Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 357 The Second Attribute of Gaga Awakening

Chapter 357 Gaga's Awakened Second Attribute


Successfully persuaded Saratoga to give up the idea of ​​going out for a walk, Lu Yanshi was very happy, and Lexington was also very happy.

As an older sister, she certainly didn't want her younger sister to go out to practice alone.

As a reward, Lu Yanzhi was fascinated by the nurse's Lexington for a long time. It was not until late at night that Lu Yanshi hugged Lexington and prepared to rest.

"Speaking of which, if you personally persuade Lexington, Gaga will definitely agree. She still cares about your feelings."

Smelling Lexington's long flaxen hair, Lu Yanzhi said fondly.

"Of course I can, but, for this kind of thing, it's obviously more appropriate for the admiral to go."

Lexington put his hands on Lu Yanzhi's and said softly.

"Let me brush up favors?"

Lu Yanzhi laughed: "Madam, aren't you afraid that Saratoga will threaten your position?"

"Gaga is my sister!"

Lexington pretended to be angry and said, "Admiral, you are Gaga's brother-in-law, you are not allowed."

"It's exciting to think about."

Lu Yanzhi continued to chuckle.

"Then, it seems that the admiral is still alive."

Lexington smiled like a devil, and Lu Yanzhi was in a bad mood.

Sure enough, Lexington turned over and rode on Lu Yanshi's waist, and then said coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, we can't do this, my sister will find out, and then soak the pig cage."

Red fatal blow!
Lu Yanshi turned over and pressed Lexington under him: "It's okay, your sister won't find out..."

"Hmm... Perverted Admiral!" Lexington snorted softly.


The next day, Lu Yanzhi woke up near noon.

Breakfast turned into lunch, damn it, it's all about Lexington's dissatisfaction and excessive demands.

Lu Yanzhi thumped his waist, and he must restrain himself in the future. Also, the morning jogging with Bismarck should not be left behind.

During lunch, Saratoga sat next to Lu Yanzhi with a plate, which surprised Lu Yanzhi a little. He always licked his face and asked them to sit with them. The girl took the initiative to sit next to her What a first.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi looking at him in surprise, Saratoga didn't understand why.

"Brother-in-law, do I have flowers on my face?"

Make sure that Saratoga didn't come to me crying and complaining that it was just impulsive yesterday that I couldn't tell, and now I regret it.

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile: "Gajia herself is a flower!"

"Brother-in-law can really talk!"

Saratoga chuckled.

"Why didn't Gaga wait for your sister to come over for dinner today?"

"Stay with brother-in-law."

Saratoga said, "It's poor to see my brother-in-law all alone!"

"It's not like an admiral with four marriage ships at all."


Lu Yanzhi didn't know what to say, and he seemed a little unaccustomed to such a sensible Jiajia all of a sudden.

Saratoga didn't care what Lu Yanshi was thinking, sat next to Lu Yanshi and continued: "My sister went to the admiral's room again last night, didn't she?"

"My sister is too much, she is asking too much. The admiral didn't get up for breakfast this morning. Breakfast is so important, how can I not eat breakfast?"

Lu Yanzhi said: "It doesn't matter if you don't eat once in a while."

Saratoga nodded, and then said: "CV-16 is becoming more and more slack now. It used to practice training with me, but now, it hugs Oscar and pets cats all day long."

Lu Yanzhi nodded and shook his head again: "Cats are creatures that can control humans, making people willing to become cat slaves."

"But she's a ship girl!"

"Oscar is no ordinary cat, she is Bismarck's ship suit."

"My brother-in-law is right," said Saratoga.

"Uh, why did Gaga call me brother-in-law all of a sudden? She used to make the admiral angry."


Saratoga was choked suddenly, and then smiled: "What's the matter? Isn't it good to call brother-in-law? Or just want to listen to the admiral?"

Lu Yanzhi said cheerfully, "It's better to be called brother-in-law, but I think calling him brother-in-law is kinder."

Saratoga's eyes narrowed immediately: "I also feel that calling my brother-in-law is kind."

"Didn't brother-in-law just say that cats can control people?"

Looking at Bismarck who was worried about Tirpitz, Saratoga continued: "Then, is my brother-in-law controlled by Bismarck? Didn't Tirpitz keep saying that Bismarck is a soft cat?"

I feel that Saratoga has a lot of words today.

Lu Yanzhi thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out, what if a woman accidentally touches a taboo and gets punished.

Therefore, he replied: "Bismarck should not dare to control me, after all, your sister is here."

Saratoga laughed happily: "Yes, yes, with my sister, the big devil, how dare Bismarck control my brother-in-law."

The food in the rice bowl quickly bottomed out, and Lu Yanzhi said to Saratoga: "Uh, I'm done eating, Jia Jia, eat slowly."


Saratoga grabbed Lu Yanshi: "Brother-in-law, wait for me for a while."

Seeing Lu Yanzhi sit down, Saratoga was furious again: "Isn't it the most basic thing for women to go together after eating? Brother-in-law, you don't understand this?"

