Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 342 The Ring Handed Again

Chapter 342 The Ring Handed Again


It was night, something Lu Yan knew was rare, and he didn't go to his own gentle hometown to enjoy it.

Lying on the bed alone, Lu Yanzhi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't the first time that the prestige was like this, but it happened to be this time, which made people feel even more uncomfortable.

In fact, if Shengfu scolded him a few words, she would be able to bear it if she vented, but it was precisely this kind of gentle attitude that made people feel ashamed.

It was already late at night, but Lu Yanzhi didn't feel sleepy at all, and the image before the prestige turned over and over in his mind.

It is said that the Prince of Wales also has heterochromatic pupils, but since he grew up, he has been wearing a black blindfold so that people can't see it. However, the prestige heterochromatic pupils have a different charm.

The ship's wife is not ugly, but she has never noticed it before, and the prestige is always dressed as a maid. She is wearing a maid outfit, so she can't see anything at all, but the prestige yesterday is very beautiful.

"As long as the admiral wants to, the prestige will do his best."


Lu Yanzhi shook his head, got up from the bed, turned on the light in the dormitory, poured himself a glass of water, and walked to the window.

At some point, Lexington walked gently to Lu Yanshi's room, and then saw Lu Yanshi standing in front of the window in pajamas, and then took a coat and put it on Lu Yanshi.

"Admiral, what's wrong with you?"

"Madam, you are here!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled slightly.

"No way, the admiral's condition is worrying, so come and have a look."

"What can I do."

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly.


Lexington blinked.

"Well, let you see, there is indeed something."

"Can you tell me something? I'm worried about the admiral."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just reputation."

"Reputation? What did the prestige say to the admiral?"


Lexington was surprised. In the entire tutelary mansion, I am afraid that the only reputation is to respond to Lu Yanshi's requests without asking for anything in return. The gentle and unrestrained head maid is not joking, and she will also make the admiral worry?
Lu Yanzhi nodded, and continued: "Well, I asked the Prince of Wales about growing up for Veneto, and I talked to Shengfu about something, but Shengfu thought I wanted her to grow up, and it turned out, alas!"

"As a result, Prestige found out that it was wishful thinking?"

Lexington added for Lu Yanzhi.

"It's not wishful thinking, I actually hope that the reputation can grow, and you, Chicheng, and everyone in the town guard mansion, I hope they can grow."

Lu Yanzhi argued, but he didn't have much confidence.

"Admiral, this is your fault!"

After a general understanding of what happened, Lexington looked at Lu Yanzhi with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"Ask for Veneto, just tell them clearly, and they won't blame you if you tell them clearly, why do you still come out like that?"

"I, isn't it, I feel that asking directly is a bit too utilitarian!"


Lexington said helplessly: "Admiral, tell your family, is this a utilitarian?"


Lexington suddenly smiled, and Lu Yanzhi only felt numbness in his back.

"Or, Admiral, you don't regard us as family at all?"

"How come, of course you are my family!"

Lu Yanzhi opened his mouth and said.

"Isn't that enough?"

Lexington said: "When we are family members, why are you acting so strange?"


Lu Yanzhi was left speechless by what Lexington said.

With a wry smile, he said, "Oh, ma'am, you'd better stop talking about me and think about how to solve the prestige issue."

"Don't worry about it, okay?"

Lexington said: "Isn't the reputation not angry, noisy?"

"It's just that I don't make noise, that's why I feel sorry."

Lu Yanshi spread his hands: "My dear wife, just help me find a way, I'm about to die of anxiety."

"It's true to say that the admiral loves a careless guy like Tirpitz, but the prestige CV-16 is more likely to be ignored by the admiral at ordinary times."

"It was my fault!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded to admit his mistake.

"Also, admiral, you usually pay more attention to the destroyers. Although they are a group of carefree destroyers, it's okay for the admiral to pay more attention."

"They should be fine, right?"

As Lu Yanzhi said, seeing Lexington's expression again, he nodded obediently: "Well, I will spend more time with them in the future."

"As for prestige!"

Lexington said meaningfully: "Admiral, you find a suitable opportunity to marry her!"

"Wouldn't it be inappropriate to marry like this?"

Lu Yanzhi said, she thought about the prestige of being married, but thinking of the previous time, he hesitated again.

"Admiral, what I mean is, don't act so excessively, you can find a suitable opportunity, a suitable place, and give her the ring as precious as possible."

"Don't act like you're making up for it. To be honest, reputation joined the tutelary mansion earlier than me. If it wasn't for prestige in the early days of the tutelary mansion, we would have had a hard time doing it. However, prestige has always been hardworking. Admiral, you should think about it. alone with reputation."

"I also often drink afternoon tea with her."

"Yes, it's afternoon tea with someone, but the counterattack is here."

Lexington's expression was inexplicable: "Admiral, if you didn't want to fight back, would you go to have afternoon tea with someone?"

"Oh, when you say that, I realize that I'm such a bastard."

"The admiral is an asshole."

Lexington said bluntly.As for Lu Yanzhi, he could only say yes with a wry smile.

The next day, according to what Lexington said, Lu Yanzhi was always paying attention to the movements of Shengfu. After breakfast, Shengfu went to clean the leaves of the tutelary mansion with a counterattack, and Lu Yanzhi hurriedly followed.

