Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 230 Fishing won't be so easy

Chapter 230 Fishing won't be so easy


Akita County, this is a county attached to Hengbing City, where Xianghe Ruihe temporarily lives.

When he was at Jiugong Shrine in Hengbing City, Ruihe saw his sister with some strangers, pulled her behind him, and looked at them with vigilance, especially Lu Yanshi.

Through Xianghe's introduction, coupled with Chicheng's face, Ruihe was simply relieved. How could a person who can be recognized by Chicheng's seniors be a bad person who abducts women and children?
In the end, he was also honored by Akagi, and was invited by the two to come to Akita County as a guest at their home.

After all, Chicheng still has some face, Lu Yanzhi even thought, if Kaga is added, can the two of them be brought back to the guardian mansion directly.It's a pity that Kaga only met in the Ship Girl Alliance, and because of Yixian, he didn't have a deep contact with him.It must be a pity.

Came to Xianghe Ruihe's residence, an ordinary two-bedroom apartment, only Xianghe Ruihe and two sisters.

Even so, there is nothing to say about the working ability of the ship's mother. Even if she is just born, she can quickly adapt to the life of human society. Making money is just a trivial matter, except for some lazy players and some weak players.

Although Xianghe is timid and confused, his younger sister Ruihe is different. She is smart and capable, and will never suffer a little bit. Therefore, if you want to live in a luxury apartment or something, it is completely fine. But it is not necessary.

After entering the house, Xianghe walked to the kitchen with the prepared ingredients, and the rare senior Chicheng came over, so he naturally wanted to treat him well.

Ruihe, as the host, invited them to sit down in the living room and chat.

"There must be something special about the tutelary mansion that senior Chicheng favors, right?"

This is probably Ruihe's most curious question. Chicheng actually joined a little-known small town guard.

Lu Yanzhi smiled awkwardly. His own tutelary mansion perfectly responded to the sentence that more than the top is not enough, and the bottom is more than the bottom.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just an ordinary tutelary mansion."

Rui He continued to ask: "If this is the case, it must be that you, as the admiral, have something attractive."

"Where is it, a layman!"

Lu Yanzhi continued to be embarrassed. Is this Xingshi's questioning?Are you unwilling to let the senior you admire run away with others?
Ruihe was still waiting to ask, and Chicheng was on the sidelines to help Lu Yanshi: "There is no way to join the admiral's tutelary mansion. The admiral is super caring and gentle. Ruihe, you know, as a ship's wife, if you like it, that's it." It's been a lifetime, so I don't want to lose such a perfect admiral!"

Ruihe smiled: "After hearing what senior Chicheng said, Admiral Lu is really good at taking care of people!"

"Ruihe, of course you don't know how much the admiral cares about people!"

As Chicheng said, he reached out and hugged Lu Yanzhi with an indescribably intimacy.

The corner of Feng Xiang's mouth twitched slightly beside him, caring about people?I really haven't felt it.

The communication was not pleasant, at least for Lu Yanzhi, Ruihe's proactive questions were completely like asking questions.

Although he also wants to win the two sisters, but from the current point of view, the chance is not great.

The living room fell into silence until dinner was served.

Taking off the apron, Xianghe is worthy of the name of wife.

"Today, Senior Akagi can live in our house!"

Before Chicheng could answer, Ruihe shouted from the side: "Sister!"

"We only have two bedrooms. They live here. Where do we sleep? A sofa?"

Xianghe looked dazed for a while, and then said: "Well, the two of us sleep in one room, and senior Chicheng, senior Fengxiang and Fubo can also sleep in one room!"

As he said that, he looked at Lu Yanzhi and showed an apologetic smile: "I just wronged Admiral Lu, and I can only sleep on the sofa tonight!"

Ruihe didn't speak anymore. In front of outsiders, especially Senior Chicheng, my sister still has to give her face.

Perhaps because it was rare to meet a Japanese ship girl, it was rare for Chicheng not to refuse, but to always look forward to Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi nodded helplessly, how could he disagree?

The next day, bid farewell to Ruihe and Xianghe, and set foot on the way back to the tutelary mansion.

Before leaving, Chicheng specially sent out an invitation: "If Xianghe Ruihe is bored, you can go to our tutelary mansion, I will welcome you solemnly!"

Ruihe nodded politely, Xianghe smiled softly: "I will definitely!"

"Well, Chicheng, do you think there is any hope for me to catch Xianghe Ruihe?" On the yacht, Lu Yanzhi sat on the side and said to Chicheng.

"Well, the admiral has to believe in himself, no matter what, Chicheng will support the admiral!" Chicheng sat upright, but his attention was obviously not on Lu Yanzhi.

After grabbing the snacks on the small table, Lu Yanzhi dressed up in a suit and said angrily: "I entrust you with the task of fishing for Xianghe Ruihe. If you don't complete it, the supper will be cancelled!"

"Admiral not!"

Akagi exclaimed.

"I don't care, it's up to you to get Xianghe Ruihe anyway!"

After snatching the dim sum twice but not getting it back, Chicheng said quietly: "Admiral, if you don't show yourself, how can I help you get the boat!"

"Behave? How should I behave? It's not like you haven't seen it. Ruihe obviously doesn't like me!"

Speaking of Ruihe, Lu Yanzhi was also very distressed, the admiral fishing boat, that is not to do what he likes, to increase his goodwill, but for Ruihe, a person who is not interested in his first impression, it is not easy to increase his goodwill What's more, I don't know what people like at all. This is equivalent to the difficult mode. As a result, due to force majeure, it has been raised to the difficulty of hell.

"Ruihe, admiral, don't worry, she's a duplicity sister-controlling tsundere girl, as long as you catch Xianghe, she will definitely join the tutelary mansion!"

Chicheng was triumphant, last night, he had communicated with the pair of sisters for a long time, and he could figure out Ruihe's personality clearly.

"Liu Xianghe, it shouldn't be difficult for you, Admiral, right?"

Lu Yanzhi thought about it, confused sister-in-law?It seems that it is not too difficult to catch Xianghe for a weak wife.

"So, admiral, next time they come to our town guard mansion, I will take the opportunity to take Ruihe to practice and buy time for you, admiral, so you can show your skills in front of Xianghe!"

"Haha!" After being enlightened by Chicheng, Lu Yanzhi was in a good mood.

"Aiqing really won my favor, yes, yes!"

"In that case, then admiral, return the snacks to me!"

"No!" Feeling nothing, Lu Yanzhi immediately wanted to make fun of Chicheng, no matter how you say it, Chicheng is still very cute!

Akagi suddenly panicked.

"Open your mouth, I'll feed you!"


Sure enough, for Chicheng, food is more important, besides, it's no big deal for the admiral to feed, isn't it?

Lu Yanzhi's eyes widened in vain.

"Chicheng, don't move your tongue!"

 Well, the writing style is rubbish, but as a result, I can't write more and more. Am I really born to rush to the street?
(End of this chapter)

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