Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 211 Admiral!help!

Chapter 211 Admiral!help!


To be honest, I was very tired last night, very tired. Therefore, the quarrel in Tirpitz's room woke up most of the people in the tutelary mansion, but did not wake up Lu Yanshi who was still sleeping.

"Bang bang bang! Admiral! Help!"

There was a rushing sound, but Lu Yanzhi didn't wake up, and San Juan came over to open the door.

"Where's the admiral?"

Tirpitz was holding a suitcase that was one size smaller, with a hasty look on his face, and looked behind him from time to time to make sure if his sister had come after him. What she was holding was the part of the pile of books that he was most reluctant to part with. .

San Juan chuckled: "The admiral is still sleeping, what's the matter, do you have anything to do with the admiral?"

"Oh, don't worry, let me go in first! I really have something urgent!" Tirpitz begged San Juan pitifully.

San Juan let the door open, walked in, and said as he walked, "Come in, the admiral should still be on the bed."

"Thank you, thank you, I am grateful for the life-saving grace!"

As soon as the door leaked, Tirpitz ducked in.

Lu Yanshi was woken up by Tirpitz shaking him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Tirpitz sitting next to him, shaking his arms with both hands, his face was full of panic, and at the same time, his mouth Li also muttered in a low voice: "Admiral, admiral, wake up quickly, or I will die if I don't wake up!"

"Ah, Admiral, you finally woke up, that's great, great, you're saved!"

Lu Yanzhi was still in a daze, and then, Tirpitz said, "Admiral, my sister wants to burn these notebooks of mine, please, please help me hide them, this is mine. The only life I have left!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bismarck called Tirpitz came from the corridor.

Tirpitz panicked immediately, and stuffed the suitcase under the bed without saying a word. Then, as Bismarck's footsteps got closer, Tirpitz was in a state of anxiety. How to explain it?how to explain?Why is my sister washing up so quickly?
Without a trace of hesitation, Bismarck walked into San Juan's room, first saw Lu Yanshi still sleeping on the bed, sneered disdainfully, and then looked at Tirpitz: "Tell me, where are those notebooks? Tell me!"

"Little house?"

Tirpitz glared at the little girl who was secretly smiling behind Bismarck.

"Don't look at Xiaozhai, tell me, where are those notebooks?"

"Uh, this, Bismarck, I understand your desire to educate your younger sister, but can you take her out to educate her first? Look, I'm getting ready to get up!" Lu Yanzhi, who was lying on the bed, finally regained his composure. Come on, clutching the quilt and embarrassed Bismarck.

Bismarck carried Tirpitz out. Before leaving, Tirpitz made a gesture of gratitude to Lu Yanzhi. No matter what, the things were kept.


Coming out of San Juan's room, Tirpitz's room fell into an eerie silence, and Lu Yanzhi slipped past.

"Hurry up, besides these, where are the other books?" Bismarck pointed to the table, where there were less than half of the books left in the box and asked Tirpitz.

"that's it!"

Tirpitz was punished to kneel on the ground, holding her ears with both hands, but she still refused to admit her mistake. She confessed leniently, was imprisoned, resisted strictly, and went home for the New Year.

"Admiral, save me!"

Although kneeling on the ground, she still saw Lu Yanzhi approaching.

Bismarck glanced at Lu Yanzhi with lightning eyes, and Lu Yanzhi smiled dryly: "Hey, why don't you go down to eat first, we guard the house according to the rules, when you eat, you have to go to the restaurant!"

What else did Bismarck have to say, Lu Yanzhi continued: "After all, you can educate Tirpitz when you are full, right?"


Tirpitz and Lu Yanshi walked in front, and Bismarck walked behind with Xiao Zhai.

"Admiral, what did you mean by what you said just now? Why should my sister educate me?"

"You stupid, if I didn't say that, would you be able to escape now?" Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

In fact, after learning about the series of events that happened this morning, he had a bold idea in his heart.

Since Bismarck cared so much about his sister, wouldn't an uneasy sister happen to be able to keep Bismarck?And how could Tirpitz be relieved?She just happened to be the perfect candidate for the kind of recidivist who commits crimes against the wind.

With an idea, Lu Yanzhi's thoughts became clear in an instant. First, he catered to Tirpitz on the surface, making her feel that the admiral was standing with her, and then turned around and sold all Tirpitz's little secrets to him. Bismarck, and get the hard-won favorability!

Anyway, Tirpitz is so weak, he won't get angry if he is bullied, and, as Tirpitz's sister, Bismarck, all of this is for Tirpitz's good!
"But alas! Amen!"

Lu Yanzhi mourned for Tirpitz in his heart. In fact, thinking about the girl's performance this day, Lu Yanzhi felt that Tirpitz could perfectly present the image of a problem sister without his help.

"By the way, Tirpitz, what's the matter with that face of yours? It looks a little bruised!"

Lu Yanzhi asked curiously, how could a ship girl be injured for no reason?Especially a guy like Tirpitz who doesn't bother to move.

Tirpitz glanced at Bismarck behind him with lingering fear, and said aggrievedly, "I was beaten by my sister."

Then he said angrily: "Didn't you just draw two of her notebooks, and you beat me so hard!"

"It's true, isn't it just two paintings..."

Lu Yanzhi originally complained about Tirpitz, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Wait, Tirpitz, what are you talking about? You drew two of your sister's notebooks?"

"That's right, I only drew two pictures, but I ended up beating me so hard, Admiral, let me tell you, she beat me harder than Tennessee!"

As he said that, Tirpitz shook his head pretending to be deep: "I really doubt if this is my own sister, alas! It's so difficult!"

Lu Yanzhi was dumbfounded: Girl, you are already invincible, please continue to die cheerfully. I will think of you when I bring your sister back to the town guard's mansion and give her a ring!

He is now full of confidence in fishing for Bismarck. With a player like Tirpitz who is giving his life to assist him, why not worry about it?


This time Lu Yanzhi sincerely mourned for Tirpitz.

Originally, she had been running around with Bismarck's small house, and ran to the front. Since the first contact yesterday, she has looked down on this big self. With an unhappy expression, Xiao Zhai only felt comfortable all over.

She could imagine the scene where Tirpitz, this big himself must have an ugly expression now, and then begged the so-called admiral for help, so she couldn't help but want to see it.

However, the imaginary scene didn't happen. The grown-up version himself was smiling and chatting happily with the admiral.

What made Xiao Zhai feel even worse was that when he came over, he was caught by that big self in an instant, and then hugged him, the kind of struggle was useless.

On the other side, Lu Yanzhi looked enviously at Tirpitz playing with Xiao Zhai, that little lolita, so cute, with a chubby face, cute big eyes, pink mid-length hair, wearing a Wearing cat ear headphones, her figure is a bit shorter than the little girls like Lingbo Cunyu, but because of this, the fat baby looks cute!

"Bismarck must stay in his tutelary mansion!"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly burst into a strong belief, not for Bismarck, but for Tirpitz on this Children's Day.

 puff!So tired! !heartbroken

(End of this chapter)

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