Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 214 Hello, Today's Death Routine

Chapter 214 Hello, Today's Death Routine

The lonely Sukhbaatar came to his Diaoyutai alone, which is his own little world.

Xiao Zhai probably realized that the situation was wrong, and wanted to apologize to Sukhbaatar, but the compliments from Murasame and others made her have no time to pay attention.

Firefly struggled for a while, and went after Sukhbaatar. The relationship between the two of them was still very strong. Her good friend was crying, and she had to comfort her.

Amethyst and Firefly are roommates, and the two are secondary school students in their own way, and they have a good relationship. Seeing Firefly walking away, they also followed.

Xiao Zhai glanced at Firefly and the others, and Cun Yu said nonchalantly, "Don't worry about them, we can just play together!"

As he said that, he became noisy again, and Xiao Zhai, who was fearless in the first place, naturally didn't care, what should he play?Riding a big horse or playing peek-a-boo is worse than playing something exciting...



In the evening, Bismarck was teaching Xiaozhai a lesson, and Tirpitz was covering his mouth and laughing.

The reason for the lesson is naturally very simple, that is, Firefly filed a complaint on behalf of Sukhbaatar. However, after all, a few little lolitas are making trouble, and Lu Yanzhi originally planned to ignore it, especially since he still wanted to fish for a small house. However, seeing Sukhbaatar's aggrieved expression, Lu Yanzhi still felt distressed, so he casually mentioned something to Bismarck.

As a result, Xiao Zhai was given a severe lesson by Bismarck. I have to say that in this respect, Xiao Zhai and Tirpitz really deserved to be a ship girl.

"I didn't do anything wrong, it was she who said it herself!" Being punished to stand, she faced the wall and thought about her mistakes, and still stubbornly defended herself.

Wearing a small pale pink pajamas, with pink hair still dripping wet, Kotaku stood restlessly.

Bismarck was choked, Tirpitz lay on the bed, laughing, and his powerful sister was choked by the trumpet himself.

However, Bismarck's indifferent eyes made Tirpitz suddenly dumbfounded. What she needs to worry about now is the exercise plan that Bismarck made for her, which is far more ruthless than what Tennessee prepared for her. She is merciless and trains for eight hours a day. , four hours in the morning and four hours in the evening.

On the other side, Bismarck sighed slightly. The two sisters seemed to be worried.

After the punishment station was over, Xiao Zhai's face was full of unhappiness. He probably thought that he had done nothing wrong, so why should Sister Meow punish herself?

Seeing Xiao Zhai's angry appearance, Bismarck embraced Xiao Zhai and explained: "Xiao Zhai, we are in someone else's town guard, no matter how powerful you are, you can't mock others!"

"I didn't ridicule, I just said a few words casually!"

Xiao Zhai didn't want to talk to Sister Miao at first, but she loves Sister Meow the most, so it's hard to ignore her, and she must correct this aspect.

Bismarck immediately didn't intend to continue entangled with Xiao Zhai on this issue. She didn't have much patience with children, and if this little loli wasn't Xiao Zhai, she wouldn't care.

"All in all, your behavior today is wrong. Besides, you made people cry, and you haven't apologized to them yet. How did I teach you before?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhai lowered his head shyly, originally he was going to apologize, but he got carried away and forgot to apologize.

"Do you know it's wrong? If you know it's wrong, you have to correct it. Don't learn from Tirpitz!"

"I won't imitate that otaku!" Kotaku wrinkled his nose and said with a glance at Tirpitz.

Tirpitz is inexplicable, you two!Said, why pull the firepower to me.

Tirpitz, who hadn't read the book for a day, was depressed. His sister went to take a bath. Tirpitz thought about whether to sneak into the admiral's room, where he still had his last private collection.

Move as much as you want, Tirpitz didn't say "lazy house" when dealing with the notebook, and when he turned his head, Xiao Zhai stared at him covetously.

"Forget it, my sister can't let the last stock be discovered, especially the admiral's rare book."

Thinking of this, Tirpitz collapsed on the bed again.

"Hey! No, I still have a baby!"

Tirpitz sat up abruptly, and she suddenly remembered that she still had something interesting.

"Haha, it really is here, PR5 game console!"

Blowing on the dust, Tirpitz laughed out loud. Since he bought a lot of notebooks, this game console hasn't seen the sun for a long time. No, dust has accumulated.

Turn on the power skillfully, then, take out the handle and play!What's good?Super Mario!

When Bismarck came out of the bathroom, he saw two Tirpitzs, one big and one small!Looking intently at a strange box.

"Oh, you're dead again, why are you so stupid!" Little Tirpitz patted Tirpitz angrily.

"It's obvious that you died before me?" Big Tirpitz poked little Tirpitz's face and said with a smile.

"You're so stupid, if it's Sister Meow, you'll be able to beat me easily!" Little Tirpitz slapped Big Tirpitz's hand away and continued.

"Sister? Maybe, I feel that my sister is not as good as me!" Big Tirpitz said proudly. When it comes to playing games, no one in the tutelary mansion is her opponent, not even the admiral, his own sister?Heck, it's not certain whether he will play or not.

"Sister Meow is the most powerful!" Xiao Zhai looked determined, with almost blind confidence in Bismarck.

"What are you two talking about?" Bismarck walked over wrapped in a towel.

Tirpitz stared at Bismarck, and nonchalantly said: "The painting was too small before!"

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, hey, sister, can you play this game?"

Bismarck shook his head and said flatly, "No!"

Tirpitz looked at Xiao Zhai proudly, needless to say Xiao Zhai could understand the meaning.

Xiao Zhai shook his head and hummed softly: "Anyway, you can't pass this level, so what's there to be proud of!"

Tirpitz said without turning his head, "Anyway, I'm better than you!"

Opened a new round of the game, and said again: "It's better than my sister!"

"Tirpitz, can't you focus on something else? Waste your life on these heresy all day long!"

"It's okay, my life is enough to waste!" Manipulating the handle, Tirpitz's gaze was fixed on Bismarck.

Bismarck laughed angrily.

"Then have you ever thought that one day, your admiral will be old, unable to walk, or die of old age, what will you do?"


In the game, the character controlled by Tirpitz died again, and she put down the controller. Tirpitz looked at Bismarck without saying a word. What Bismarck said just now made her a little inexplicable, but she also felt panic.

"If the admiral gets old, I will too!"

Bismarck completely refused to take Tirpitz away.

My younger sister has joined the tutelary mansion wholeheartedly, so I really can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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