Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 267 Saratoga

Chapter 267 Saratoga

Inviting Saratoga at this time will definitely succeed?

Lu Yanshi was walking on the small road of the town guard's mansion. Lexington originally planned to follow Lu Yanshi, but Lu Yanshi was really embarrassed, so he came to look for Saratoga by himself.

"If you invite me, how should I say it?"

Lu Yanzhi was a little bit crazy, and he just made a simple invitation, like a weak confession, without any sincerity, and if he said something else, he didn't know where to start. The relationship between the two of them was like a friend, As a result, people regard you as a friend, but you always want to win them.

Finally, I saw Saratoga under the fir tree next to the small square of the tutelary mansion, wearing a blue and white striped lotus leaf skirt, white stockings, white high-heeled shoes, a blue and white sun hat, and a blue bow.Long golden hair hangs behind her.

Lu Yanzhi's heart was beating violently, her sister's halo was too strong, she didn't notice it at all, Saratoga was not inferior to her own sister at all in terms of figure and appearance.

Laughing at himself, Lu Yanzhi walked over gently.

"Hey, Saratoga, what are you doing here?"

Saratoga sat on the bench next to him: "Can't you be here if you have nothing to do?"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled lightly. If it wasn't for Lexington's words, he wouldn't be here to invite Saratoga now. He's so fierce that he doesn't want to look like he has already recognized himself.

As soon as his butt touched the bench, Saratoga said again: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just sit down and bask in the sun!"

Lu Yanzhi was pretending, but in fact it was under the shadow of the trees. Where did the sun come from? If you want to bask in the sun, it is best to go to the beach at this time. Helena and Tennessee are all there.

Lu Yanzhi was sitting next to her, and Saratoga was like a frightened rabbit, subconsciously putting her hands in a defensive posture. She didn't know why she was so nervous.

"Well, speaking of which, you just came back from Saratoga, and you have been in our tutelary mansion for more than two months, right?"

"Needless to say, I understand, I will go back to the Ship Girl Alliance tomorrow!"

Saratoga's expression was inexplicable, Lu Yanzhi paused in his heart, he was really stupid, asking this kind of question, didn't he think he lived too long?
"No, Saratoga can continue to live here."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

Saratoga looked colder.

Lu Yanzhi shook his head: "It's nothing, I just sigh with emotion, it's great, Lexington, Saratoga."

"What's the matter? It's a pity that my sister will be built by an admiral like you."

"Uh, I'm that kind of admiral again. Compared to many admirals, I'm pretty good, right?"

Saratoga laughed suddenly. She didn't know if she wasn't a mercenary. In this world, non-chiefs are always the big ones, and they don't want to make progress. Even, many admirals she met didn't have the courage to fish for the boat.

"Suddenly I want to know, the days when you were a mercenary in Saratoga."

Lu Yanzhi asked beside him.

Saratoga shook his head in disdain: "There's nothing to say, it's nothing more than taking on the task and eliminating disasters for others."

"Let me tell you, I have been a mercenary for more than half a year, and I met a lot of Africans. It is pitiful to say it. I can't believe that I can survive. There is only one admiral of a heavy cruiser, can you believe it?"

Although there was nothing to say, it obviously opened up Saratoga's chatterbox.

"I don't even have much resources. The admiral, I helped him repel the deep sea, but he didn't give me the resources. In a fit of anger, I threatened him with a bomber before giving me the resources."

"It's a bit too much not to give you the resources!" Lu Yanzhi made a timely statement, firmly standing on Saratoga's side.

"Who said no? Guess what happened? The reason why the African didn't give me resources was because he wanted to build a big one."

Saratoga showed a look of disdain: "Africans, there are so many stray girls, why don't they go hunting?"

"That's right! I made my fortune entirely by hunting!" Lu Yanzhi nodded in agreement.


Saratoga turned to look at Lu Yanzhi.

"That's right, you are obviously an African through and through, but it's unbelievable that you can actually build a big ship."

Lu Yanzhi chuckled: "Prestige, it's an African god of war, so it's not surprising that it was built."

"What about my sister?" Saratoga said indignantly.


Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga: "Lexington is a gentle and virtuous wife who likes to help and take care of others. Maybe she heard the call of me, an African, and came to help me."

"Hey, to be honest, what were you thinking when you built my sister, why did you succeed once?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled slightly: "I was just thinking, come out quickly, ma'am, I want to win Saratoga, I can't do it without you!"

Saratoga's expression froze, and then he realized that Lu Yanzhi was joking.

A slap on Lu Yanzhi's leg: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Nizi didn't care about the severity of her attack, Lu Yanzhi rubbed her thigh, feeling quite speechless.

"Uh, by the way, how about you, Saratoga? Is this Lexington the sister you remember?"

