Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 237 Lexington is Coming

Chapter 237 Lexington is Coming

Yixian received Lu Yanzhi's instructions, as long as it is a gift, he will keep it all at once, and there is no need to worry. The number of gift-givers has decreased these days.

Tirpitz kept saying that he was worried about his sister coming over, but he still went his own way, showing no sign of worry.

Tennessee, on the other hand, heard the news that Bismarck was coming, so he secretly sought out Lu Yanshi.

"Admiral, Bismarck is coming to our tutelary mansion?"


"Admiral, have you managed to salvage the boat?"

"No, she came here because of Tirpitz." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, as long as he lives in this tutelary mansion, he will become his own sooner or later.


Tennessee murmured.

"It's over, it's over, no, I want to discuss it with Tirpitz."

"Wait, Tennessee, Bismarck is coming, why are you in a hurry?"

"Admiral, it's not that you don't know that Bismarck and I have had a feud, and this time we stole equipment that originally belonged to her sister."

Tennessee glanced at Lu Yanzhi rather resentfully. The equipment originally belonged to Tirpitz. When she said this, her heart was bleeding, as if she had seen those girls controlling 6 waving their small wings and flying. To Tirpitz.

"What should I do? Don't worry. When Bismarck comes, I will tell her that Bismarck knows Tirpitz's character, so what else can he say!"

Lu Yanzhi said nonchalantly, these days, he finally figured it out, here is the reality, although slow ships are dangerous on the battlefield, but they are also rare combat power, especially Tennessee's combat literacy is not low, even if compared to Not Nelson of the Ship Girl Alliance, and Maryland of the War Department of the Ship Girl Alliance in Luyang City, but at least they are not bad.

An ordinary decision moved Tennessee and made Lu Yanzhi laugh.

The days went on, and Bismarck said he would come, but there was no movement.

"Yixian, I can't help it anymore, I want to build!"

"If you want to build it, build it, admiral, we have more than 1 resources now, admiral, you can build it twice."

"Hey, don't worry, I will only build it once. After all, one construction will cost four to five thousand, five to six thousand, and some resources should be reserved for the tutelary mansion to consume."

Although Lu Yanzhi couldn't wait to build it and try the effect of Fragment One, he didn't lose his mind.

When I came to the warehouse, I took out Fragment 1 carefully and put it on the steel next to it.

"Lucky gold, lucky gold, I want to build, I want Lexington, give me a wife, be content."

The gold coin fragments did not respond at all, and Lu Yanzhi couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"System, is it in effect? ​​Why is there no golden light or anything?"

"The wish has come into effect, the host doesn't have to worry, this time, the host has a 30.00% chance of successfully building Lexington!"

"Haha, that's fine!"

Lu Yanzhi could still trust this unreliable system.

Put away the pieces of gold coins, and reach out to the steel.


Familiar feeling, familiar scene.

A large sea area.

Lexington is very familiar. I have been looking forward to its existence in the game for a long time. I have read the information in the ship R encyclopedia more than once, and I have also read the Lexington in history no less than ten times.

The second aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy. At the end of World War I, due to the Washington Treaty, the Lexington-class battlecruisers were converted into aircraft carriers.

I forgot when I joined the army. However, I started to serve in 28 years. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because it was not in the port, so it avoided disaster.

Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, he took Saratoga and other aircraft carriers to practice and train pilots on the west coast of the United States, and accumulated rich experience for US aircraft carrier battles.

In 42, Lexington joined the battle with great success.

In May of 42, on the surface of the Coral Sea, the Lexington reconnaissance plane discovered the Japanese aircraft carrier Shokaku, and the two sides released the carrier-based aircraft almost simultaneously.

In the end, two torpedoes hit the Lexington and it sank.

As the pioneer of World War II aircraft carrier, Lexington provided many combat theories for the US military and even the world's aircraft carrier battles in many exercises with Saratoga. This is also the origin of Lexington's skill in the game: Pioneer of Aviation Tactics.

After briefly reviewing the information about Lexington in his mind, Lu Yanzhi discovered a bad situation.

Judging from the situation, the ship I built is undoubtedly Lexington, but it seems that it is the end of Lexington. This is the Coral Sea area. If this is the case, is it possible?Is this construction going to end in failure?

As the bombers, torpedo planes, and fighter jets on the aircraft carrier took off one after another, the aircraft carrier was excited, and Lu Yanzhi could feel it.

Is this a desire to fight?That's where you sank, silly lady of mine.

Lu Yanzhi complained so much that he couldn't help but want to be in charge and command, but unfortunately, let alone command, the soldiers on the aircraft carrier couldn't see him at all.

Lu Yanzhi couldn't see anything during the battle of fighter jets, so he could only wait anxiously.

With an explosion, Lu Yanzhi could feel the sadness of the ship, just like when Helena was built.

The aircraft carrier was attacked by two torpedoes in a row, and the damage control team immediately carried out a remedy.

The power system was repaired in a short time, and the aircraft carrier under his feet slowly began to retreat.

These navies are not clear, but Lu Yanzhi still listens to the voice of the aircraft carrier. She is uncomfortable. On the surface, the aircraft carrier can be moved after emergency repairs, but the interior is already dead due to the torpedo attack.

Sure enough, the aircraft carrier had only retreated less than a nautical mile, and there was a bang, an explosion occurred from the bridge.

For a moment, Lu Yanzhi's heart was pulled violently, as if someone had stabbed him with an awl.

It's not easy to build, especially for the admiral, mental strength is a challenge.

Lu Yanzhi originally thought that the construction was over. After all, he saw the sinking of Lexington at the beginning, so how could it be built.

However, this is not the case. As the aircraft carrier sank, the picture changed instantly.

In the first scene, the keel of the battlecruiser was laid down. Then, the scene changed again, and the battlecruiser was transformed into an aircraft carrier. Then, it was successfully launched...

Like a 3D movie, the life of the USS Lexington is shown scene by scene.

Naval maneuvers with Saratoga, Midway transport planes.

A glorious life, no one is allowed to say a word, the pioneer of aircraft carrier tactics, this is proof, two battle star medals of honor, not reconciled, naturally not reconciled, as an excellent aircraft carrier, she could have continued to fight, glorious fighting.

The screen turned again, and an exquisite and embossed figure slowly condensed in the air.

"It must be successful!"

As soon as this consciousness came to mind, Lu Yanzhi's eyes darkened, and then he opened them again, and there was a stunning woman standing on the steel in front of him.

She was dressed in a navy sailor suit, wearing a navy top hat, her long flaxen hair fluttering in the wind, and her slender legs were wrapped in black stockings that just reached her thighs.

The dark blue pupils looked around curiously, and when they saw Lu Yanzhi, Fulin's heart moved.

"The first ship of the Lexington-class aircraft carrier, Lexington is here. Commander, have you felt the breath of the sea breeze?"

 Ah, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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