Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 175 Grievance and the progress of fishing boat

Chapter 175 Grievance and the progress of fishing boat

In Yixian's eyes, Tirpitz went too far, and he didn't move at all, reaching out for his clothes, and opening his mouth for food.


"Green vegetables?"


"it is good!"

As feeding continued, Tirpitz and Lu Yanzhi became more and more tacit, as if they had a tacit understanding.

Yixian really couldn't sit still, it was all like this, how could he ignore it.

He pointed at Lu Yanzhi indifferently, and then signaled Lu Yanzhi to get out of the way with his eyes.

Lu Yanzhi stepped aside obediently. At this moment, Yixian was like a volcano about to erupt. It was better for him to stay away, but, poor Tirpitz, I hope you can find out the difference yourself.

Lu Yanzhi thought too much. At this moment, Tirpitz was immersed in the ocean of the book, his eyes were fixed on the book, and his mouth was subconsciously reminiscing about the beef he ate just now.


Yixian chuckled disregarding his image, then picked up a piece of green vegetable, filled it with mustard, rolled it up, and put it in Tirpitz's mouth.

"Well, don't eat green vegetables."

Although Tirpitz was talking, he was still chewing subconsciously. Then, a pungent smell gradually spread in his mouth until it filled his entire mouth. The pungent smell gradually attacked his nasal cavity, and the strong smell choked his eyes. , the lacrimal gland begins to secrete tears uncontrollably.

Tears streaming down her face, the aggrieved girl didn't know what happened at this moment, and hurriedly picked up the water glass next to her.

She thought it was pepper or something, so she drank two cups of plain water one after another, but the situation didn't improve at all, and the tears still flowed uncontrollably.

At this moment, the girl looked at Yixian in a daze, with tears in her eyes, and her grievance made people feel distressed.

Yixian suddenly felt that he had gone too far just now, poured another cup of tea, handed it to Tirpitz and said, "Rinse your mouth, then spit it out, don't swallow it."

Tirpitz stretched out his hands tremblingly to take the tea from Yixian. The innocent and lovely guy didn't even think about whether Yixian would do anything in the tea. Of course, Yixian would definitely not do anything again. , let the girl eat a big mouthful of mustard, she has already made her feel guilty, how could she tamper with the tea.

According to what Yixian said, he drank a big mouthful of green tea, puffed up his face, and then rinsed his mouth.

As expected, the situation has improved a lot, so Tirpitz gave Yixian another grateful look. This glance directly made Yixian blame herself. It was really that she had too many one-man shows by herself before, and Tirpitz Ci didn't have those messy thoughts at all, he just thought that being fed would free up both hands to read the book.

Lu Yanshi was cautiously beside him, always paying attention to the hard-won Tirpitz's 35 favorability points in the system. Yes, the feeding play just now brought him another [-] favorability points. Fortunately, this time it was good Sensitivity has not decreased.

Seeing that Tirpitz had completely recovered, Yixian apologized: "I'm sorry, Tirpitz, I didn't expect it to be so serious!"

"It's fine!"

Tirpitz said something indifferent, and then looked at Qingcai with lingering fear, why is this dish so spicy, it's really unpalatable.

Seeing Tirpitz like this, Yixian thought Tirpitz was really angry, and continued: "I'm really sorry, it's a big deal, I will help you do whatever you want in the future!"

Hearing this, Tirpitz's eyes lit up, and the Benzi Cult was about to absorb new congregants.

As for Yixian, he regretted it after he finished speaking, especially when he saw Tirpitz's shining eyes, there were two words written there: notebook.

Sure enough, Tirpitz excitedly said, "Then can you buy me a notebook to read with me?"

Yixian smiled awkwardly, as the first sister of the fishery administration ship, a dignified and elegant classical lady, let her read the book?how is this possible?

"I can't help you with this, but I can let my admiral replace me!"

"Lu Yanzhi!"

Tirpitz turned to Lu Yanzhi, and lost interest in an instant. He and I not only read the book, but also discussed the plot of the book together, so we knew each other very well.It's interesting to recruit newcomers, look at a cute newcomer, don't want to watch it, but are attracted by the alluring picture and have to watch it. This is interesting.

In his heart, Tirpitz was actually thinking about teaching Play or something. After all, he had read too many books and wanted to try a lot of things in it.

Thinking of this, Tirpitz looked at Yixian weakly again: "Then, can you help me buy a notebook?"

Probably when she wants to buy a notebook, she will definitely open it curiously on the way, and then she will definitely be attracted. No one can really be immune to the attraction of a notebook.

But she underestimated Yixian and many other girls.

"Buy the notebook?" Yixian weighed it in his heart, and he couldn't agree to buy the notebook, and he couldn't explain clearly when he went in and out of the shop that sold the notebook.

Tirpitz immediately went limp, sat on a chair, and made no more requests. The two most desired conditions were rejected one by one, so she was not interested in asking for anything else.

Now, Yixian was in a difficult situation again, feeling guilty in her heart, she always wanted to make up for Tirpitz, but Tirpitz didn't have any demands.

Scharnhorst, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said, "Why don't you, Yixian, cook a big meal for Tirpitz!"

"Hey, this is fine." Yixian agreed 1 times in his heart, so he asked Tirpitz: "Tirpitz, do you think it will work?"

"Anything is fine!"

Tirpitz lay on the table with his notebook in his hands, not caring.

"Since you don't object, then I'll take it as your consent!"


Tirpitz snorted lazily.


"Tirpitz, don't look at it while walking, the light is too dark, it's not good for your eyes!"

At this moment, several people were walking back, and Tirpitz followed behind, still holding a notebook to read, Lu Yanzhi persuaded.

"I'm not Hood!" Tirpitz replied, but also put away the notebook.

Scharnhorst is completely amazed now, the admiral of Yixian might actually be able to get Tirpitz, Tirpitz would actually listen to him, put away his notebook and walk obediently, the world can learn from it, I don't know how many times I have persuaded Tirpitz in this way, and I have received no replies. You are so annoying, don't worry, and then continue to do your own thing.

Thinking about it this way, Scharnhorst became a little jealous. He adopted Tirpitz for more than two months, took care of food and housing, and let her spoil his own home. It would be better for Lu Yanzhi to accompany him and read a book for a week. more useful?
Therefore, Scharnhorst said sourly: "Tirpitz, hurry up, you are walking too slowly!"

"Walking or something, it's so annoying!"

Lu Yanzhi chuckled and said, "Tirpitz, think about it, we are going home, hurry up, and you will be able to read books and play games comfortably in bed!"

Hearing this, Tirpitz really subconsciously quickened his pace. Although he was still not fast compared to a few others, he really cheered up and concentrated on walking.

Scharnhorst was completely speechless.

 Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 will be posted around eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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