Saratoga gave Lu Yanzhi a blank stare: "Nonsense, if it wasn't for my sister in my memory, would I have stayed in your tutelary mansion for so long?"

Saying that, Saratoga felt a little emotional again: "Fate is really wonderful. I just came back, you just went in to build, I just came to look for Yixian, and you and your sister just came out of the warehouse."

A gust of breeze blows by. In this kind of weather, a gentle breeze is simply not too cool. It is more useful than ice cream.

Saratoga stood up from the chair. Obviously, if Lu Yanshi did not invite, this conversation would be over. Although the town guard's mansion is not big and there are not many people, there may not be such a good person. opportunity.

"Go and see if my sister is finished."

Saratoga, who stood up, muttered, and then walked towards the direction where Lu Yanshi came. This is where Lu Yanshi's office is located, and Lexington should still be inside at this moment.

"Uh, Saratoga!" Lu Yanzhi got up.There is no more suitable opportunity. If I don't say it this time, maybe there will be no next time.

"What's the matter?" Saratoga turned her head, with a half-doubtful expression and seven-pointed expectation. Lu Yan knew the meaning of coming, she had already understood it, and she was not stupid, and, for now, joining this tutelary fort, She has no opinion at all in her heart. From the day she was repaired by the elite damage management team, she has sincerely acknowledged Lu Yanzhi's status as the admiral.

At that moment, she was really panicked, anxious, and really reluctant to lose her sister. Similarly, after being rescued, Saratoga knew Lu Yan, the person who took out these elite damage management teams Outbursts of intense gratitude.

For her to join the tutelary mansion, what is lacking at present is only an invitation.

Lu Yanzhi didn't know these things. If Lu Yanzhi knew, he would shake his head and sigh bitterly. Obviously, a simple and straightforward invitation would be fine, so why bother to make so many detours.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yanzhi said cautiously: "Uh, how should I put it, hey, that is, would you like to consider joining our tutelary mansion in Saratoga? You see, Lexington has been built by me, you leave Come down, on the one hand, you can also accompany her, and, even if you are out of the constellation in the future, I can bully her with you."

"Uh, that's the way it is anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't plan to join the tutelary mansion, I hope we'll be fine..."

"I join the tutelary palace!"

"Ah, hey, what did you say?"

"I said, I will join the tutelary mansion, admiral!"

After Saratoga finished speaking, he jumped to the office, leaving Lu Yanzhi standing there in a daze.

joy?It seems that there are not many, and the fishing is not once or twice.

Excited?I don't feel much excitement, I was already excited when I left Lexington.

At a loss?Not too confused, everything seems to be logical.

In a daze, he took three steps forward.

"Yo hoo!"

Lu Yanzhi jumped up all of a sudden.

Joy, excitement, bewilderment, how could there be none, besides the Nelson Enterprise and the Royal Ark, Lu Yanzhi has seen the most experienced ship girl, and she is still a sister-in-law, she has grown up, she is so beautiful, and...

All in all, with so many benefits, how could there not be much excitement and joy.

In the office, Lexington smiled softly: Admiral, sometimes you really act like a child.

Go from the window to the sofa and sit down. Saratoga must have come to find him, or he is going to pretend that he doesn't know anything.

Footsteps came from the corridor, and then became louder and louder, until, without a trace of politeness, the door was pushed open, and Saratoga really came over.

"Gaga, what's the matter? If I need to train, I'll be done soon."

Lexington said.

Saratoga unceremoniously sat down next to Lexington, then picked up a piece of dessert and took a bite.

"Gaga, I prepared this for the admiral, you want to eat it in the coffee shop."

Saratoga suddenly realized: "I said, why is it so unpalatable."


"Hee hee, sister, I'm joking with you!"

Saratoga stepped forward, hugged Lexington and said coquettishly.

"Tell me, what's the matter here?"

Lexington patted Saratoga's smooth forehead lightly and asked.

When it comes to business, Saratoga's face is serious: "Sister, after careful consideration, I have decided to join the tutelary fort."

"Join the tutelary mansion? Join that tutelary mansion, Gaga, or you can come to our tutelary mansion and stay with me!"

The expression was disguised just right, and it was impossible to tell that Lexington knew everything from the happy shout of her admiral.

Saratoga continued: "Sister, why don't you leave this tutelary fort and come with me to the tutelary fort I joined!"


"However, sister, you must be reluctant... Ah, what? Sister, what are you talking about?"

The boss of Saratoga stared at Lexington, unable to say a word for a long time.

Lexington chuckled: "I like this tutelary mansion, and I can't bear to bear the admiral, but I can't bear to add another person."

Saratoga showed Quincy's face.

Since when did my sister be so easy to instigate rebellion?
(End of this chapter)

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