Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 338 Absolutely Won't Shot Her

Chapter 338 Absolutely Won't Shot Her

Lu Yanshi went back, but left a legend in the Naval Academy. The admiral who graduated from the Luyang Naval Academy, senior Lu Yanzhi, came here to give a speech, and within a month, he got the academy's battleship instructor Veneto.

The students of the Luyang Naval Academy lamented: Senior Lu Yanzhi is telling the truth, and in a blink of an eye, he gave himself a practical teaching.

The battleship instructor of the Naval Academy, and also the eldest sister of the academy director empire, is powerful, so many admirals are watching, but none of them dare to go up and talk to the boat, and now, they are being snatched just like this.

At this moment, at the port of Luyang City, Rome is looking at Veneto reluctantly.

"Big sister, you must be well over there!"

"Do not worry!"

Veneto just reached out his hand to touch Rome's head, and then looked at Rome who was one point taller than him, Veneto put down his right hand, and his tone became flat.

"Go back, Haikou City and Luyang City are not far away, see you later."

The empire said from the side: "Then, the eldest sister is training over there. When the holidays come, Rome and I will go to see you."


After the empire finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yanzhi again: "Yes, you guy, no wonder there are so many ship girls who have a set of skills after only two years of graduation!"

"My eldest sister will be taken care of by you. You can't neglect me."

"That's it!"

Roma spoke from the side: "If we go over and see that the elder sister has suffered a little bit of grievance, then I will demolish your tutelary fort!"

"Ha, don't worry, I will definitely pay extra attention to a battleship as powerful as VV!"


The empire looked at the two jokingly: "Why didn't I know that my eldest sister still has this name?"

"Uh, this..."

Lu Yanzhi was speechless again. Although Veneto was called this in the previous game, this is the real world, not to mention that there are not many Venetos in the first place. Even if there were, who would dare to do this? Calling her, and the reason why Lu Yanzhi called her that, was just to draw in the relationship between the two.

Veneto over there was obviously impatient, and said, "Go back to the academy, we are going to leave too."

Lu Yanzhi said at the same time: "Yes, hurry up and go, we are going back too."


For Roma, such a separation is somewhat unacceptable. Since her birth, the eldest sister who has been following her suddenly joined the tutelary mansion. Therefore, when she returned to the academy, Roma was in a low mood.

As for other people, including whether the empire is there or not, the matter of Veneto's joining the tutelary mansion is much more ordinary. The elder sister has a wrong mentality, and obviously needs an admiral to enlighten her. Moreover, she was born so long ago, so she has no experience of life and death. Pass.

On the other side, Bismarck was still at the helm, driving the yacht of the tutelary mansion, while Veneto and Lu Yanshi were basking on the deck leisurely.

"VV, you should drink less coffee in the future!"

"What? Can't the tutelary mansion afford coffee?"

"No, I just heard that drinking coffee for girls affects breast development."


Seeing that Veneto was about to run away, Lu Yanzhi said again: "I don't care about your poor figure, it's mainly about yourself, since you want your figure to be better, then you should be extra careful about it. "

Veneto didn't speak, and lay on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, but he didn't touch the coffee next to him.

Depart from the port of Luyang City at noon, and return to the tutelary mansion at around [-]:[-] pm.

Lu Yanzhi enthusiastically introduced the situation of the tutelary mansion to Veneto.

"Over there, do you see that girl who is practicing bombardment? She is Hu Teng, the girl who was rescued from the deep sea before we guarded the mansion, and she is also very strong. Homer and Nevada."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhi said again: "Veneto can go to her to practice exercises when you are free."

"Hey, here, here is our tutelary fort. The secretary ship is currently served by the aircraft carrier USS Lexington. She is very capable."

As Lu Yanzhi continued talking, Xiao Zhai ran over with the boy scouts.

"Admiral, are you back?"

Lu Yanzhi reached out and rubbed Xiao Zhai's little pink head, and then said to Veneto: "This is the loli battleship Tirpitz of our tutelary mansion. At present, only our tutelary mansion has it in the whole world. Tirpitz Juvenile version of Ci."

"Loli battleship?"

Veneto's eyes flickered, like mine?Is this a companion?
Looking at Veneto's eyes, it was not clear what Veneto was thinking, Lu Yanzhi explained: "She is not the same as you, she is the childhood version of Tirpitz, she is really a loli , but you are an adult."

"Really loli?"

"Yes, it is said that she will become Tirpitz when she grows up, but there has never been a precedent, and no one knows."

Xiao Zhai blinked his big eyes at the moment, looked at Veneto, and said curiously: "Admiral, you found me another brother, hehe."

"Little brother?"

Veneto looked at Lu Yanzhi again, and Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly: "Xiaozhai is the king of children in the tutelary mansion, and every little destroyer loli who joins the tutelary mansion must worship the eldest sister."

Xiao Zhai looked at Veneto triumphantly: "Got it? That's why, quickly call me Eldest Sister. In this town guard mansion, no one dares to bully you with my protection."