Lu Yanzhi was taken aback: I understand everything you said, but you are not waiting for your sister?
"What are you waiting for, sister?"

Saratoga felt baffled: "I'm here to find you, brother-in-law."

"Find me?"

"Is there anything going on at Saratoga?"

Saratoga said seriously first, "It's Gaga!"


"Brother-in-law can just call me Gaga, why suddenly call me Saratoga."


Lu Yanzhi felt that his brain was a little frightened, and said in a daze: "Then, why does Jiajia want me?"

Saratoga smiled and said, "It's all right!"

"All right? Then?"

"What's the matter? Can't you find your brother-in-law if you have nothing to do?"

Saratoga said fiercely: "Aren't I my brother-in-law's sister-in-law?"


Saratoga's face was ugly, and he said, "Brother-in-law, what's your expression? It's fine to ignore me. Why do you still look baffled when I came to look for you on my own initiative?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, I usually look for you, but you look like an iceberg beauty, what can I do?I am also very desperate.

Moreover, you are suddenly like this now, am I very easy?
Trying to put on a smile on his face, Lu Yanzhi said: "Of course I am happy that Jiajia came to see me. There is nothing inexplicable, but it feels a little unbelievable."

"Then I will definitely spend more time with my brother-in-law in the future."

"Then your sister?"

What Lu Yanzhi meant was that Saratoga would spend more time with him, wouldn't the time with Lexington be gone?But Saratoga got it all wrong.

"elder sister?"

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi, then showed his original expression, and said with a thief smile: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't let my sister find out every time I come to you!"

"Uh, I mean..."

"Brother-in-law needless to say, I understand, we are sister-in-law and brother-in-law, there are taboos."

Saratoga waved his hand, indicating that he understood everything, and then said, "Don't worry, I will come to find my brother-in-law during my sister's working hours or when my sister is asleep."

This is where it is!
Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly. Although it is exciting to think about it, what is going on?Saratoga turned sex?

The elder sister became the admiral?

Is this too sudden?
Before Lu Yanzhi could react, Saratoga walked away with the food. Before leaving, he whispered to Lu Yanzhi: "Brother-in-law, sister is here, so I won't tell you for now."

Saratoga walked away, Lu Yanzhi brought the dinner tray to the entrance, where the dinner trays were collected, and just put it down, Lexington walked in.

"Has the admiral finished eating? I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Is it important? If it's important, I can stay with my wife."

"Sister, here!" Saratoga yelled at Lexington from the cafeteria.

Lexington said to Lu Yanzhi: "It's nothing important, the admiral is busy with you, and I will talk to you in the afternoon."

"Then wife, let's eat first!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and walked out of the cafeteria. Before leaving, he glanced at Saratoga. He happened to meet the girl's gaze. He didn't usually feel it, but today he felt that the girl's gaze was a little affectionate.

These subtle changes in Saratoga were quickly noticed by everyone in the town guard's mansion, and even Lexington said: "Gaga, didn't you say you won't rob your brother-in-law with me? Are you going to break your promise? "

The girl smiled, and ignored her sister's questioning. Of course, she knew that her sister was joking. She loved her sister the most. How could she care about this?
Chicheng saw it, and disdain in his heart: "The admiral's next marriage ship must be me, Saratoga? Humph, eat my exhaust."

The defeated American dogs gather to discuss what they have seen in the tutelary mansion every day, and Nevada sneers: "It's over, Saratoga has also fallen."

Oklahoma said: "I really don't know what to love about such an admiral."

Tennessee said beside him: "The cooking skills are good, I have eaten his twice-cooked pork."

Helena said: "The admiral is quite handsome, and he has a good figure."

As soon as Helena finished speaking, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Atlanta looked over intently, and Nevada was the first to speak: "Helena, didn't you dismiss the admiral before? Now you say good things about the admiral?"

Helena defended: "I'm telling the truth."

Atlanta nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, what Helena said is true."

Oklahoma suddenly remembered Nevada's wedding ship bet, so he asked: "Nervada, now Saratoga is also interested in the admiral, do you want to add Saratoga to your bet?"

Nevada snorted: "No, I bet Saratoga won't be a wedding ship until the end of this book!"

"I don't think so, Saratoga is definitely in the top ten."

Helena had a different opinion.

"Gamble or not?"

Nevada hit the table.

Helena sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and chuckled, "Gambling!"

"Who loses, the cafe, the maid waits for a month. Wear a bunny costume!"

Nevada yelled, but Helena took it easily.

Until the end, Oklahoma asked Helena, why so confident?
Helena chuckled: "Saratoga is Lexington's younger sister. I don't need to say how much Lexington is favored in the tutelary mansion. The admiral will be able to bear the wind blowing casually around the pillow?"

Helena didn't avoid the crowd when she said it, and Nevada was startled, calling out didn't count. However, Tennessee sneered at the side, and CV-16, the two of them are Helena's good friends, so naturally they helped Helena, Although, CV-16 was pulled over by Tennessee.

(End of this chapter)

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