Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 348 Do You Really Want To Join The Ship Girl Alliance?

Chapter 348 Do You Really Want To Join The Ship Girl Alliance?


"Duang, Duang, Duang!"

Lu Yanzhi knocked on the gate of No. 375, Sixiang Hutong, and came again from the tutelary mansion. Lu Yanzhi not only brought Hu Teng, but also brought his admiral certificate.

I suffered a big loss before, but I didn’t bring my ID, so Lai said that Missouri just didn’t believe it. This time, there are pictures and the truth, and there is a living ship girl like Hu Teng. Can you give any reason for refusal.

"Hu Teng, your strength shouldn't be bad, right?"

Lu Yanzhi asked.

I don't know how well Missouri is trained and how equipped it is, but, as an Iowa-class battleship, the parameters of its own ship equipment are there. In the game, the six-star color skin is well-deserved.

If you think about it, you can actually guess. Traveling alone, let alone on land, if you are on the sea, you will definitely meet a deep-sea ship girl. Missouri's training should not be bad.

When her admiral asked, Hu Teng smiled confidently. Her training speed may be only in the middle of the town guard mansion, but in the shelling training, her hit rate is definitely in the top five. Sister Control Seven has little theoretical equipment, plus the Sister Control Six and armor-piercing bullets given to him by the admiral.

Her overall strength ranks among the top three in the town guard's mansion.

"Don't worry, admiral. With more and more exercises, I now have full confidence in my own strength."

Hu Teng spoke to comfort Lu Yanzhi: "Besides, I don't know if it's an illusion or what happened. When I practiced with Bismarck and the others, my chance of dodging was particularly high."

When Lu Yanzhi crossed over, Hu Teng hadn’t appeared in the game yet. He didn’t know about Hu Teng’s data at all. He just guessed and roughly understood that Hu Teng might also be a color skin. However, spicy chicken and gourd have always had star scammers Hindenburg is a living example.

It is precisely because of this that even according to Hu Teng's statement, she should have comprehended her own skills, but Lu Yanzhi still dare not relax.

"Hutten, let me tell you, you must not underestimate your opponent. I know something about Missouri."

In the game, Missouri's skill is to attack battle battles and cruise wars first, and has an additional crit bonus when attacking these targets.

Although this is the real world, just like Saratoga directing the carrier-based aircraft to fly, the skills of those ship girls exist in another understandable way.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhi organized his words to reveal Missouri's strength to Huteng.

"I like to challenge the strong, especially a battleship like you. She will definitely show a stronger strength when she exercises with you."

Hu Teng shook his head. The admiral usually doesn't care about their drills and training, so he doesn't know very well, but she knows her own strength best.

Silently listening to Lu Yanzhi's words, he had already made up his mind: "Must let the admiral see it!"

The door was slowly opened, and it was the friend from Missouri who opened the door.

Lu Yanzhi nodded slightly, and then said, "Hi, I'm looking for Missouri!"


The short-haired girl looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, and then suddenly realized: "Are you talking about Ai You? She's gone!"


Lu Yanzhi was stunned for a moment, he went back and forth non-stop, it took only two days, and he just left?

"Yes, let's go, we left the day after the show."

"Did she say where she was going?"

Lu Yanzhi asked eagerly.

"This is not."

The short-haired girl shook her head.

"Girl, are you making a mistake? We discussed it. She can't lie to me, right?" Lu Yanzhi still did not give up.

"Oh, you are the admiral who wants to get her!"

"Yes, yes, it's me!"

"Then, Ai You said, if you are here, let me tell you, see you later."

After finishing speaking, the short-haired girl said again: "That's all Ai You said, what else do you need? If you have nothing to do, please don't bother me."

After all, after closing the door, she had no intention of inviting Lu Yanzhi in. After all, she and Lu Yanzhi were not familiar with each other.

Walking out of the alley with blank eyes, it is a bit exaggerated to be in a state of despair, but he is always in a bad mood.

"How can this be?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Hu Teng: "Isn't this a lie? The ship's wife can also lie to people?"

Hu Teng said: "The ship's mother is also a human being. Besides, this should be just a prank. Maybe you left a bad impression on the admiral before, and they want to teach you a lesson."


Lu Yanzhi had nothing to say. Originally, it was a wonderful first meeting when a beautiful woman saved a hero, but he was screwed up by his cheap mouth.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's expression, Hu Teng understood clearly: "Is that really the case?"

"So, what do we do now? Go home?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Hu Teng and changed the subject.

"It's a rare time to come out, admiral, take me to Luyang City, I want to find an opponent to practice."

Speaking of this, Hu Teng's eyes lit up. She is actually a fighter. The Haikou City Ship Girl Alliance has already challenged almost everything. She hopes to have new enemies for herself to challenge.

Since Hu Teng thought, Lu Yanzhi would naturally not refuse. When guarding the mansion, it was difficult to treat every ship girl fairly, but this time when he came out, only Hu Teng was with him, so he still had to treat him well.

