Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 259 Solomon's Dawn

Chapter 259 Solomon's Dawn

On Tennessee and Fengxiang's side, the two who had just had dinner were sitting in the tent chatting.

"I don't know what's going on with them!"

Feng Xiang said worriedly.

"Who knows, you said whether we should send the resources over tomorrow, they don't carry many resources!"

Tennessee asked without answering.

"makes sense!"

Feng Xiang nodded: "Then send it over tomorrow morning!"

Just as they were talking, there was a loud noise from the east of the island. The two looked at each other and walked out cautiously.


"Bismarck? Why are you back? Where are they in Lexington?"

Tennessee picked up the flashlight, and it was Bismarck and others who came.

While taking Tirpitz and others over, Bismarck answered Tennessee's question: "We encountered a battle as soon as we arrived at Midway Island. The resources barely repaired Lexington and the others. We came here to prepare to send the resources to Midway Island. !"

Tennessee nodded knowingly, and then said to Bismarck: "In this case, let's stay here for one night today, and we will go there early tomorrow!"

Bismarck looked serious: "I can't wait any longer. There are deep-sea flagships in the South Pacific, and they have called all the deep-sea flagships in the surrounding seas to go there. Lexington and the others went there to ambush in order to weaken the enemy's strength. I am worried that they are in danger!"

"Then, shall we go there now?" Tennessee asked again.

"Yes! Go at full speed and try to reach Midway Island in the early morning."

As soon as Bismarck finished speaking, Tirpitz wailed: "Don't go, at least eat before leaving!"

"What Tirpitz said is true. You have been walking for a day, so you probably haven't eaten anything. Feng Xiang and I bought a lot of wild game. Let's go after eating!"

Seeing what Bismarck was about to say, Tennessee continued, "It will be ready in about three to ten minutes!"

"Alright then!" Bismarck nodded helplessly, and at the same time gave Midway a worried look.

I just hope Saratoga and the others play it safe.

It’s no wonder that Bismarck was worried. There were four elite damage management teams left, and Lexington gave them three, leaving only one for CV-16. In terms of danger, Lexington and the others were much more dangerous.

Here, Fengxiang and Tennessee cook for Bismarck and others.

"Tennessee, why do you want Bismarck and the others to rest for a while before leaving?" Feng Xiang asked curiously.

Tennessee was speechless: "Didn't you see that they are already so tired? It's okay to rest for a while, and that's the only way to go."

Feng Xiang nodded, and looked at Chicheng, a foodie, who was sitting there with his eyes closed at the moment, ignoring what was being cooked here.

"I don't know how the battle yesterday was!" Feng Xiang thought to himself, "Bismarck is already broken if he can make everyone so tired!"

After simply eating the food prepared by Tennessee, Bismarck led everyone to Midway at full speed.

However, even at full speed, the speed of Tennessee and Fengxiang affected the progress of the whole team.

"If this continues, it will be noon tomorrow when we arrive at Midway Island!"

Tennessee muttered to himself.

"Bismarck, why don't you go ahead with the supply ship, Fengxiang and I are too slow, which will affect the speed of the whole team!"

Bismarck looked at Tennessee, wondering what he was thinking.

"No! Even if we clean up this place, there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net. You and Fengxiang are too dangerous."

Reputation flatly negates Tennessee's opinion.

Then he said: "No matter how anxious you are, you can't leave your companions behind."

Not one of them can be missing, this is the only order Lu Yanshi gave them, and the prestige is unswervingly executing it.

"However, our speed is too slow, will Lexington and the others be in danger?"

Tennessee said that although it is a slow ship of the American system, Tennessee has also made great achievements in history. At this moment, he is especially unwilling to put his teammates in danger because of his own reasons.

"Lexington has a sense of proportion!" Bismarck said, obviously agreeing with the reputation, and everyone went to Midway together.

At this moment in Midway, Lexington's face is clouded with gloom.

Saratoga, CV-16 in rags.

In the ambush battle in the morning, the first battle was okay, Shenhai Musashi, and he didn't have any anti-air capabilities under his command, so it was easily resolved.

However, the second battle was much more dangerous. Shenhai Akagi and Shenkai Kaga, although they still don't have other air defense capabilities, but the carrier-based aircraft of these two deep-sea aircraft carrier flagships are enough for everyone to drink a pot.

Although the two deep-sea flagships have ordinary data in all aspects, they can't stand the priority of attacking.

Due to carelessness, I bumped straight into someone's attack range, and then, I and others were greeted by planes and shells, and when I didn't react, none of the carrier-based planes were released.

Lexington was the first to be destroyed directly, and then a round of salvos from a deep-sea battleship wasted the last elite damage management team.

Saratoga and CV-16 were directly defeated in the first round. When the bombers on the opposite side were about to finish their attacks, they launched their carrier-based planes to stop the resistance. Deep Sea Akagi, Lexington and CV-16's attacks were all handed over to Deep Sea Kaga. As a result, after a round of bombing, none of the two deep sea flagships sank.

