Chapter 178 End

There are a lot of sumptuous Chinese delicacies on the table, the eight major cuisines, the top ten cuisines, in front of Yixian, they are all trivial.

Seeing Fengxiang's ugly face, Yixian was full of ambition.

"Let's try it! How about your sister Chicheng's cooking skills?"

Chinese chef Yixian has absolute confidence in cooking skills, and she is not inferior to anyone else. I have heard that Fusang is the best cook in Japan. If you have the opportunity, you must learn from it.

Chicheng doesn't care about Fengxiang's own death, so how can she say anything more when such delicious food is here.

With a bulging mouth, one hand is still holding chopsticks and stretching out an unknown, but extremely exquisite dish.

In order to gain an absolute advantage, Yixian specially made sweet and sour pork ribs and sweet and sour pork tenderloin. These two dishes were deeply loved by Sanxiao when she guarded the mansion. She is confident that she can also stimulate Sanxiao's taste buds.

Feng Xiang still doesn't give up, he has seen a lot of food that looks good and smells good, so it doesn't necessarily taste as good as it tastes, many people use the color and aroma to attract customers, the taste is really not good.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiang had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but seeing Chicheng's exaggerated eating appearance, Muramashi Xili and the others scrambling to snatch the so-called sweet and sour pork tenderloin, Feng Xiang was suspicious again.

"Try it, Fengxiang, you don't intend to deny it, do you?"

Yixian took the chopsticks and picked up the food for Fengxiang himself.

"It seems that this level cannot be avoided!" Feng Xiang lamented in his heart, why has he always been the most unlucky since Admiral Lu came over?

The ending was already doomed, Fengxiang was judged to lose by absolute disadvantage, and as a bet, she would be a maid for Yixian for a month, serving tea and water, working hard without complaint, and not being dissatisfied.

At the end, Yixian sat next to Lu Yanzhi and watched Fengxiang tidy up the table with a smile. Originally, Fengxiang usually did these tasks, but at this moment, after the meal, Yixian took the initiative to say: "Fengxiang, Clear the table when you're done eating!"

This immediately made Feng Xiang very distressed. I would do it if you didn't say it, but if you say it like this, the nature will change immediately, okay?
It's a bit too much to think about leaving after every meal. This time, Lu Yanzhi plans to chat with Chicheng Fengxiang before leaving, which can be regarded as enhancing their relationship.

Feng Xiang was packing up the tableware in the kitchen, and Chi Cheng was sitting in the living room with Yixian Lu Yanzhi. Even after eating so much, Chi Cheng still wanted some dessert.

"Fengxiang, bring over the desserts from the cupboard!"

Although it was unbelievable, Lu Yanzhi and Yixian were no strangers to it.

After thinking for a while, Yixian got up and went to the kitchen.

Lu Yanzhi explained for Chicheng: "Yixian is just talking to Fengxiang. She is usually very dignified and elegant! Well, it's almost the same as when you don't eat. After all, the eldest sister of the fishery administration boat has to be in front of the juniors. Stay dignified."

Chicheng giggled and said: "It's okay, it's fine to let Feng Xiang's girl be a maid for a few days."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled wryly.

After a while, Fengxiang came out of the kitchen, his face flushed, he casually put the dessert plate in front of Chicheng, and then ran upstairs.

Yixian cheerfully followed Fengxiang out of the kitchen.

"Admiral, it's past seven o'clock!"

Lu Yanzhi turned over his pocket watch, and it was already 07:30. He got up and said to Chicheng, "Then I'll go to Scharnhorst first. I have a hunch that Tirpitz will join our tutelary mansion soon. When your lawsuit is over, we can go back!"

Chicheng didn't keep Lu Yanzhi either. The admiral had important things to do, so how could he stop him at will.

On the way back to Scharnhorst's house, Lu Yanzhi asked Yixian curiously: "Yixian, what did you say to Fengxiang in the kitchen? Fengxiang is so shy!"

Thinking of Fengxiang's performance in the kitchen, Yixian couldn't help laughing: "It's nothing! It's just some ordinary girls' boudoir talk!"


Lu Yanzhi doubted that when he came out with Yixian this time, Yixian became more and more lively. It was not like at the town guard's mansion at all, as if he had liberated his nature. If it was just those private conversations in the boudoir, how could Feng Xiang be so shy.

"It's just some ordinary whispers. Admiral, you should think about how to get Tirpitz willing to board the boat and go back with us, after all, it's so far away!"

Yixian changed the subject, and then, Lu Yanzhi really started to have a headache. Tirpitz was so tired that he didn't want to walk. Could it be that he wanted to find a wheelchair for Tirpitz?Then, the wheelchair still needs to be filled with notebooks?

"Well, it seems that it is really feasible!"

Lu Yanzhi put his hands on the lower bar and thought about it seriously.

Here, as soon as Lu Yanzhi and Yixian left, Chicheng came to Fengxiang's bedroom.

"Fengxiang, what did Yixian tell you?"

She was also a little curious about how Yixian did it, a few words made Fengxiang blush.

"Sister Chicheng, ah, you are so ashamed!"

Feng Xiang didn't hit him, instead he lay on the bed, covered his head on the pillow, and said distressedly.

"what happened?"

"That Yixian, she actually told me, told me that as her maid, from now on, she can't wear those thin underwear!"

Feng Xiang blushed, and finished speaking in one breath.

"Pfft, hahahaha, this Yixian is really good at it." Chicheng smiled heartlessly, this Yixian is too spoof, and he still cares about what underwear he wears?

"Sister Chicheng, you're still laughing, are you still my good sister?" Feng Xiang said aggrievedly.

"Haha, Fengxiang, why are you so stupid? That Yixian told you not to wear it, so you didn't wear it? She couldn't see what was on you!"

"I'm just angry. She, Yixian, is too lenient. Even if you let me be her maid, there's no need to go too far, right?"

"Hey, you can convince her to like the benefits of thin strappy underwear, as long as she likes to wear this kind of underwear herself, how can she have the nerve to bother you!" Sitting beside Fengxiang's bed, Chi Cheng suggested.

"In that case? Is it possible?"

Although Feng Xiang appeared to be inquiring, it could be seen that his heart was moved.

"Is it Yixian? Just fall under my temptation!" Feng Xiang secretly swore in his heart, no matter how dignified, elegant, gentle and pleasant you are, you will always seduce the admiral with the cheongsam on your boat that is slit above your thighs.


Yixian and Scharnhorst rested, while Lu Yanzhi continued to read the notebook with Tirpitz!

However, the goodwill with Tirpitz is not low, Lu Yanzhi thought for a while, and sat on the high stool and asked tentatively: "Tirpitz, have you ever thought about traveling?"


Tirpitz looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, not understanding why Lu Yanzhi asked such a question.

"Yes, it's just going out for a walk, such as a walk-and-go trip, bringing some things, taking a boat to see the sea, climbing mountains and so on."

"Bring the notebook and comics?" Tirpitz looked expectant.


"Then, you bring the money, and I'm only responsible for the kind of travel that reads the book?" Tirpitz's eyes sparkled.

"Uh, yes!" Although Tirpitz's attention was a bit weird, it was easy to discuss if he could go out.

"Forget it! Don't go out, it's very troublesome to go out!" Tirpitz lay on the bed, and said that going out should not be too much trouble.

 Chapter 3 is estimated to be eleven o'clock!puff
(End of this chapter)

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