Moreover, the Hu Teng allure of Sister Yu's figure is simply infinite, okay?

"Okay, then let's go to Luyang City!"

Beiping City is not far from Luyang City, and it only takes half a day by car.

In the afternoon, Lu Yanshi knocked on the office door of the company.

"Why are you here?"

"You follow me?"

The long brown hair looks like satin, and the tall figure is full of temptation.

Missouri is staring at Lu Yanzhi at the moment.

"You guys? Know each other?"

After a long time, Enterprise coughed lightly at the side, and then asked.


"do not know!"


Enterprise looked at Missouri speechlessly, then looked at Lu Yanshi, and finally pointed to Missouri and said, "What's the situation?"

"Who knows him? I only met twice in total. It was this guy who had ulterior motives and arranged the script in advance."

Missouri shook her head and said to Enterprise.

"Then, Admiral Lu, you?"

The company looked at Lu Yanzhi again, and Lu Yanzhi explained: "Ha, didn't you encounter this suddenly when you were traveling in Beiping? You know me too. When you meet a homeless ship girl, you can't help but want to fish, and then maybe It was because my words were a bit too much, and as a result, the relationship with her became very stiff."

Enterprise nodded, and then asked again: "Then what's the matter with you coming here today? It's not true that you are following him as Missouri said, right?"

In the end, the eyes of the company became dangerous. The purpose of the establishment of the Ship Girl Alliance is to protect the ship girls all over the world from being attacked by gossip. She is a capable person, and her company has to learn a lesson.


Lu Yanzhi categorically denied it: "No, my ship's wife, Hu Teng, came here for the drill."

"Is this the ship girl Hu Teng you rescued last time?" Enterprise stood up and looked at Hu Teng curiously.

Beside, Missouri said in disbelief: "Are you really that Admiral Lu in the newspaper?"


Hearing Missouri's words, Enterprise was puzzled again: "No, Missouri, what did you mean just now? What happened to Admiral Lu?"

Missouri pursed her lips and looked at Lu Yanzhi angrily and said nothing. Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then told the company the whole story of their encounter in a few words.

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "I didn't bring the admiral's card that day, and I couldn't prove my identity to Missouri. No, I ran back on purpose. I brought the admiral's card, and then Hu Teng also brought it."

After hearing all this, the company covered its mouth and smiled lightly: "Hey, then it seems that Admiral Lu's plan to win Missouri is in vain. Missouri has already decided to join our Ship Girl Alliance."

"Just temporarily!"

Missouri corrected from the side.

Lu Yanzhi continued to smile wryly: "If this is really the case, then I can't help it, right."

"By the way, who is the current head of your war department? Arrange a few exercises for my family, Hu Teng."

Lu Yanzhi's magnanimous attitude made the company suspicious. This guy in front of him is not a good person. He has surpassed the level of hair-plucking, and he will give up fishing for Missouri so easily?
I repeatedly emphasized in my heart that we must be careful, and the company said to Lu Yanzhi: "The minister is still Maryland. If it is a drill, I will arrange it for you tomorrow. I am off work today."

The company has already made up its mind. Tomorrow, it will gather all the members of the war department, let Hu Teng finish the exercise quickly, and then leave Luyang City quickly. If you stay one more day, the ship girls under your hands will be more dangerous. If you don't see Nelson, It has only been more than a year, and three ship girls have been poached, and all of them are capital ships.I don't know exactly what happened at the Naval Academy, but it was the great god in front of me who invited him to give a speech, but when he returned, he snatched away the battleship instructor Veneto.

"Well, Missouri, don't you want to see Hutten? Would you like to go for a walk?"

Ready for Huteng to arrange the exercise, Lu Yanzhi sent an invitation to Missouri next to him.

The enterprise stared at Lu Yanshi nervously: "What do you want to do?"

"Just go."

"Where to go, don't go!"

"Uh..." Lu Yanzhi looked at the nervous enterprise: "You don't worry that I can take Missouri away in a short time, do you?"

"People like you must be guarded against!"

Enterprise shakes its head.

Lu Yanzhi said to Missouri again: "Then what are your plans? Just go out for a walk."

"Let's go!"

Missouri had no problem with that.He gave the company a reassuring look, and then he and Lu Yanshi came out of the Ship Girl Alliance.

"Ulrich von Hutten?"

Somewhere in the park, Missouri stared at Hutten in front of her and stretched out her right hand.

Hu Teng raised his eyebrows, and also reached out his hand.

"I have admired your name for a long time, and I must practice with you tomorrow."

"Where is it, I am very happy to see an opponent like you."

The two girls worked harder and harder, but still looked at each other with a smile.

Finally, Hu Teng let go under the signal of Lu Yanzhi's eyes.

"Uh, Missouri, are you really planning to join the Ship Girl Alliance?"

 Chapter one!I want to receive a reward for ordering tickets, woo woo, yesterday's subscription was only [-].

(End of this chapter)

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