Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 228 Another ship girl?

Chapter 228 Another ship girl?


Clarkston's painting skills are indeed still at the novice stage. After all, a newborn little loli, even if she got the memory of steel, has never been in actual combat.When the painting was seen by Tirpitz, it was inevitable to laugh at it again.

Seeing Clarkston's aggrieved expression, Lu Yanzhi was about to go crazy, and tried his best to comfort Clarkston, and then taught Tirpitz severely, saying it was a lesson, but in fact it was just in the name of a lesson It's just bullying Tirpitz. After all, Tirpitz doesn't feel too good.

How do you say that?

Looking at the thin one, it is enough to touch the fleshy one, but Tirpitz seems to be fleshy too, anyway, pinching his face feels very good.

Christmas is coming, and another day, Lu Yanshi, who was sitting in the cat's ear maid cafe, heard San Juan talking about what kind of event he wanted to launch that day.

Tennessee and Fengxiang came back a long time ago, and naturally they also saw Clarkston.

On Christmas Eve, at the suggestion of San Juan and Atlanta, they had turkey for dinner. Ning Hai Pinghai hadn't planned to do it, but San Juan and the others said that, and Lu Yanzhi also agreed. There must be a holiday look.

Compared to Christmas Eve, Lu Yanzhi prefers Christmas. The town guard specially bought two sets of Santa Claus clothes. Of course, they are the kind of seductive uniforms worn by women.

It was night, and Yat-sen in Santa Claus costume had a special flavor.

Christmas is over, and New Year's Day is coming in a few days. For Japanese ship girls, these few days are the New Year.

Fu Bo took out the shrine maiden costume that was rarely worn once. The appearance was the same as the one I saw at the shrine. It was dignified and elegant, and the little lolita was also very cute, especially compared to other Japanese ship girls, she looked more stable.

Akagi wants the shrine to pray for blessings.

There are no shrines in Haikou City at all, so I can only go to Hengbing City.

Fortunately, there is a small yacht in the tutelary mansion, and it only takes three or four days to go back and forth from the tutelary mansion to Hengbing City.

After all, this is Chicheng's first request since he joined the tutelary mansion for so long, and he can't disappoint. Fengxiang and Fubo are also accompanying him.

When he came to Hengbing City, Fu Bo looked at Lu Yanzhi anxiously, as if he had something to say, and Lu Yanzhi naturally knew the reason.

"Chicheng, let's go to the Jiugong Shrine!" Lu Yanzhi suggested.

Chi Cheng and Feng Xiang naturally had no objection, but Fu Bo looked at Lu Yanzhi with gratitude.

Picking up the little loli, Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly and said, "Of course I remember that place. I promised to bring Fubo here when I'm free!"

"Thank you Admiral!"

Fu Bo was very happy.

When I came to Washinomiya Shrine, everything was still the same as before. The only difference was that more people came to pray. I don’t know if it’s because of the New Year or Fubo’s absence. If it’s the second reason, That was enough to make Fu Bo sad.


Chicheng and Fengxiang were praying, and Fu Bo held her mother-in-law's hand and said this happily.

"The admiral is very kind to me, and my sister is also very kind to me!"

"That's good, that's good!" The mother-in-law obviously missed Fu Bo very much, and kept touching Fu Bo's little head.

Lu Yanzhi stood aside, feeling a little redundant, after thinking about it, he went to worship God with Chicheng and the others.

Coming out of Jiugong Shrine, Fu Bo looked down, and Lu Yanzhi smiled and comforted him for a while.

Well, speaking of it, Lu Yanshi was selfish when he accompanied Chicheng to Hengbing City to worship gods near the end of the year. It is said that Hengbing City is similar to an island country in the old world. Many Japanese homeless ship girls will definitely like to stay here. Lu Yanzhi still hopes to meet by chance, and then, with Chicheng's face, he can easily get back the tutelary mansion.

After all, Akagi, as the big sister of the Japanese series, is the leader of all Japanese ship girls.

However, Akagi scoffed at this idea.

"If it's a destroyer or something, Chicheng can easily get it back. However, if it's an adult ship girl, how can she join the tutelary mansion because of a spiritual belief? Adult ship girls value the quality of the admiral more!"

This is the original words of Akagi.

Since there was no boat to be seen, he went back. Lu Yanzhi didn't want to waste any more time outside.

However, as the so-called endless road, there is another village in the dark, as the protagonist, there must be some different opportunities.

At the pier, a stunning woman with long black hair looked around blankly, attracting attention.

"Chicheng, do you think that girl is the ship's wife?" Touching Chicheng's clothes, Lu Yanzhi pointed to the stunning woman and asked in a low voice.

Akagi chuckled, the admiral wanted to know if she was the ship's mother?It's not easy!
Walking up to the black-haired woman: "Yihangzhan, Chicheng, hello!"

"Ah, Five Air Battles, Xianghe joins in, are you Senior Chicheng?"

Xianghe was stunned, he just came out to pay homage to the shrine, why did he appear at the pier out of nowhere?And, how did you meet Akagi-senpai?

Akagi muttered, and then looked at the admiral behind him.

"Do you have any difficulties? Do you need my help!"

"If possible, I would be very grateful!" Xianghe said, nodding slightly to Akagi, and then told Akagi about his predicament.

I went out to pay homage with my sister, but because there were too many people, I got separated. As a result, I came to the pier inexplicably.

"In this case, let my admiral help you!"

As Chicheng said, he pulled Lu Yanshi over.

"You, hello, my name is Lu Yanzhi, the admiral of Chicheng!"

Lu Yanzhi was still a bit sluggish, just when he was about to go back, he met a ship lady, Xianghe, and also a younger sister, Ruihe?

Be good, the protagonist's halo is invincible, okay, the ship girl who is rarely seen in other people's family, but here, everything becomes a piece of cake.

This is Xianghe, one of the three major wives!

"Admiral, Xianghe is lost, don't you think you can help?" Chicheng reminded from the side.

"It's a matter of duty, may I ask Miss Xianghe, which shrine did you and your sister go to?"

"What about the Washinomiya Shrine!" Xianghe said.


Taking Xianghe to Jiugong Shrine, at the same time, Lu Yanzhi was puzzled, Jiugong Shrine?Why didn't you meet Ruihe just now?

When he came to the foot of the shrine, Xianghe showed a relaxed expression, this is the place, if no one helps, I am afraid I really can't find it.

Lu Yanzhi was going to take Xianghe up to look for him, but he was attracted by a youthful and beautiful figure.

"Miss Xianghe, do you think that is your sister?"

"Yes, it is!"

Xianghe nodded to Lu Yanzhi, then waved: "Ruihe, Ruihe, I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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