Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 297 Chapter Family

Chapter 297

"Sit casually, sit casually, Oklahoma and I are usually very casual!"

Nevada kicked away the beer cans under his feet indiscriminately, and then called a few people to come in.

Beer cans thrown away, half-eaten bags of potato chips thrown away, two bites of apples, and a lot of torn paper.

Saratoga pouted his nose and nodded, looked around, and laughed: "It's quite casual!"

"Hey, sit down, sister, cut some fruit for someone!"

Nevada quickly picked up a black object from the coffee table and hid it at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Oklahoma had blue veins on his forehead, pulled over Nevada and whispered, "Fruit? What kind of fruit do you have at home?"

"Ahem, let's just sit down for a while, it's okay, there's no need to prepare fruit."

Lu Yanshi found the only place on the sofa where people could sit and sat down. After saying a word, he saw Saratoga looking at him, then stood up again, and smiled and asked Saratoga to sit down. .

"Ah, hehe, sit down first, I'll bring you two bottles of drinks!"

Nevada said, ran to the kitchen, and then, looking at the cans of beer in the cabinet, fell into thought.

"You probably didn't drink much at the bar just now, right? It shouldn't matter if you drink more? Well, that's it!"

"Well, let's forget about beer, I just drank some at the bar, and we're not thirsty, we're not thirsty."

Lu Yanzhi watched Nevada come over with beer again, his eyeballs almost popped out. He doesn't like drinking, especially the feeling of being drunk. He has already had several drinks at the bar. What kind of rhythm is Nevada doing?
Putting down the beer, he said to Lu Yanzhi and the others, "Uh, sit down first, Oklahoma and I will prepare a room for you, and discuss joining the tutelary mansion by the way."

Immediately afterwards, he pulled across the Oklahoma next to him and walked upstairs to a bedroom.

"Sister, I always feel that it is a wrong decision for you to call them back."

Nevada slapped his forehead: "I didn't expect our house to be so messy!"

"Mistake, misstep!"

Nevada sighed, Oklahoma said with a smile: "Looking at your expression, old lady, have you decided to join their tutelary fort?"

"How come, at least we have to think about it."

Nevada said: "And, your opinion is also very important, we sisters, we should act together anyway."

"Since it hasn't been decided, old lady, why do you care so much about their impression!" Oklahoma said again.

"What do you know!"

Nevada stared at Oklahoma: "If we really joined his tutelary, wouldn't we have a bad impression today, and what if he gave us two small shoes in the future?"

There was nothing wrong with what he said, but when it came out of Nevada's mouth, it changed instantly. Oklahoma looked at Nevada curiously, as if he didn't know Nevada, and never thought that his sister would be so thoughtful.

Nevada didn't pay attention to Oklahoma's expression, and continued: "Look again, you and I will sleep in the same room tonight, we will discuss carefully, your room will be used by those two ships, and then a room will be packed for that Lu Admiral live."

After finishing speaking, Nevada looked at Oklahoma with a half-smile, and took out a black underwear from behind: "Also, don't throw underwear everywhere in the future."

Oklahoma snatched it with his hands, and his face was ugly: "Take care of yourself, it's not much worse than me!"


"These two people really, really, have personalities, haha!"

In the living room, Lu Yanshi tidied up a sofa, then sat down with Tennessee and said.

Saratoga still had a cold face, and now she felt more and more that it was a wrong decision for her admiral to recruit these two.

With this character, he is far worse than Tirpitz. At least Tirpitz is just a nerd. These two guys, this is too,
Saratoga couldn't think of how to describe it for a while, but all in all, he felt that the two were not good.

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga, and guessed a little in his heart, but he didn't say anything. The character of the ship's wife is all kinds of strange, but once she joins the tutelary mansion, at least with the restraint of the admiral, some of them will ask her The admiral moved closer and transformed the two ship girls. It was a trivial matter. Besides, there were Bismarck and the Prince of Wales in the tutelary mansion. They were responsible for the training of the battleships in the tutelary mansion. Under the circumstances, breaking the bad habits of Nevada and Oklahoma is a breeze.

Tennessee didn't express any opinion. He picked up a can of beer from the coffee table, took a big sip, and then asked Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral, do you want to drink?"

Lu Yanzhi waved his hands again and again: "If you don't drink, don't drink anymore, if you drink any more, you will be drunk!"

Saratoga chuckled: "It's good to be drunk, you don't have to think about anything, someone is waiting for you, how comfortable it is!"

"I'm worried about being drunk and doing something beastly."

"What about the beast?"

Saratoga was at a loss for a moment, then thought of it for a moment, her pretty face blushed, and she scolded: "The admiral is not serious."