Bombardment of artillery shells followed, surrounding the two sides of the deep sea flagship, more than eight deep sea battle cruisers, aiming at their side in unison.

Full speed back, full speed back!
Lexington shouted hoarsely, and indeed withdrew, but the price was that Saratoga and CV-16, which were covering everyone, were destroyed, and Helena and Atlanta also suffered losses to varying degrees.

The battle could not be continued at all, and everyone returned to Midway Island with difficulty. Fortunately, the deep-sea flagship did not catch up, but continued to advance to the South Pacific waters.

"I don't know where Bismarck and the others are!"

Helena holds the rice bowl in her hand, and there is not much food here. Moreover, what they are most lacking at the moment are resources such as steel and ammunition. Only by eating those things can they repair themselves. The soup in Helena's bowl is just made of ordinary human ingredients. Stuff, other than food, has no other use.

"It should be ready to come back! After all, they set off early in the morning."

Lexington sat down next to Helena, and said to Saratoga, who was lying on the sofa next to him, "Gaga, go get some soup too!"

"No, I want to eat aluminum, steel, ammunition, and fuel right now!"

Saratoga turned over on the sofa: "Ahhh!"

"Gajia, don't be in a hurry, at most, you can make it to noon tomorrow, there must be something to eat!"

Lexington chuckled, saw CV-16 come down, and said again: "Does CV-16 drink soup? The seaweed soup I made is delicious."

CV-16 looked bitter and shook her head. Like Saratoga, she also wants to eat aluminum and steel ammunition fuel, and the others are boring.

Atlanta sat down with a rice bowl and chuckled, "Lexington, it seems that Helena and I don't dislike your cooking skills!"

At this time, only Atlanta can still laugh, the girl is always full of vitality, even in a real desperate situation, she can entertain herself.

Lexington glanced at Saratoga and CV-16, and also secretly prayed in his heart: "Prestige of Bismarck, come back soon!"

As the night deepened, Lexington and others went back to their room to rest.

It was about three o'clock in the morning, Bismarck's side.

After traveling for 30 hours, they rested for more than [-] minutes in the middle. Tirpitz and Limbo couldn't bear it anymore. At this moment, the two of them were hanging at the end of the team, at the same speed as Tennessee.

Bismarck and her prestige were fine, and Prince Eugen was also about to lose her hold, but her tenacious belief made her reluctantly follow Bismarck.

Tennessee sincerely admires Bismarck, and even though he has already broken down, he still insists on it like this. Few people can match it when he was in the Ship Girl Alliance.

"Oops, there is an enemy, behind us, about forty kilometers away."

The prestige radar system suddenly alerted.

"Everyone, go at full speed, target, Midway!" Bismarck shouted to the crowd, and at the same time, asked the reputation in a low voice: "How is the enemy's speed?"

Renown has a serious expression on his face: "Soon!"

"I don't have any means of attack now, I can only look at yours!"

Bismarck said in a deep voice, and handed the damage management team that Lexington gave her to Renown.

Shengfu smiled: "You can keep this thing, make it as if no one owns it!"

"Let Fengxiang go first, at night, she has no means of attack!" Bismarck withdrew the damage control, and said lightly to Shengfu.

"What? Do you want me to go first? If I don't go, you don't go. How can I go first?"

Seeing Bismarck and Renown in front of him, Feng Xiang said anxiously.

Prestige is helpless: "You know, the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier can't fly out at night, and their eyes are blinded, and they have no combat effectiveness at all!"

Feng Xiang continued: "Then I can also stay for you to block the shells!"

Bismarck frowned, took out the damage tube and handed it to Feng Xiang: "You can keep it, take this!"

Seeing Bismarck take this out, Feng Xiang was stunned. If anyone needs this thing the most right now, it must be the broken Bismarck. But now, without even frowning, you have to give it to yourself?

Feng Xiang shook his head and smiled wryly: "Take it, I'll just withdraw first!"

It's a damned night!

Feng Xiang cursed angrily in his heart, this is really cheating, after being out for so long, the only time to fly the carrier-based aircraft was when Lexington asked him to investigate last time, he managed to participate in two battles, and it turned out that they were all at night!
Feng Xiang also knew the direction of Midway Island, watching Feng Xiang leave at full speed, the corners of Shengfu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Next, it's our battle!"

Taking a closer look at the ship's installation, the ammunition depots are intact and fully equipped. The only shortcoming is that nearly half of the weapon systems are paralyzed, which means that I can only exert half of my usual combat power now.

Tirpitz should be about the same as himself. Bismarck's combat effectiveness has been reduced to zero, the ammunition depot has been destroyed, and all weapon systems have been paralyzed. This guy must be rescued by the elite damage management team.

Prince Eugen!

Hey, Prince Eugen, the shelling is no match for them, and the torpedoes are no match for Limbo.

Renown sighed in his heart, let Prince Eugen protect Bismarck's safety when the time comes!

 Chapter 1, poof!
(End of this chapter)

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