"What if you bully me?"

Veneto looked at Xiao Zhai and suddenly smiled.


Xiao Zhai was a little puzzled at once, those little fellows in the past, who would ask so many questions, how did she know how to answer them.

Cunyu's army master skill max, said beside him: "Isn't it right for elder sister to bully you? Besides, elder sister will not bully you."

"Yes, yes, as a big sister, how could I condescend to bully you?"

Xiao Zhai first glanced at Murasame approvingly, then stood in front of Veneto with his hands on his hips, putting on airs.

Veneto chuckled, this little guy, despite his loli appearance, still pretends to be a grown-up.

Lu Yanzhi picked up Xiao Zhai, rubbed Xiao Zhai's head fiercely, and scolded with a smile: "Little guy, it's not big or small, remember it later, Veneto is a sister, just like Lexington's sister and Meow's sister big sister!"

"Her? Big sister?"

Xiao Zhai looked at Veneto's figure like a chopping board, and his tone was full of disbelief.Although she is a lolita, her eyes are not blind, like Sister Meow, Sister Lexington, that is not a particularly good figure, even if she is not good, Sister San Juan, at least she is tall.

Look at this one in front of you, with a height of 1.3 meters and a body that is poorer than San Juan's sister, what qualifications do you have to be a sister.

Veneto looked at Xiao Zhai, and suddenly felt very tired. He felt that he was a loli, and no matter who he was, he was still regarded as a companion by the real little loli.

"Forget it, admiral, leave her alone, show me the other sisters in the tutelary mansion!"

Veneto said helplessly, if she hadn't returned with the admiral, she would have doubted whether the admiral made such a fuss on purpose just to see himself as a joke.

Put down the small house, and then bring Veneto to the admiral's office.

Lexington had obviously seen the two of them a long time ago, so he prepared tea early.

"Admiral, this is Veneto, right?"

Although Lexington was asking, her tone was affirmative. She already knew the situation from CV-16. The admiral was stranded in Luyang City just for Veneto, and now he came back suddenly, bringing a strange girl with him. up.

"Veneto, the first ship of the Vittorio-class battleship, are you Lexington?"

Veneto held out his right hand solemnly.

Lexington chuckled: "I am Lexington, the first ship of the Lexington-class aircraft carrier, and I am also the secretary ship of the tutelary mansion. You are welcome to join our tutelary mansion."

Lexington recorded the roster for Veneto, and then arranged to prepare a room for Veneto. At dinner, Lu Yanzhi formally introduced Veneto to everyone in the tutelary mansion.

Finally, Veneto completely settled in the tutelary mansion.

It was night, and Lexington stayed in Lu Yanshi's room.

"I didn't expect that Veneto really has the figure of a loli."

Lexington said while lying in Lu Yanshi's arms.

"What's the matter, although he has the body of a destroyer, but his strength is not weak."

"So what, battleships can't defeat aircraft carriers after all."

Lexington said again.

"Haha, yes, yes, my wife is number one in the world."

Seeing Lexington's playful appearance, Lu Yanzhi laughed.

"It was!"

Lexington snuggled up, muttering.

"It's so troublesome to be a secretary. Everyone in the tutelary mansion can accompany the admiral out, but I can't."

Lu Yanshi replied: "Then I will spend more time with my wife in the town guard mansion."

"Then the admiral has agreed, admiral, from now on in the tutelary mansion, you will spend one day a week to accompany me."

"Good good!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, agreed to everything, and then said to Lexington: "Uh, it's still early, ma'am, let's do it again."

"Hmph, find your Veneto!"

Lexington turned his head: "The admiral is really good at hiding, I didn't find out before, you actually like loli."

"Veneto is no lolita."

"Why isn't she a loli? She's a little taller than Xiao Zhai, and she doesn't even have a figure. She's not as good as Murasame. She's obviously a loli."

"Ma'am, it's a little unbelievable for you to say that."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "Veneto probably didn't provoke you, did he?"

"Why didn't you provoke me?"

Lexington suddenly became fierce: "The admiral who seduces me is provoking me."


Lu Yanzhi was speechless again.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's silence, Lexington smiled again: "A little joke with the admiral, the admiral won't be angry, right?"

Lu Yanzhi touched Rou Yi in Lexington, and then said, "A wife will always be a wife, why would I be angry?"

"It's good not to be angry, then as a thank you, I will allow the admiral to attack Veneto."

"Uh, I really have no idea about Veneto."

Lu Yanzhi said in a daze, "I fished for Veneto only because the empire, that is, the head of the Luyang Naval Academy, felt that Veneto was not in the right mind, so he asked me to fish it back, hoping that I could unlock it."

"Admiral really has no idea about Veneto?"


"It's fine if you don't have one, then I'll remember it, the admiral will never attack Veneto."

After finishing speaking, Lexington smiled again: "Hee hee, sleep!"


 Sorry, I'm a little busy today, so I'm late!

(End of this chapter)

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