Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 222 Day 1 after Bismarck left

Chapter 222 The first day after Bismarck left


Tirpitz's plea did not have any effect, and he did not know what Bismarck thought.

At noon the next day, guard the outside of the mansion.

Firefly and others gave Xiaozhai gifts, plush toys, toy pistols, and Firefly gave Xiaozhai a pink scarf. It can be said that they are very considerate. After all, the weather will only get colder and colder, right?

Here, Xiao Zhai bid farewell to his little friends with aggrieved feelings. Their friendship is very strong now.On the other side, Tirpitz also stood in front of Bismarck with an expression of indescribable reluctance.

"Sister, don't go!"

With that said, Tirpitz hugged Bismarck, unwilling to let go.

Bismarck patted Tirpitz's hair lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will come back to see you in the future, and you can also visit me, the address has been given to you!"

"Then you must come and see me!" Tirpitz sobbed.

"Of course, you are my younger sister, so I will definitely come to see you. Besides, I also want to see if your training has failed, and if you have been bullied in the tutelary mansion!"


After a long time, pushing away Tirpitz who was unwilling to let go, Bismarck came to Lu Yanzhi.

"I will leave my sister to you, and I will make time to come and see it in the future!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, then glanced at Tirpitz and said, "Has Bismarck ever thought about staying in our tutelary mansion? After all, if your sister is here, you don't have to wander outside like this." vagabond!"

"Needless to say, I have my own plans, you just need to take good care of my sister!" Bismarck stopped Lu Yanzhi's words and said decisively.

"Don't worry, Tirpitz is one of the few battleships in our tutelary mansion, and I will definitely treat it well!"

Saying the same thing too much will only make people disgusted, so Lu Yanzhi stopped talking about what was left behind.


"Xiao Zhai! Let's go!"

Saying goodbye to several people one by one, Bismarck called the small house next to him to get on the road.

"Sister Meow, will we come back?"

Xiao Zhai, carrying a large bag of things, followed behind Bismarck and asked in a low voice.

Bismarck smiled slightly, and asked without answering, "What do Xiao Zhai think of the people in this tutelary mansion?"

"Well, Sister Yixian is so gentle. She cooks delicious food for me. Although Sister Sister Eats often grabs snacks with me, she is also very good. Sister San Juan and Sister Atlanta also often give me delicious food. Firefly is actually real. Knowing magic, Amethyst's eyes really have forbidden power!"

Xiao Zhai talked incessantly.

"What does Xiao Zhai think of Admiral Lu?"

"Well, Admiral Lu? It's okay, you often tell me stories!"

As he said that, Xiao Zhai's eyes lit up: "Sister Meow, are you really drunk and beat Jiang Menshen? Also, Jingyanggang beat tigers!"

A black line appeared on Bismarck's forehead. What kind of mess is this? Isn't it easy for him to kill a tiger?What can be solved with a single shot, but also with fists?Also, who is that Jiang Menshen?

"Go back and deal with the matter over there and come here!"

Bismarck had an idea in his mind, Xiaozhai liked it here, and Tirpitz was also here, just like what Lu Yanzhi said, why are he still wandering?If you want to join the tutelary mansion, it would be great to join the same tutelary mansion with your younger sisters. However, it still depends on how the admiral Lu is doing. This month's contact is not bad, but it is inevitable that the other party is just for the performance in front of me. On purpose.


Here, Tirpitz was sad for a while, but Lu Yanzhi's persuasion was of little use. Finally, as a last resort, he took out two other notebooks rewarded by the system to let Tirpitz settle down.

Lying on Lu Yanshi's bed, Tirpitz communicated with Lu Yanshi while flipping through the book: "Admiral, it's agreed, you must help me find my sister as soon as possible!"

"It's not a problem for me to get Bismarck back, but I'm worried about getting Bismarck back, what if you don't have a good life? After all, I can't read the book, go to bed early and get up early every day, shelling training, dodging training!"

"It's okay, as long as my sister comes back, these are not a problem!"

Tirpitz said nonchalantly as his tender white legs dangled.

"Hey, by the way, speaking of it, Tirpitz, how did you and your sister train for a month? Look, I gave you the last two notebooks!"

Speaking of training, Tirpitz sat up, put the notebook on his lap, and said triumphantly: "Don't worry, I'm very good now, and I beat my sister in fighting yesterday!"

"Have it?"

Lu Yanzhi frowned and looked at the system. Tirpitz's training level has only increased by three levels compared to a month ago, and now he is only at level [-].

"But, I feel that your practice has not improved much!"

Tirpitz stared: "What is the relationship between the battleship's combat effectiveness and training? It mainly depends on shelling, hitting, dodging, heh, after a month of devil training, my hit rate has skyrocketed now!"

"That's just right, let me see you and Tennessee's prestige exercise tomorrow!"

"Practice? I have practiced enough with them. My winning rate has reached 20.00% five, so I don't want to practice!"

Tirpitz was unhappy in various ways. When training with his sister, Prestige Tennessee, Akagi CV-16 and the others were often invited by his sister to practice with him. Prestige Tennessee was okay, but Akagi and CV-16 were simply unbearable. Airplanes, bombers, humming, it's so annoying.

Night, after eleven o'clock.

"Hey, it's strange, why didn't my sister call me back to sleep today?"

Tirpitz sat up from Lu Yanshi's bed, and after a while, he suddenly realized that his sister had already gone back, and no one would wake him up from now on.

"elder sister!"

"Well, no, so I can read the book all day in the future, right?"

"Hey, where's the admiral?"

"Forget it, I'll sleep here today!"

Of course Lu Yanzhi wasn't there, it was a long night, so maybe he still had to stay here with Tirpitz to read the book, really, he slipped to Yixian's dormitory long ago.

When the first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, Tirpitz woke up in Lu Yanshi's bed. The reason for waking up so early was that she was going to run!
The chill in the early morning made Tirpitz clear-headed in an instant. His sister has already gone back, so no one will take care of him in the future!

In this case?

How about some morning exercises? Tirpitz, who had already arrived at the small square, ran back to the dormitory in an instant, and then got under the covers.


Bismarck's departure, Tirpitz was not sad for a long time, even because he didn't need to run or train, Tirpitz was very grateful, which was a headache.

When it was time to eat breakfast, Lu Yanzhi realized that Tirpitz hadn't come over again.

This guy, Bismarck left, is her sadness all fake?
I'm afraid I'm very happy!

 Sorry for the lateness!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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