Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 226 Emotional Intelligence Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 226 Emotional Intelligence Breaks Through the Sky

A little girl in love, well, people can't help but their hearts are beating wildly. Even if they are married to San Juan and Yixian, most of the love words during the love period are said by Lu Yanzhi. They heard that they had never been provoked by Jianniang's close-calling confession of love.

For example, here, when the two walked to the restaurant, Lu Yanzhi introduced everything about the tutelary mansion, while bragging to Clarkston about his cooking skills.

"My cooking skills are very good. Well, you don't know, Clarkston. Before Yixian joined our tutelary mansion, I cooked all the food in the tutelary mansion, and they all said it was delicious!"

"It's amazing!" Claxton's adoring eyes can satisfy any man's vanity, but unfortunately, it belongs to and only belongs to Lu Yanzhi.

"However, Claxton only makes desserts!"

As he said that, Clarkston showed an aggrieved look on his face, which made people feel distressed.

"It's great to be able to make desserts. None of the current destroyers in the guardian mansion can help in the kitchen, they can only make trouble." Lu Yanzhi hurriedly comforted.

"Really?" The girl's eyes were wide open, full of expectation.

"of course it's true!"

Walking into the restaurant, Shuanghai was preparing dinner, and Lu Yanzhi introduced it.

"Hey, these two are sisters Ping Hai and Ning Hai. They are now mainly responsible for the three meals of our tutelary mansion!"

Little Lolita ran over immediately: "Hello, sister Pinghai, hello, sister Ninghai, sisters have worked hard!"

Ping Hai is usually heartless and doesn't express anything about it, but Ning Hai thinks a lot. Since he entered the tutelary mansion, he was immediately assigned to the restaurant and worked hard. This is the first time a little loli has said to him that he has worked hard, no? , Those grown-ups didn't say anything either.

Thinking about it this way, Ning Hai's affection for Clarkston has greatly increased. Although it is a light cruiser, Ning Hai's loli figure is about the same height as Clarkston. Clarkston a drumstick.

"Thank you, sister Ning Hai!" Clarkston smiled and thanked Ning Hai, and then took the chicken leg.

"Sister Ning Hai, you are busy first, I will continue to familiarize myself with the admiral and go to the guardian mansion!"

"What a sensible and cute little loli!" Ning Hai secretly sighed as he watched the backs of Clarkston and Lu Yanshi going upstairs.

Here, Claxton took the chicken leg and immediately handed it to Lu Yanshi: "Admiral, this chicken leg is for you to eat!"

My God, Clarkston, are you so sensible?

Touching the soft long hair, he said to the little loli, "Eat it, sister Ning Hai gave it to you, if you eat it for me, wouldn't it hurt sister Ning Hai's heart?"

"Well, let's do it this way, we'll be half of us!"

"It's okay, Clarkston, you can eat!"

Claxton tilted his head, and said rather outrageously: "But, shouldn't delicious food be shared with the person you love the most?"


Such a little loli, please give me a dozen!
In the end, Lu Yanzhi and Clarkston shared a chicken leg amicably.

What I eat is not chicken legs, but the deep love of the girl.

Continue chatting and come to the cafe in San Juan.

"Then, did you see those two at the bar? The one with pink hair is sister San Juan, and the one with lavender hair is sister Atlanta. They are the owners of the cafe. They usually mix drinks and make desserts!"

Hearing this, Claxton ran over again: "Sister San Juan, sister Atlanta, hello, I am Clarkston, the ship girl that the commander just built!"

Then, the girl raised her head and asked, "Sister, can I ask you about making desserts?"

Suddenly a cute little loli rushed up and asked himself, San Juan was still a little confused, until he saw Lu Yanzhi's eyes, he didn't know that this was his admiral who built a new ship girl.

He squatted down and touched his head: "Of course, after all, Clarkston is so cute!"

"Thank you, Sister San Juan, and Sister Atlanta!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to hold Lu Yanzhi's hand and passed.

San Juan was left alone and said to himself: "What a polite little girl!"

Continue walking with the little guy: "This is Sister Helena, the most powerful of the light cruisers in our tutelary mansion!"

"Wow, hello sister Helena, I'm Clarkston, sister Helena is amazing!"

Helena smiled softly.

"This is Tirpitz of our tutelary mansion, battleship!"

"Well, sister Tirpitz, is sister Tirpitz tired? If you are tired, go back to the dormitory to rest! I am Clarkston!"

Tirpitz looked at Lu Yanzhi and then at Clarkston, showing old Si Ji's smile.

"This is the aircraft carrier of our tutelary fort, CV-16!"

"Wow, hello sister, I'm Clarkston, my sister is so beautiful!"

CV-16 pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and nodded to Clarkston.

"This is sister Chicheng, you have to be careful, eat the snacks that support sister often grabs destroyers!"

"Well, hello sister, I'm Clarkston, if sister is hungry, you can tell me, I will give you my share!"

"Hehe, thanks to Clarkston!" Akagi responded unceremoniously, shameless, the guy who grabs snacks with the little Lolita!

"Sister Shengfu is not here, but you just need to remember that apart from cooking problems, she can help you with anything else!"

"Oh, it's amazing!" the little guy admired.

"Also, Sister Tennessee and Sister Fengxiang are not here because they went to escort them!"

"I really want to see them soon!"

After a round of introduction, the little guy relied on his super high EQ, and everyone praised him without hesitation.

Sitting down on the sofa beside him, Lu Yanzhi asked Helena to bring over two cups of milk tea.

"Well, strawberry flavor, I really like it! Admiral, how do you know my hobby, it must be my heart telling you, right?"

Helena looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, and the meaning was self-evident: Admiral, what did you do to this little girl?
However, Little Lolita Clarkston is a naturally dull little guy in some respects, and she didn't notice the impact of these words on others. At this moment, she was looking at the embarrassed Lu Yanshi curiously, I don't know why the admiral has such a big reaction, and what is the meaning of sister Helena's strange eyes.

After sending Helena away, Lu Yanzhi continued to ask the girl questions.

"Speaking of which, does Clarkston have any hobbies?"


The girl held the milk tea and thought about it!Said: "Make love desserts for you, Admiral!"


"I mean, not because of me, but what you like to do, Clarkston!"

"Is that so?"

"Painting, I like painting the most!"

When it comes to painting, the girl is obviously happy, no, the girl is already very happy when she is with Lu Yanzhi, but she is even happier.

After all, there is nothing more satisfying than talking about your hobbies with the admiral!

 Well!I want to marry Clarkston, ah ah ah ah
(End of this chapter)

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