her own book, in the final analysis, she is just a little girl with zero practical experience and zero experience.However, this is really the first time I have had such an intimate contact with a man.

With a slightly red face, Tirpitz sat up, threw on his slippers and said, "I'm going back to sleep!" Then he rushed to his bedroom without looking back.

Only Yixian and Lu Yanzhi were left staring wide-eyed.

As for Yixian, all kinds of feelings of grievance, heartache, and all kinds of feelings came to his heart for a moment, and his eyes gradually turned red.

I tried my best to hold back the tears, but I couldn't help it. At this moment, I just wanted to cry.

White teeth bit her lips tightly, and then stared at Lu Yanzhi stubbornly. She loved her admiral too deeply. Even if she caught the current situation at this moment, she still hoped that her admiral could explain clearly, and then, she would tell her Cuddled in my arms for comfort.

Naturally, although Lu Yanzhi was a bit of a scumbag, he hated seeing his girl cry the most, especially since this girl put all her attention on herself.And she was crying for her own reasons.

Standing up in a hurry, he hugged Yixian, explaining that he can take his time, but at this moment, only a hug is the best comfort, if there is a better one, then probably only take out the vow ring .

Yixian was sobbing softly in Lu Yanshi's arms, and Lu Yanshi patted Yixian's back to comfort him.

"Yixian is obedient, don't cry, don't you know what kind of person the admiral is? It was an accident with Tirpitz just now, just because she pointed at me with the comic and asked me to change it, but she was too lazy to move , I can only see clearly when I lower my head, that’s how it turned out.”


Yixian raised his head and asked with tears in his eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yanzhi lowered his head and kissed Yixian's forehead lightly, then said with a slight smile, "Of course it's true, otherwise, do you think a girl with less than [-] favorability points could be like the admiral?" ?”

Being kissed suddenly, Yixian felt like being shocked by an electric shock, and his mind was dizzy: Did the admiral kiss me?Admiral kissed me?But?Why not give the ring?It's okay to kiss without giving a ring, right?

Lu Yanzhi scratched Yixian's nose and said with a smile, "Okay, don't cry, you're all crying like a cat!"

The fishery administration ship is in charge of the Yatsen. When she is outside, she is decisive, capable, dignified and majestic, but when she is beside Lu Yanshi, she is like a little girl who has fallen into a sweet first love. If Ning Hai Pinghai knows it, her jaw will drop.

However, Lu Yanzhi really liked this feeling.

First love!
 I feel sorry for Yixian!But it's not time to give the ring yet!Woohoo!
(End of this chapter)

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