Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 200 This Is Not Secondary 2

Chapter 200 This is not Secondary School


At this moment, Rodney looked at Nelson strangely. He had been with her for so long, and he hadn't heard of anyone here who was proficient in legal knowledge.

Nelson continued, "Over there in Bondle City, I heard that there is a ship girl named Washington, a forensic pioneer, and Legally Blonde. She has fought more than 100 lawsuits since her debut, and she has not lost a single one!"

"However, recently, I heard that I lost to a human admiral!"

As Nelson said, he glanced at Lu Yanzhi with a half-smile.

Rodney was surprised: "If this is the case, then if we invite Washington and then the human admiral, won't we win this lawsuit?"

"Of course, and, I have already invited the human admiral!"

"Come here, please? Where are you on the way?" Rodney looked at Lu Yanzhi suddenly, pointed at Lu Yanzhi and asked in surprise, "It's you?"

"Cough, it should be me!" Lu Yanzhi coughed and said modestly.

"Do you still know the law?"

Rodney was amazed. In her opinion, Lu Yanshi was an out-and-out salted fish, the kind that was useless. However, this salted fish she identified refreshed her cognition time and time again. In front of this salted fish, fishing boats has become something that can be done just by talking. The town guard mansion has only been established for more than a year, and there are already many powerful and well-trained ship girls under his command. It is incredible. Now, listen According to my sister, this guy still knows the law?
"I really don't understand this. Washington deliberately released the water that time!" Lu Yanzhi said truthfully.

Rodney patted his chest: "So that's it, I just said, how can you understand everything!"

"Uh, not to mention proficiency, I still know a little bit!"

What Rodney said was the truth. As an ordinary person, how could Lu Yanzhi know everything? However, even if it was the truth, it would be a bit painful to say it. If Nelson didn't understand anything, why would Nelson call me here.

"By the way, Nelson, do you want to send a telegram to Bibi now?" Lu Yanzhi said to Nelson.

Rodney also urged: "Yes, sister, hurry up and send a telegram, the sooner Washington arrives, the sooner it will end."

Sending a telegram asking Washington to come over is only one aspect. The measures Lu Yanzhi just mentioned cannot be missed. Next, Nelson is probably busy. Therefore, please ask his sister Rodney to receive Lu Yanshi. Of course, she She didn't treat Lu Yanzhi as an outsider, but just entrusted Rodney to take Lu Yanzhi to comfort Amethyst. After such a big incident, little Lolita's mood is extremely unstable now, and she might be easily taken away by Lu Yanzhi , this can be regarded as her reward from Nelson for Lu Yanzhi's help this time!
In the dormitory area of ​​the Ship Girl Alliance, the counterattack dormitory, Lu Yanzhi saw Amethyst.

A black blindfold covered one eye. At this moment, the girl was sitting on the counterattack's lap, and her expression was not very stable. Especially, when the door was opened, the little guy was desperately burrowing into the counterattack's arms. Obviously, this piece Things, the impact on amethyst is not small.

Retaliation gently patted Amethyst on the back, and said softly: "Amethyst is good, it's okay, it's just sister Rodney!"

Hearing the counterattack, Amethyst raised her head, saw Rodney, calmed down, and called out timidly: "Sister Rodney!" Then, seeing Lu Yanzhi and prestige behind Rodney, she subconsciously To drill into the arms of the counterattack.

Rodney comforted softly: "Amethyst don't worry, Admiral Lu is a good man."


The little loli huddled in the arms of the counterattack, glanced at Lu Yanzhi and Shengwang from the corner of her eye, and then responded in a low voice.

"What a poor little loli!"

This was Lu Yanzhi's first impression when he saw Amethyst. He had blond hair, no, compared to the blond color of Prestige Counterattack, Little Lolita's hair was more yellowish, and there was a purple blindfold on her left eye.Thinking of the happy middle school girl in the game, and looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but feel pity.

He moved his steps slightly, walked slowly to the opposite side of the counterattack, and then moved a chair to sit down: "Well, hello, Your Royal Highness, the great princess of the other world! I am an ordinary admiral, and my name is Lu Yanzhi! I can recognize you. You are my honor!"

Rodney, who was standing side by side with the prestige, almost couldn't laugh out loud: So, is this worthless guy fishing for a boat through rhetoric?If it's just rhetoric, those ship girls who joined his guard house are too superficial, right?
As expected, Amethyst was a little more serious in the second stage of secondary illness. Lu Yanzhi won the trust of Amethyst with a self-introduction (shame) and openness (shame).

Amethyst, who was hiding in the counterattack arms, looked at Lu Yanzhi curiously, as if looking at the same kind.

Lu Yanzhi continued: "Ah, there must be a powerful forbidden power sealed in Her Royal Highness's left eye! I was once fortunate to know a great existence who also sealed the forbidden power in his body."

The slightly trembling ears told Lu Yanzhi, Amethyst listened again, Lu Yanzhi smiled and continued: "His name is: Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Master Uzumaki Naruto was not seen by others since he was a child, but in the end, through his own efforts, he became a generation of Hokage. He is a superhero I have always admired in my heart."

"Besides, although he was never seen since he was a child, Master Naruto created a very powerful ninjutsu when he first became Hokage. Any man with weak willpower will be affected by this ninjutsu. .”

As he said that, Lu Yanzhi suddenly showed fanaticism: "Master Naruto is a legend in my heart, so, Your Royal Highness, Amethyst, you will definitely become such a character, right?"


Amethyst stared at Lu Yanzhi, with great confidence in his eyes, and gave a firm hum.

"So, how can the great Princess Amethyst be bound by a few ordinary people? Those stupid ordinary people, leave it to your loyal knights, and let me handle it!"


Amethyst hummed again.

Lu Yanzhi continued: "Since Her Royal Highness Princess Amethyst has recognized my knight status, then please Her Royal Highness, Princess, please honor me!"

Amethyst, who was sitting on the counter-attacking leg, thought for two seconds, then got off the counter-attacking leg and stood in front of Lu Yanzhi with a serious face and a solemn expression.

"My knight, you should kneel on one knee at this time!"

Amethyst looked at Lu Yanzhi and said sternly.

Isn't this a marriage proposal?This thought flashed through Lu Yanzhi's mind, but if he retreated at this time, there might be a worse situation. Therefore, after a moment of silence, Lu Yanzhi knelt down on one knee.

"My knight, are you willing to abide by the eight basic rules of knights, humility, integrity, mercy, valor, justice, sacrifice, honor, and soul, and serve me for life to protect me from harm?"

Amethyst did not know where to take out an umbrella, and put it on Lu Yanzhi's shoulder, it should be a ship outfit, Lu Yanzhi lowered his head, thinking inexplicably in his heart.

"I am willing!"

"Then, congratulations, you have become the guardian knight of the great Amethyst!" After that, Amethyst took the umbrella and tapped Lu Yanzhi's neck again, announcing the end of the ceremony.

"My knight, hurry up and tell me the story of Uzumaki Naruto-senpai in detail!"


Counterattack stood up, walked up to Shengfu, and Rodney and the three of them looked at each other inexplicably, with a look of hell.

"Amethyst, are you okay?" Rodney asked uncertainly.

Counterattack nodded and shook his head in a trance: "It should be all right, I don't know either!"

"Sister, is that admiral of yours always"

After enduring it for a long time, the counterattack finally asked.

 Pfft, what about Amethyst Secondary School? ?How did you write it? The main character started committing crimes?The shame is off the charts!sweat!
  Ask for a recommendation ticket, poor man!

(End of this chapter)

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