Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 198 Fragments of Lucky Gold Coins 6

Chapter 198 Fragments of Lucky Gold Coins 6

Tirpitz was indeed sleeping, especially after an hour of hard training, she felt exhausted and paralyzed all over her body, but what could she do? I can't hide.

Lu Yanzhi didn't bother her, and sat on the edge of the bed and watched quietly for a while. Although her sleeping position was unsightly, a cute girl, no matter what, always made people feel cute.

Seeing that Tirpitz showed no sign of waking up, Lu Yanshi headed to the office with the gold coins confiscated by Murasame just now.

As early as when Lu Yanzhi confiscated the gold coin fragment and held the gold coin in his hand, the system sent a reminder: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the gold coin fragment 6 from Lady Luck.

Goddess of Luck's Gold Coin Fragment 6: Reduce the wearing luck by 1 point, with skill: Invisible Darkness: Within a month, an unfortunate event must be triggered (passive effect).Explanation: Everyone longs for good luck. In order to respond to the believers, the goddess of luck specially changed the misfortune of some believers through lucky gold coins, and those misfortunes are all attached to the lucky gold coins.

"System, what is the upper limit of unfortunate events?"

Regarding this aspect, Lu Yanzhi still needs to figure it out. If the misfortune is only good for himself, it is better not to hurt the ship girls under his hands. They often go on expeditions, attack, and escort. The effect will also involve them, so what if you encounter an unsolvable deep-sea ship girl, what should you do?What's more serious, Lu Yanzhi no longer dared to think about it.

"Ding, the unfortunate event is completely random, as long as it is someone or something related to the host, it may be affected."

"Is it possible to sink my own ship?"

"Chicheng's company closed down because of this gold coin!"

The system didn't answer Lu Yanzhi directly, but what he said was enough to make Lu Yanzhi feel cold.

Chicheng is such a big company, if it says it will go bankrupt, it will go bankrupt. If you keep this thing by your side, then once a month in the future, it will be scary to think about it!

Lu Yanzhi asked again: "System, if I don't wear it and just store it, will the unfortunate event take effect?"


The system's affirmative answer directly caused Lu Yanzhi's heart to fall to the bottom, carefully playing with this hot potato, Lu Yanzhi was entangled, he didn't know whether to lose it or keep it.

As if feeling Lu Yanzhi's thoughts, the system said indifferently: "The system can trigger all the unfortunate events every month on the host."

"Uh, if it triggers on me, will it be life-threatening?"

Lu Yanzhi asked weakly, of course he wanted to keep the gold coin, after all, the complete version synthesized is really powerful, but if someone is killed, then Lu Yanzhi will definitely throw it into the sea without hesitation.

"It's possible! This fragment has absorbed too much misfortune, everything is possible!" the system explained frankly.

Lu Yanzhi, who had already reached the door of the office, backed out again, his face pale, this thing can't be kept, it's life-threatening, can it still be kept?

After coming out of the tutelary mansion, he came to the beach and threw the gold coins out forcefully.

"Huh! System, this gold coin has no effect on me now, right?"


"That's good, how could such a terrifying thing appear in the tutelary mansion."

Lu Yanzhi was really powerless to complain.

"System, why do you feel that lucky gold coins are not lucky at all? I saw a total of two fragments, all of which are debuffs."

I still keep Fragment Five. After all, forcing my luck to 30 is still very useful for me now, but Fragment Six is ​​a bit too much.

"Fragments 456 are all debuffs!" The system explained to Lu Yanzhi.

"So to put it bluntly, it's my bad luck?"



Throwing away Fragment 6 was considered a solution to a serious problem, and Lu Yanzhi returned to his office.

Yixian was sitting on the office chair reading the newspaper, when he saw Lu Yanshi coming in, he smiled softly, got up and made tea for Lu Yanshi.

"Yatxian is reading the newspaper? I don't know if there is any major event recently?"

Lu Yanzhi picked up the newspaper and asked casually.

"Yes, I have!"

"Oh, what's the big deal?"

"Hey, the international mercenary Saratoga, by the way, this Saratoga is the one from the former Haikou Ship Girl Alliance." Yixian pointed to the newspaper and said to Lu Yanzhi.


Before he could drink a sip of water, Lu Yanzhi was overwhelmed by Yixian's words.

"Mercenaries? Saratoga?"

"That's right, admiral, what's wrong?" Yixian was very puzzled by his admiral's reaction.

"It's okay, I'm just a little surprised!"

Lu Yanzhi said while wiping the tea stains on the table, and roared in his heart at the same time: How could it be that he was just a little surprised that Saratoga ran to become a mercenary?What international joke, does she know mercenary code?Can she be a good mercenary?Bismarck is about the same, and so is the Prince of Wales.

"Why did she think of running to become a mercenary? It's just nonsense, which makes Nelson know not to kill me!"

"Hey, there is an interview here. She said that she is looking for her sister, and she wants to fight with her sister and grow up!" Yixian continued pointing to the newspaper and said to Lu Yanzhi.

"This sister-in-law!" Lu Yanzhi muttered in a low voice.

"What did the admiral say?"

"Oh, nothing, I mean, I don't know if there is a chance to invite Saratoga to our tutelary!"

"It's probably a bit difficult!" Yixian frowned and said, "If we have Lexington in our tutelary mansion, it's probably the same!"

"No, what I mean is to hire her to help us clean up the sea area. Anyway, there is only the last piece of sea area under our jurisdiction. If she is hired, the Chicheng CV-16 will definitely be able to clean it up." Lu Yan Shi tilted his head and thought seriously.

"In that case, it's okay, but we don't know how to contact her!"

"That's true, but there's no need to worry, anyway, Tirpitz hasn't trained yet, wait until Tirpitz gets up!" Lu Yanzhi continued.

Yixian sighed: "Admiral, if you don't urge Tirpitz, I feel that Tirpitz will never improve his training in this life. This guy is too lazy!"

What Yixian said was the truth, Tirpitz would only listen to his own words in the entire tutelary mansion, and the others, no matter who they were, couldn't say anything. Moreover, even if it was his own words, sometimes they didn't work well.

"Let's see again, first let Tirpitz follow Tennessee with a volley, a half volley, and aim at these societies!"

"You also said that Tennessee has come to complain to me three times. She doesn't want to train Tirpitz anymore. She's too tired!"

What a lonely home girl in the north, she actually made Tennessee complain three times, it's amazing!
Lu Yanzhi admired in his heart, suddenly, he really wanted to know how Tirpitz was angry with Tennessee.


 Ask for recommendation tickets, um, there were only [-] recommendation tickets yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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