"Master? What's the matter with you?"

Holding a broom, watching Lu Yanzhi walking up and down in front, prestige said helplessly.

"Oh, it's all right, prestige, you are busy with your work."

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"Admiral Lu, if you're fine, don't hang around in front of the two of us."

The counterattack is not polite to Lu Yanzhi. She has not yet joined the tutelary mansion, and has not recognized the admiral or the master. She will definitely not be like her sister. Less than that.

"Cough, hey, fight back, you go and serve the Prince of Wales, and I'll clean the leaves for reputation."

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi was ready to fight back.

"Just you? Are you still helping my sister?" The counterattack continued to sneer: "I'm afraid there is something else you want to ask my sister?"

"It's really okay this time, I just want to talk to Shengfu."

"Talk? If it's just an ordinary talk, why can't I be there?"

"This is a matter of personal privacy. It's a bit embarrassing for you to be here."

Lu Yanzhi replied honestly, in his pocket, there was a small red box, which contained the ring he got from Lexington in the morning.

Counterattack was about to say something, but was stopped by the prestige: "Counterattack, you go to serve the Prince of Wales first, I can do it here."

"elder sister!"

Stamped his feet back and shouted unwillingly.


The voice of prestige cannot be doubted.

Seeing the counterattack and walking away, Lu Yanzhi walked over with a smile, picked up the broom and said with a smile: "I have never done anything for Shengfu, this time, let's sweep the leaves with Shengfu."

"Master, you can speak directly if you have anything to say."

"Actually nothing."

Seeing the look on the reputation, Lu Yanzhi changed his words: "I'm more worried about the reputation. I was wrong about what happened yesterday. It's okay to say it directly, but there are so many detours. In the end, I let the reputation worry for nothing."

"Master, there is no need to worry about me."

While sweeping the leaves, Shengfu said, "The reputation has grown, is Master happy?"

"Of course I am happy, the prestige is the old man who guards the mansion."

"Isn't that enough?"

Shengfu chuckled and continued: "No matter what the master said that day is true or not, but the master is still very happy when his reputation grows, that's enough, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Prestige lowered his head again, and said in a low voice: "Prestige is just the maid of the master. No matter what you do, it is only for the admiral to be happy. The admiral can stop being entangled. As long as you do it, then Prestige will be satisfied."


The golden hair of the reputation was dazzling under the sunlight, and Lu Yanzhi lost his mind slightly.

Before he could continue speaking, the prestige said again: "So, master, you can go to your own affairs and don't care about the prestige."

At this time, Lu Yanzhi would not be so stupid as to really go about his own business, but chuckled lightly: "Lexington has dealt with the documents, and what I have to do now is to obediently clean up the leaves of the town guard's mansion with you." .”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhi stood solemnly in front of Shengfu with a broom in his hand: "Major maid, treat me as your subordinate now, please give me orders! Do I want to clean that area?"

"Master, if you really intend to help me, then go over there and rest."

Prestige stubbornly said: "I am a maid, how can I command my master?"

After Shengfu said this, Lu Yanzhi didn't intend to end it like this. He still held a broom and followed Shengfu to clean up.

As for the prestige, he obviously gave up and ignored Lu Yanzhi's behavior. Finally, at noon, the leaves of the entire tutelary mansion were cleaned.

"Phew, I'm really tired. It seems that your daily work is not easy, Shengfu."

As he said that, Lu Yanzhi turned his head to look, and his reputation had long since disappeared.

Just when Lu Yanzhi was disappointed, the figure of Shengfu slowly approached from the distance from the restaurant.

"Master, are you tired? I have prepared black tea and dessert."

Refreshments were placed in the gazebo, and reputation stood behind Lu Yanzhi, silently massaging Lu Yanzhi's shoulders.

"Prestige, sit down too, I'm stiff when you're like this."

"Master is still not used to my service?"

"I always feel suspected of squeezing the working people."

"By the way, I just realized now that prestige work is very tiring."

"Master is just an ordinary person, he will feel tired, Mrs. Ship..."

"The ship's wife is also a human being."

"Speaking of which, do you feel bored with this kind of work day after day?"

"Doing things for the master, prestige is never boring."

"Prestige, marry me and become my wedding ship!"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly knelt down on one knee, then took out the ring in his pocket, and looked at the reputation seriously.

"I know that doing this may be suspected of gaining favor and redress, but I am serious. In fact, I have not paid too much attention to the prestige situation since I joined the tutelary fortress. This is my fault. I Hope Reputation forgives."

"In the past, I didn't pay much attention to you. In the future, prestige, please give me a chance to be my wedding ship. In the future, I will try my best to make up for it. I hope that you are not only my little maid, but also that you are My pillow person, you are my only one!"

Lu Yanzhi said a lot in one breath, and then looked nervously at the expressionless reputation, before, it was here, in this gazebo, that reputation rejected his ring, this time, he really didn't want any accidents to happen .

Prestige, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

 Chapter 2, I'm sorry I'm only uploading now, but hey, I remember I said before that Chapter 2 is usually posted around eleven o'clock, which is not too late.

  Finally, ask for a reward and subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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