Chapter 262

There are many battle methods for battleships. To seize the advantage of the formation and aim all of your artillery fire at the opponent is the first step, which is the horizontal line on the top of the so-called T-shaped formation.

In addition, the light aircraft carrier relies on its excellent long-range navigation and bombing capabilities to give priority to reducing the enemy's combat personnel and provide help for the battleship's battle.

Battleships, straddle, scatter, volley, fight, never you hit me, I hit you, fight with the enemy for armor durability, if you fight for that, ordinary ship girls can't beat the deep-sea flagship, even absolutely Most ordinary deep-sea aircraft carrier battleships also have a durability of nearly [-].

However, as soon as the useless author wrote these battle scenes, his writing instantly changed from a primary school student to a kindergarten, which made people feel regretful that they could not appreciate the magnificent and majestic battle.

At noon the next day, everyone replenished the ammunition and fuel, and Bismarck and Tirpitz also finished the repairs. All of them gathered and went to the place of the final decisive battle, the South Pacific Ocean, the Polynesian Islands, according to the map, the last guess, Hu Teng The location of the possible abduction is there.

Before leaving, Tennessee reluctantly handed over two Sister Control 6 main guns to Tirpitz, and replaced Tirpitz's cat gun and 23 guns.

"Tirpitz, you can equip these two main guns. I can use the cat gun and the 23 gun."

Don't admit defeat. Although the training speed is a few blocks higher than Tirpitz's, Tirpitz has indeed trained with Bismarck in this method of bombardment. Although Tirpitz is tired, he can't stand the long training time. Ah, always something works.

Especially since this expedition, Tirpitz's results are much better than her Tennessee, and she, Tennessee, sometimes even exists like a burden.

"Ah, for me?"

Tirpitz didn't reach out to pick it up, but asked cautiously, "Will you go back after giving it to me? If you still want to go back, I don't want it."

Tennessee is in a hurry, and the big battle is just around the corner. Do you have to do this?

Bismarck didn't care so much, he took it, and then forced Tirpitz to replace it. At the same time, he handed Tennessee a cat cannon and a 23-cannon that Tirpitz had removed.At the same time, the hater hammered Tirpitz on the head.

"Tennessee has offered to give it to you, how could it be possible to go back?"

"Just kill the deep sea and thank Tennessee for its support!"

As Bismarck said, he pulled Tirpitz away, leaving Tennessee speechless and crying: "I just want to lend Tirpitz this time!"

There is another reason why we chose to start at noon. It took about half a day from Midway to the Polynesian Islands. When we got there, it happened to be around five or six in the afternoon. The sky had not yet darkened. It is still not to be underestimated, and then, when the battle is almost over and it is dark, haha, Lingbo's strength is obvious to all Bismarcks. In night battles, Lingbo's torpedo output is higher than their cannons.

Bismarck is the flagship, Prince Eugen, Prestige, Tirpitz, Limbo, Helena, this is the first echelon, the speed is not bad, and it is easier to grab the formation advantage.

Lexington is the flagship of the second echelon, Saratoga, Chicheng, CV-16, Fengxiang, Tennessee, Atlanta, this is the aircraft carrier formation, mainly responsible for bombing support in the rear.

Due to the speed of the aircraft, Tennessee and Atlanta have made a frigate of the aircraft carrier to prevent sneak attacks by deep-sea ships. Don't doubt it, a wise deep-sea flagship will definitely send a deep-sea ship to solve the trouble.

Marching, marching, by the time the Polynesian Islands were near, the sun had almost touched the sea level.

"It seems that we can only carry out three rounds of bombing at most!"

Saratoga looked at the sunset and murmured.

"I can only hope that Bismarck and the others will work harder!"

Lexington said.

Near the Polynesian Islands, sightings of deep-sea ships became frequent.

It should be gathered together, the deep-sea ships have not yet organized an effective defensive counterattack team, and often meet one or two deep-sea ships, destroyers, light cruisers, rare, deep-sea flagships gather, those who used to make a town guard In a crisis-ridden battle cruiser, the aircraft carrier light mother has become a bad street existence.

"Salvo! Attack!"

Prestige is aimed at a deep-sea battleship in the distance, and then it is easy to solve.

"Prestige, I feel that your strength is getting stronger and stronger!"

It was rare for Bismarck to speak with prestige, and this sentence might even be the first sentence Bismarck said with prestige since he came to the tutelary mansion.

Sheng Wang smiled smartly and did not speak, the big gun was still in his hand, the afterglow of the setting sun shone, and the black and white maid outfit faintly turned pale gold.

Bismarck didn't care, instead he looked at Tirpitz, and his tone immediately became flat: "Tirpitz, learn from reputation!"


Tirpitz nodded in frustration, dismissing it in his heart: "Learn from your reputation? Wearing a maid outfit to warm the admiral's bed? Cut!"

"Prestige, when this battle is over, your practice level will probably reach seventy, right?"

