Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 244 Rare goods

Chapter 244 Rare goods

Sunny morning, huh, what a fine day, spring is getting closer, and the temperature in the location of the tutelary mansion is also getting higher and higher, along with miniskirts, sexy stockings are coming online one after another, and on the beach by the sea, parasols have been one after another Swing aside, there's the occasional prominent, scantily clad bikini girl, like Helena.

"Hey, how come Nelson has time to come to our tutelary mansion?"

"How was it? Where did you travel during the Spring Festival? Was it fun?"

In the office of the guardian mansion, Lu Yanshi asked Yixian to make a cup of tea for Nelson.

"Play? Don't talk about it, what are you playing? A group of careless guys almost exhausted me to death."

In front of Lu Yanzhi, Nelson spat.

"By the way, I just saw a few new faces outside your tutelary mansion. What's the matter? You're fishing again?"

Lu Yanzhi laughed loudly: "No, it was built once. Luckily, Lexington came out. Bismarck and Prince Eugen came to our tutelary mansion for Tirpitz's sake!"

Nelson seemed to be looking at something rare: "No, Admiral Lu, you should be the Admiral of Africa, right? I remember that when you first built the tutelary fort, you only had three ship girls, San Juan Helena Limbo, right?" , of which San Juan is still fished."

"Who says I'm African? I'm obviously European. Have you ever seen that African build a reputation for the second time, and Lexington for the third time?"

Lu Yanzhi took it seriously, and he couldn't just talk nonsense about his position.

Nelson didn't argue with Lu Yanzhi, he took a sip of the tea made by Yixian, and praised: "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you about this, um, the tea made by Yixian is really good."

"Of course, my Yixian knows everything and is good at everything!"

Lu Yanzhi whispered.

Sitting on the desk, Yixian chuckled: "Admiral, how can I be so good? After so long, I can't do many of the work of the secretary ship. Moreover, it is useless to go to the battlefield."

"Yaxian don't underestimate yourself. The admiral said you are good, you are good. The work of the secretary ship was originally done by the two of us together." Lu Yanzhi continued.

Yat-sen shook his head, stopped talking, and continued to look at the document with his head down.

"By the way, Nelson, what's the matter with you this time?"

"What? You can't come to your tutelary mansion if you have nothing to do? Admiral Lu, you still want me to join the tutelary mansion with such an attitude?" Nelson said.

"It's nothing, Chief Nelson came to the house, sincerely and sincerely, what I wish for, but Chief Nelson has a lot of things to do every day, so busy with work, there must be something important, I mean, we can't delay the chief's time, right?"

"Don't be poor, there is indeed a big event here this time, but it is a good thing for you." Nelson looked solemn and said seriously.

"Good thing? I found the wandering ship girl again? No problem, leave it to me, and let her join the glorious front line of resistance against the deep sea."

"What are you thinking? There are wandering ship girls who have joined our ship girl alliance, besides, are wandering ship girls so easy to be discovered?"

Nelson was quite speechless. This guy has been thinking about fishing all day.

"It's not a wandering ship girl? What good can there be?" Not a wandering ship girl, Lu Yanzhi suddenly lost interest.

Ignoring Lu Yanzhi's complaints, Nelson said: "When I was traveling this time, I found a good thing in Edinburgh. I guess it might become popular in the next few years, but at present, haha, it should be only Our Ship Girl Alliance and nearby tutelary forts have given priority to equipment."

"What good stuff?"


Nelson said happily: "How is it? You haven't heard of it!"


Lu Yanzhi's expression at the moment is bewildered, a phone call?never heard of that?I have even used it for my grandson, which has evolved dozens of times, and it has a nice name, called Love Crazy, so crazy about love.

Nelson continued to explain to Lu Yanzhi: "This so-called telephone is made by usurping the wires pulled from your several town guards and the Ship Girl Alliance, and then building a signal tower. Every town guard house, including the Ship Girl Alliance There is a set of fixed codes, through a small box, if you want to contact the signal source, just dial the fixed code, and then you can communicate directly, which is much more convenient than telegrams.”

"Is there really such a miraculous thing?" Yixian asked curiously while sitting next to Lu Yanzhi.

"I didn't believe it at first, but the inventor demonstrated it in front of me, which made me believe it."

Nelson said: "By the way, I have already declared to all the ship girl alliances, but the first one to be installed is still our Haikou city ship girl alliance."

Lu Yanzhi came back to his senses at this time: "So, you came here this time to inform me of this news?"

"No, my engineering team has brought them all. We will start pressing the line today and finish it in the afternoon, very soon." Nelson said.

"That's good!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded. There are many men in the engineering team. As his harem, how could he allow men to exist.

"Okay, I've brought you the news. By the way, here's the phone book for you. It records the communication code here."

As Nelson said, he stood up and handed Lu Yanshi a small black notebook.

"Is there anything else? I'm so anxious."

Lu Yanzhi asked, Nelson came to his tutelary mansion twice, and as a result, he left without having a meal both times, which made Lu Yanzhi feel very guilty.

"Let's stay for dinner. I plan to introduce Lexington Bismarck to you."

"No, forget it, the Ship Girl Alliance is still very busy, especially after the new year, many human companies have come to give gifts, I asked Rodney and Counterattack to help me deal with it, and now, these two guys have probably started to scold Me!"

Nelson smiled and walked out.

Outside the tutelary mansion, Lu Yanzhi said to Nelson: "By the way, Saratoga is in our tutelary mansion. Would you like me to call over and have a chat?"

"Saratoga is in your tutelary?"

Nelson stopped getting into the car, and even the smile on his face seemed to froze.

"Well, you also know that Saratoga has been looking for her sister. As a result, after I built Lexington that day, I just came out of the warehouse and saw Saratoga outside the warehouse of our tutelary mansion."

Nelson obviously didn't believe it: "Do you still dare to talk a little bit more? You are a mercenary in Berlin, why did you come back as soon as you built it? Why don't you go back to the Ship Girl Alliance and return to your tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi explained: "I don't know either. I found out after asking that Saratoga had contact with Bismarck when he was in Berlin. Then Bismarck happened to be going back to our tutelary mansion, so they came back together."

Then, he glanced at Nelson, and said cautiously: "Besides, in those two days, there was no one in your Ship Girl Alliance. They all went out for a trip, and the gates were locked tightly."

 Chapter 1!
(End of this chapter)

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