Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 283 Big brother came to my house

Chapter 283 Big brother came to my house


Bibi took everyone back to Lu Yanzhi's tutelary mansion again, and then returned to the voyage again. Dyson decided to play in Lu Yanzhi's tutelary mansion for a few days before going back. Lu Yanzhi said: As long as you want to go back, I will take you back in person , played a big role, of course, the bigger role is Lexington.

The gentle Lexington has an instinct to help others, and he speaks with a smile, making people feel trustworthy and reliable from the bottom of their hearts, and want to be close from the bottom of their hearts.

Not only suitable for little loli, even Lu Yanzhi himself wants to get close, but there is a Saratoga crossed between the two, it's really damn, the promised sister-in-law is half of the brother-in-law's ass, it doesn't exist Of course, it may also be the reason why Lexington is not yet a wedding ship.

The five vow rings during the Chinese New Year were all placed in the bedside table in Lu Yanshi's bedroom, and none of them were useless. Lu Yanzhi looked at the rings with a puzzled expression. Speaking of which, Lexington's favorability is definitely enough. If you give the ring It will definitely not be rejected, and there is prestige, giving the ring is enough, and Chicheng, who has never cared about it. As a result, it seems that Chicheng is the most active towards him, and Tirpitz, this guy, Lu Yan Zhi can say that Yixian is the second favorite, and the favorability is definitely enough.

Thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi burst into tears again. After so long, he didn't give out a single ring. Speaking of which, he couldn't do it either!

However, it's not self-pity, it's just self-deprecation. After all, Lu Yanzhi still hopes to be more solemn when giving the ring. It is destined that there will not be a grand wedding. If the rings are given casually, then it is too scumbag .

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Lu Yanshi came to the coffee shop, which is the largest leisure club in the town guard mansion. Here, Lu Yanzhi basically wants to see that anyone can achieve it, just wait for a while.

Tirpitz is still here. In the hot summer, this place is more attractive than a bedroom. Sexy denim shorts, white half-sleeved top, revealing a fleshy belly, lying on the sofa without any image, and paired with a glass of wine Ice fat house happy water, Tirpitz can stay here all day without moving.

Lu Yanshi came over and sat next to Tirpitz. Tirpitz didn't even lift his eyelids.

She probably thought that the admiral would be fine and just don't disturb her reading, but this possibility didn't exist at all.

Squeezing Tirpitz's face, it felt really good: "Why does Tirpitz's clothes look familiar to me?"

It doesn't matter if you squeeze your face, Tirpitz ignored it, and then replied: "Oh, this, my sister's clothes, I will wear them first!"

"Uh, Tirpitz, don't you have any clothes yourself? How do you wear your sister's clothes?"

"I can't find my clothes, admiral!"

Tirpitz finally complained because Lu Yan was so knowledgeable that he pinched her face with both hands and blocked her view so that she couldn't see the book in her hand.

"By the way, where is your sister? It seems that I didn't see Hu Teng being trained!"

Withdrawing one hand, Lu Yanzhi asked again.

"Sister? Take Hu Teng to attack!"

Tirpitz turned around: "Admiral, don't bother me, go find your little wife!"

Shaking his head, Lu Yanshi walked out of the coffee shop and met Xiao Zhai again. The little guy was sneaky, probably playing hide-and-seek with the destroyers.

Lu Yanzhi walked over, regardless of Xiao Zhai's resistance, squeezed his face, hugged him, and held him high.


Refreshed, what I envied before can now be done unscrupulously. In the end, Lu Yanzhi laughed and left in Xiaozhai's unwillingness and humiliation. The little guy was worried that his position would be exposed, so he didn't make a sound, silent The resistance will only encourage adults to "arrogant arrogance!"

Guo Gan also followed Bismarck to attack. This is when he met Yixian on the road. Yixian told Lu Yanshi that Yixian begged Bismarck for a quota.

"Tsk tsk!"

Lu Yanzhi smacked his lips and paid a silent tribute to Kokang. He felt sorry for this little guy. He was obviously just a destroyer, but because he carried the expectations of adults, as a result, the privileges that destroyers should enjoy were always not available. On the contrary, they were more inexplicable. So many responsibilities.

After leaving the tutelary mansion, Lu Yanzhi saw Ling Bo again, wearing a short white skirt, slender legs, white half-sleeves and a brown plaid vest, with a camera in his hand.

Fu Bo was wearing a red and white witch costume, standing on a rock, posing cute poses, probably acting as a model for Ling Bo.

Ling Bo has grown up and is already a young girl, and has become a little taciturn. Sometimes when he is with San Juan, he can still think of his stupid and unruly appearance before, and he can't help feeling a little nostalgic.

Lu Yanzhi walked over: "Is Ling Bo taking pictures?"


Ling Bo showed a slight smile, and then handed Lu Yanzhi a photo. In the picture, Biao Bo was standing on the reef, with the waves rolling up behind him. A qualified photographer, his capture skills are definitely not bad, and Ling Bo's skills are absolutely perfect. Qualified or above.

The moment the waves rolled up, Fu Bo subconsciously covered her skirt gently. She was clearly a little lolita, but she gave a three-point charming feeling in the photo.