Lu Yanzhi laughed loudly. Although Saratoga usually looks like a cold goddess, it is quite interesting to tease her occasionally.

After a while, Nevada and Oklahoma came down from the second floor: "Let's rest today, we will give you an answer tomorrow."

"Oh, by the way, there are two empty bedrooms upstairs, one has two single beds in it, and the other has a big bed in it, you can divide it among yourself!"

After speaking, Nevada went upstairs without looking back.

Oklahoma smiled awkwardly: "Come with me."

"In this bedroom, there are two single beds, and the futons are all put up... This bedroom is a big bed, and the bedding is also complete."

Let's take a rest early.

After finishing speaking, Oklahoma ran to another bedroom and slipped in, leaving Lu Yanzhi and the three of them staring at each other for a moment. What's going on?Is there such a way of hospitality?
"Here, you two should sleep in that room, there are just two beds, I'll sleep in this one!"


Saratoga didn't respond, Tennessee nodded, and went to the bedroom with Saratoga.

"Long night, sleep!"

"Ding, trigger a side mission, get Nevada, Oklahoma, success reward: 23 guns*4, no penalty for failure."

The prompt from the system made Lu Yanzhi sit up in an instant: "Hey, why did the system suddenly cheat you?"

Lu Yanzhi complained that this system has become more and more invisible since he worked hard, and there has been no movement for several months. Lu Yanzhi even thought that the system had disappeared.

"The system has always existed, it's just that the host didn't pursue it and couldn't trigger the system prompt."

Lu Yanzhi sneered: "I didn't pursue it? I didn't pursue it. I caught the Prince of Wales without anyone noticing it. The system, you might wear sunglasses at night and pretend to be blind!"

Speaking of this, Lu Yanzhi seemed to think of something again: "Also, why didn't you give me a reward when I got the Prince of Wales? It was a reformed Prince of Wales, why didn't you come out and trigger the mission for me? "

"The Prince of Wales was obtained by Bismarck, and has nothing to do with the host."


"Waste wood system, step back quickly, talking to you is a waste of my life, and, besides, I'm going to bed."

At the moment, Nevada and Oklahoma are in the room.

"Sister, how about we go to the tutelary mansion first? If it feels good, we will stay. If not, we will come back."

Oklahoma said: "Besides, we have lived in human society for so long, but we are ship girls after all. Although licking blood on the knife edge is a bit exaggerated, but fighting the deep sea is our job."

Nevada said nothing, not knowing what to think.


Oklahoma yelled again.


Oklahoma turned his head to look, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. His sister had fallen asleep at some point.

Shaking his head, Oklahoma turned off the lamp by the bed and lay down.

"Talk to my sister tomorrow, just do as I say, you won't suffer no matter what."

"And, after all, I've stayed in human society for too long, the muzzle is almost rusting!"

Oklahoma thought this way. When she saw her sister and Nevada shelling at random, she actually didn't want to deploy her ship, raised her main gun, and fired a round and a half salvo towards that mountain. .

The ship girl is a creature of the sea after all.


Received replies from Nevada and Oklahoma, although they did not directly join the tutelary fort, but the so-called observation, but they have encountered such cases several times before, Lu Yanzhi said that he was not panicked at all.

"When you decided to visit my tutelary mansion, let me tell you that you are close to falling, oh, no, it is not far to join my tutelary mansion."

"I don't believe you are harder to get than Bismarck!" Lu Yanzhi thought in his heart.

Accompanying Nevada to the headquarters of their gang, Nevada explained clearly to his subordinates.

"After I'm gone, whoever will take over my job, the purpose of the gang will remain the same as it was before."

Lu Yanzhi completely believed the previous rhetoric of Oklahoma City. As far as Nevada's reaction is concerned, it doesn't feel like a gang boss is handing over the job. Admonishing his subordinates.

Obviously Nevada should be cool standing in front of everyone, but Lu Yanzhi just wanted to laugh for no reason.

If you think you are upright, Nevada is actually a tsundere!
When everything is over, everything that should be explained is clearly explained. The house was originally rented. Return the key to the landlord, and the landlord will return the deposit. Then everyone prepares to go to Bundle City.

"Admiral Lu, how do we go next?"

Nevada inquired that if it was by train, then she would have to waste a little more time dealing with her motorcycle.

Lu Yanzhi chuckled: "Let's go like this, you and Oklahoma will ride, and we will drive this car to follow behind you."

"In this case!"

Nevada laughed wildly: "Then let's go!"


 From now on, Chapter 1 will be at nine o'clock, and Chapter 2 will be at eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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