Helena was very envious beside her. Battleships are great, with super long-range bombardment, the combat experience has improved rapidly.

"Seventy training degree?"

I know my own affairs well, and I can feel my prestige. My training level is already seventy. When the battle is over, my training level can at least increase by one.

"Speaking of which, this is an archipelago, and I don't even know where the deep-sea flagship is!"

Bismarck looked around and saw that there were many islands scattered around, but the location of the deep-sea flagship was still unclear.

"We must find the deep-sea flagship as soon as possible!"

Bismarck said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, these miscellaneous fish will consume our resources!"

Shengfu nodded and said, "Let Lexington and the others fly their carrier-based aircraft to investigate!"

Just as he was talking, Saratoga ran over: "Go ahead, there is an isolated island at the easternmost end of the archipelago, where is the deep-sea flagship, but you have to be careful, one full formation, five deep-sea ships Flagships, including four deep-sea carrier flagships."

After Saratoga finished speaking, he turned and returned to the aircraft carrier formation.

Shengfu and Bismarck looked at each other, and they couldn't help feeling a little worried. How could they fight four deep-sea aircraft carriers?
The flagship of the deep-sea aircraft carrier, say a thousand words and ten thousand, just hit when it comes and goes, the deep-sea Ruihe Xianghe, the deep-sea Akagi Kaga, the deep-sea big phoenix dragon, the strength is not weak.

Normally, it would be uncomfortable to meet one in one sea area, but this time, for some unknown reason, they all gathered together.

"Actually, you don't have much to worry about, do you?"

Prince Eugen muttered beside him: "A deep-sea aircraft carrier is also an aircraft carrier, and it has no strength at all in night battles."

"At this time, it will be dark in about two hours. In two hours, the deep-sea aircraft carrier should only be able to carry out two rounds of bombing at most? As long as we survive these two rounds of bombing, we have Limbo in night battles, right? Is it easy to deal with the enemy?"


Bismarck looked at Prince Eugen approvingly, which is indeed the truth.

"In this case, we can wait until night to attack!"

Bismarck was overjoyed.Prince Eugen only thought that it would be easy to survive two rounds of bombing, but she thought more about it. If it was a night attack, wouldn't the deep-sea flagship be in full formation?Although the aircraft carrier on my side has no combat effectiveness, but with the six people in my first echelon, can I still not sink the remaining two deep-sea ships?
Renown nodded, apparently thinking that Bismarck's opinion was feasible.


"So, Bismarck, your opinion is that all aircraft carriers are on standby, and you can attack at night?"

asked Lexington.

"Yes, there are too many deep-sea aircraft carriers. We don't need to spend time with them during the day. At night, two battleships, one battlecruiser, one heavy cruiser, and two light cruisers can easily deal with the enemy. Besides, we still have Lingbo, Lingbo is stronger than all of us at night!"

As soon as Bismarck finished speaking, Saratoga yelled: "No! No! We finally came out. Why can't we attack?"


Lexington stopped Saratoga, and Saratoga looked at Lexington rather aggrieved, and then fell silent.

Lexington finally agreed to the plan of Bismarck and others.

"Sister, after a big attack, your practice will definitely improve a lot. Why did you agree to Bismarck's plan!"

As soon as Bismarck walked away, Saratoga held Lexington's hand and said unwillingly.

Lexington chuckled: "Gaga, my practice is not the key, the important thing is to ensure everyone's safety, Bismarck's plan can save us from being attacked, isn't that good?"

"But, if you don't fight, your training will not improve at all!" Saratoga was puzzled, why Lexington did that.

"Gaga, there is still about an hour before the sun goes down. Do you think there are so many lost deep-sea warships in the Polynesian Islands, not enough for me to fight?"

"Sister, what do you mean?"

Saratoga suddenly realized, did my sister already have an idea?
"You still have to take me with you!" Lexington continued to smile gently.

"No problem, wrap it on me!"

Saratoga promised, slapping his chest.

"Miscellaneous fish, meet my wrath!"

The anger of not being able to participate in the final decisive battle was vented by Saratoga on the deep-sea ship girls of the Polynesian Islands without any scruples. Except for the troublesome aircraft carrier light mother, no deep-sea ship girl can stop Saratoga. opening.

There was a moment of silence around the crowd.

Until all the ammunition in the ammunition depot was exhausted, Saratoga reluctantly took back the carrier-based aircraft.

Abusing vegetables is unparalleled in mowing grass, but that's it.

"Okay! My sister and I are out of ammunition now, so we can only watch the show!"

Saratoga walked to Bismarck and said angrily.

Mowing the grass can't be completely relieved, five deep-sea flagships!When have I seen such a grand occasion? Unfortunately, I can't go to the battlefield in person, and I can't confront those deep-sea aircraft carrier flagships. Try to sleep better.

 Pfft, in this event, apart from fishing for boats, the information on the aircraft carrier is not willing to open, it is useless, angry.

(End of this chapter)

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