Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 274 Bismarck, wake up

Chapter 274 Bismarck, wake up

Bismarck was in a trance, and he didn't hear a word of what Tirpitz said later, and now his mind is full of women who are too powerful.

"elder sister?"

Tirpitz didn't even respond to calling Bismarck twice.


"Ah, what's wrong?"

Bismarck suddenly reacted, with a slightly flustered expression, like, uh, a frightened rabbit.

Tirpitz gave Bismarck a strange look, which was the first time his sister saw him like this.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Tirpitz asked with concern. Although he was lazy and home-bound, Tirpitz could still transform from a home girl into a queen at a critical moment. It was normal to care about his sister.

Bismarck shook his head, dispelled the thoughts in his heart, and said to Tirpitz: "It's okay, by the way, don't read this comic, go to rest early!"

"Ah, sister, you should rest first. I'll finish reading this manga soon. I don't even know how this so-called powerful female second can become a member of the hero's harem group!"

Female second!

Bismarck's heart twitched again, and then he couldn't control his anger, and he dodged Tirpitz's cartoon with his hands.

"Sleep honestly, read a cartoon, laugh so exaggeratedly, how can my sister sleep."

Then, turn off the lights and go to bed.

Then, I don't know how long it took, anyway, after a while, Tirpitz crept up from the bed.

"Sister? Sister?"

Bismarck pretended to be asleep and ignored it.

A black shadow appeared next to Bismarck, it was Tirpitz, tiptoeing, cautiously, took out the comic book from under Bismarck's pillow, then turned around, and slid into his bed like a nimble cat. There was a giggle.

Bismarck didn't fall asleep, but he didn't stop Tirpitz either. Tirpitz's laughter seemed to be mocking her, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

The bright moon covers the bedroom with a layer of silver light. Why doesn't the bright moon have a star to accompany the bright moon tonight?

Even if the bright moon is not accompanied by stars, it can still display the most dazzling brilliance, which belongs to the brilliance of the night alone.

"I can too!"

Bismarck said something thoughtlessly, and the laughter on Tirpitz's bed stopped abruptly.

After a long time, there was another burst of giggles, Bismarck couldn't help laughing, the night is still long, sleep!

The next day, the tutelary mansion woke up with the sound of an unknown bird in the morning. Of course, apart from Yixian and Shuanghai who were in charge of the kitchen, they also had the prestige of the whole tutelary mansion. Get up and tell the Lord that the rooster should crow.

Bismarck seemed to have changed slightly. Only Bismarck himself noticed this slight change, and no one else knew about it.

When you change your mentality, you see the world differently. When you are an ordinary person, you feel inexplicable about many behaviors of those above. However, when you get to that position, you will find that you are sitting on the things you didn’t understand before. , and quite understand why.

Bismarck was like this, probably because of a change in mentality, and for a moment, it seemed that the whole world brightened up.

"Admiral Lu, morning!"

"Oh, Bismarck, good morning!"

Lu Yanzhi was still a little dazed. He was still indifferent yesterday, with a strange attitude, and Bismarck, who owed him a word, actually took the initiative to say hello to him today. Although his pretty face was still serious, he could hear him. After coming out, Bismarck was definitely not in a bad mood.

But Lu Yanzhi didn't pay much attention to it, he just thought that Bismarck might have something to be happy about.

Prince Eugen was the first to notice Bismarck's situation.

"Sister, let's go to Haikou City once and buy some clothes. It's such a hot day, isn't it hot for you to wear that military uniform?"

That morning, Prince Eugen suggested to Bismarck, who readily agreed.

A pale pink dress that Prince Eugen excitedly gave to Bismarck.

"This won't work, this won't work, I don't wear skirts, Prince Eugen, have you forgotten?"

Bismarck looked at the clothes in Prince Eugen's hands, and his whole face froze. It wasn't once or twice that he went out to buy clothes with Prince Eugen, except for the first time, when Prince Eugen found a dress similar to this dress and was rejected. After scolding himself, Prince Eugen has never been so presumptuous again, but this time, Prince Eugen seems to be jumping a little again.

"Since this one doesn't work, let's try this one!"

Prince Eugen smiled and took out another suit from behind, denim hot pants, white half sleeves on the upper body, not a skirt, the degree of exposure is actually not much different from that skirt, but, Prince Eugen, who knows Bismarck's character well, knows that for Bismarck Said that this dress is much more acceptable than a skirt.

Hesitating, hesitating, Bismarck took the outfit chosen by Prince Eugen and walked into the fitting room. He put on denim hot pants, white cardigan and half-cut sleeves, and a tied-up design underneath, revealing Bismarck’s lovely navel faintly. Those abs that only show up when you do certain kinds of moves.

If you wear this body on the street, Bismarck's return rate is definitely [-]%, [-]%, and it is not difficult to cause a street tragedy.

Frowning, Bismarck's expression was slightly troubled. The clothes were really good, but he was always in military uniform, when would he wear such clothes.