"Lingbo's photography skills are so good now, think about the past..."

Lu Yanzhi looked at the photo and smiled lightly, Ling Bo's face turned slightly red, he had grown up, he was really shy and embarrassed when he thought of what happened before.

"Let me take a photo for the admiral!"

Ling Bo said: "Together with Fu Bo."


Lu Yanzhi nodded: "Fu Bo, come down, let's take a photo."


Fu Bo came down from the reef and came to Lu Yanzhi.

"Well, do you want me to go back and change into the admiral's uniform?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

"No need, Admiral, that's it, it's best to be natural!"

Ling Bo said, picked up the camera, click!

Holding the photo for a while, Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly: "I accept this photo, Fu Bo, ask your sister to give you another one!"

There are quite a few photos taken with the ship girls. Lu Yanzhi has a special photo album. Looking through it in his spare time, he can always remind people of some interesting things.

Bismarck finally came back from the sea, one, two, three, four, five, and there were quite a few ships.

This can be regarded as Lu Yanzhi's habit. When he is far away, when he can see the figure clearly, he must count it first, and comfort him in his heart.


Lu Yanzhi was puzzled again, Bismarck, Hu Teng, Kokang, this is three, plus a Prince Eugen, this is four, what's going on, how did it become five?

Lu Yanzhi looked at Ling Bo beside him: "Ling Bo, do you know how many Bismarck and the others attacked?"


Ling Bo fiddled with his camera, but he also answered Lu Yanzhi's question by the way.


Lu Yanzhi had a vague feeling in his heart, and immediately ran to the other side, Saratoga and Lexington.

"Gaga, look at how Bismarck and the others are doing. Didn't they attack with four? Why did they come back with one more?"

Training in Lexington takes place every afternoon, and today is no exception.

Saratoga was originally sitting under the parasol, but when he heard Lu Yanzhi's words, he nodded, got up, opened the ship suit, and released his carrier-based aircraft.

"Don't worry, admiral, that should be Bismarck's ship girl. I don't think Bismarck has any conflict with her."

While manipulating the carrier-based aircraft, Saratoga said to Lu Yanzhi who was nervous beside him.

"Fishing a boat?"

Lu Yanzhi was taken aback for another moment. Can he get the boat with just one attack?

"Are Bismarck and the others all right?"

"It seems to be all right, but Hu Teng's clothes are a little torn, it should be torn!"

Saratoga continued: "Don't worry, they'll be right back!"

Saratoga comforted Lu Yanzhi so much, and Lu Yanzhi was reluctant to feel relieved, but he was puzzled and said, "Speaking of which, Bismarck and the others attacked, why didn't you let your sister go with them?"

"I would like to, but when they attack, my sister is busy helping you with official duties!"

There was resentment in Saratoga's words, Lu Yanzhi laughed dryly, and then did not speak again.

After a while, I finally saw the appearance of the person brought by Bismarck and others.

Red shoulder-to-shoulder knight uniform, white miniskirt, black knee-high boots, blond short-to-medium hair, a black eye patch on the left eye, and a prominent figure. Apart from Helena, Lu Yanzhi really can't think of anyone else who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

"Prince of Wales?"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly had a guess in his mind. With this outfit and this illegal figure, he really couldn't think of anyone else except the eldest brother, the Prince of Wales.

Lu Yanzhi and Saratoga looked at each other, and then went up to meet them. Lexington, who was on the sea, had seen the situation here earlier, took back the carrier-based aircraft and walked over.

Seeing Lu Yanshi approaching, Bismarck looked serious, pointed at Lu Yanshi and said to the strange woman, "This is our admiral, and his name is Lu Yanshi!"


The woman looked blank, but then she seemed to think of something, she straightened her body and said to Lu Yanzhi, "Your safety! Your Excellency, Admiral, I am the battleship Prince of Wales!"

Is it really the Prince of Wales?
Lu Yanzhi looked at Bismarck, what's the matter, his luck has never been so good, right?Can a random attack get the Prince of Wales?

Is this the last life that saved the galaxy?Besides, Prince of Wales, oh my god, the old man is about to change his luck!

Lu Yanzhi was surprised, or unbelievable, unbelievable, in short, his mood was very complicated.

The ship's wife, the Prince of Wales, spoke again: "You must be surprised, right? You and I met under such circumstances, but affairs are always so incredible and unpredictable, aren't they?"

"Yes, yes, brother is right!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded repeatedly, and at the same time, inexplicably, called out the nickname of the Prince of Wales in the game.

"Big brother?"

Sure enough, upon hearing such a title, the Prince of Wales looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously.

Lexington stepped forward and chuckled: "Is that the Prince of Wales? You are welcome to join our tutelary mansion. I am Lexington, the secretary of the tutelary mansion!"

Glancing at Lu Yanzhi, he said, "Don't mind. Although the admiral likes to give people nicknames, it's all because of her love. The admiral has no other intentions. Don't worry!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded beside him, yes, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to sworn brotherhood with my elder brother.

 Well, the Prince of Wales changed the vertical painting, haha
(End of this chapter)

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