No, no, it has to be taken off, but Bismarck finally vetoed it.

Before starting to work, Prince Eugen knocked on the door outside, hesitated for a while, and Bismarck let Prince Eugen in.

The slightly smaller changing room immediately seemed a little crowded, but Prince Eugen didn't have time to take care of that.

"Sister, you are so beautiful!"

Prince Eugen's eyes were almost staring straight at the moment. At this moment, Bismarck couldn't see the soldier's appearance at all. There were two faint red clouds on his face. She was obviously wearing such clothes and was seen by Prince Eugen. She was still very shy .

"Buy this one!"

Prince Eugen suggested.

"No, this body is too revealing!" Bismarck immediately denied it.

"elder sister!"

Prince Eugen smiled helplessly: "Buy it, anyway, it's only worn in the tutelary mansion, and few people can see it!"

"No, no, no!"

Bismarck continued to veto, and then pushed Prince Eugen out without saying a word, and put on his military uniform.

"Let's go, this store doesn't have any clothes for me!"

After coming out of the changing room and handing the clothes to Prince Eugen, Bismarck turned his head and left without saying a word.

After thinking about it for a second, when Bismarck walked out of the clothing store, Prince Eugen asked the waiter to wrap up the clothes, which must be bought!

When entering the clothing store, Bismarck had already carried a few bags of clothes for Xiao Zhai and Tirpitz. Therefore, when Prince Eugen came out of the clothing store, Bismarck did not notice that Prince Eugen had many bags. The bag that came out.

There are no suitable ones here, so continue to the next place. I came out today to buy some clothes for Bismarck. Prince Eugen was not discouraged at all. Those that Bismarck was unwilling to buy were secretly bought.

When the time comes, put things here, who will wear them if you don’t wear them?In the town guard's mansion, there is no one with a similar figure to yours, unless you want Admiral Lu to wear that suit.

Until the evening, Bismarck finally took a fancy to a suit, black cropped trousers, white shirt, ordinary to popular clothes, Prince Eugen's lip-smacking clothes, but Bismarck felt it fit.

There were a lot of big and small bags, and Prince Eugen and Bismarck got into the car, ready to go back.

"Hey, Prince Eugen, didn't I just buy one set? Why do you feel that there are so many extra packages?"

Bismarck finally realized that something was wrong. Even if he bought a lot for Xiao Zhai and Tirpitz, it wouldn't make Prince Eugen's arms full, right?

Prince Eugen smiled awkwardly: "I bought a lot for myself!"

No way, I still can't tell the truth at this time, if Bismarck ran back with the clothes and returned them, it would be a waste of effort.

Bismarck was still a little puzzled. After visiting so many shops, he didn't see Prince Eugen try on clothes a few times.

"Ann, sister, I'm not like you when I buy clothes. I pick and choose. As long as I see the right one, I can't help but want to buy it!"

When Prince Eugen explained this, Bismarck immediately understood, stopped talking, and drove the car. Prince Eugen, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, chuckled. It will surprise you when you go back, and it will open their eyes at the same time!

Prince Eugen thought again: "Really, my sister is so beautiful and has such a good figure, but she is wrapped in a military uniform. It is a waste!"

Back at the tutelary mansion, just in time for the dinner at the tutelary mansion, nothing happened. Lu Yanzhi knew that Prince Eugen was taking Bismarck to the city to buy clothes, so he came here to inquire about it, and then, it was dark again.

The problem was that Bismarck got up during the daytime the next day. As usual, Prince Eugen came to serve Bismarck early. She was like a hard-working babysitter, Bismarck's follower.

At this moment, when Bismarck asked Prince Eugen to take out the clothes he bought yesterday, Prince Eugen smiled and took out the denim shorts with white half sleeves from the closet.

Bismarck was instantly stunned, and he couldn't imagine what happened yesterday.

"It's changed, it's not this one, it's the cropped pants and the white shirt."


Prince Eugen laughed: "My sister is obviously so beautiful and charming in this dress, why not wear it? Just wear this dress!"

Bismarck's face turned cold again: "This outfit is absolutely not good, or you can give me the military uniform I was wearing before!"

Prince Eugen continued to laugh and said, "I washed your military uniform, it's not dry yet!"

"Then the cropped trousers!"

Bismarck's attitude was firm, without a hint of reconciliation. Eugen grumbled, put the hot pants back in the closet in dissatisfaction, and then took out the cropped pants.

However, although it was not as revealing as that outfit, Bismarck wore cropped trousers, a white shirt, a bow tie, and three-centimeter high-heeled sandals, which was still refreshing.

When he came to the restaurant, Bismarck immediately attracted everyone's attention. He was used to being alone in military uniform, but with such a sudden change, there was always a sense of contrast.

Although she is dressed like an ordinary urban beauty, Bismarck still gives everyone the impression that she is capable, handsome, and walks with style.

 Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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