Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 365 Extra Story: Hood and Bismarck's Love

Chapter 365 Extra Story: Hood and Bismarck's Love

Since the last time the incident between Lu Yanshi and Sai Ji of the deep sea Pachina was discovered by the people in the tutelary mansion, the people in the tutelary mansion have been stricter in guarding Lu Yanzhi.

No matter what kind of activities are usually not prohibited, but all activities are watched by someone.

There was a price for becoming like this, Lu Yanzhi made the condition that he would never leave the tutelary mansion, in exchange for Lexington and the others to release Fortress Ji, that lovely and charming girl.

However, there are unexpected events in the sky, and misfortunes and blessings for people.

Facing what happened to the deep-sea star players, the deep-sea ship girls worked together and dispatched several destroyers and submarines in an attempt to steal Lu Yanzhi from the tutelary mansion.

The effect of doing this is certain. Finally, on a dark and windy night, on this day, it was Lu Yanshi who spent the night in the room of the destroyer Xili. Yan Shi's bed was forcibly set as a marriage ship by the booing Akagi Kaga Missouri and others.

Lu Yanzhi was finally taken away by the companions brought by the Deep Sea Fortress Ji, quietly, without disturbing anyone in the guarding mansion.

"Darling, honey, I've come to save you."

The Fortress Ji under the moonlit night was full of allure, and Lu Yanzhi was very moved.

"Let's escape, find a paradise, and never be separated."

Lu Yanzhi looked at Fortress Ji and said affectionately.



There was chaos in the town guard's mansion, Xili was trembling, and hid aside and did not dare to speak out, the admiral stayed in her room overnight, but was snatched by the deep sea, she bears the main responsibility.

Angry, sad, uneasy, uncomfortable!

All kinds of negative emotions arose in the hearts of Lu Yanzhi's married couple.

"We must find the admiral!"

Bismarck said, although she was a soft cat on Lu Yanshi's bed, but at this moment, in front of everyone, she showed her iron and blood side.

"Of course!"

The Prince of Wales sneered.

"The world is so big, how do we find it?"

"There's just not enough staff."

The wedding boats suddenly became noisy, like a vegetable market in the early morning.

Missouri looked at Lexington, who sat at the head with a gloomy face and said nothing: Ma'am, what do you think?
Lexington rubbed his temples in distress: "Be quiet first."

There was still a lot of noise in the wedding ship, Lexington got angry, raised his eyebrows and slapped the table vigorously: "Quiet!"

Everyone fell silent immediately, looking at Lexington, Lexington glanced at everyone with a sneer.

"Read and write a letter first!"


"Brother-in-law still left a letter?"

Saratoga rushed up, opened it, and read it in public.

"Dear wives, I've had enough. In this tutelary mansion, do you think your personal protection is love? No, it's kidnapping. I don't have a little free time. Every day, every day, I live like that I'm really enough, I want to leave, I want to find my own life."


Saratoga held back her tears and continued to read: "I know you must be eager to find me, but there's no need to look for me, Pachina and I are gone, and we will go to a place where you can't find me. Life."

"Don't think about me, don't worry, I'm a semi-superfluous person in the tutelary mansion. Without me, Lexington and the company can take care of me. Over the years, our tutelary mansion has dealt with humans a lot. Believe me You have almost learned how to guard against human beings, not to mention the old ship girls like Nelson, who are incomparable to them. You can run the tutelary palace well, and there is no need to waste resources looking for me."

"It's not worth it, you are all good girls, maybe, I'm not good enough for you."

"Don't read it! Your incompetent admiral: Lu Yanshi."

After Saratoga finished reading, she sat softly on the chair all of a sudden, as if she had lost all energy.

The hall was so quiet that the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

"Lexington, what the hell do you mean?"

Bismarck asked with a frown.


Lexington let out a long sigh: "If you really love the admiral, don't look for it, let the admiral live the life you want."


Bismarck was a little unbelievable for a moment, these words came from Lexington's mouth.

"They're all a group of uneasy guys. Think about it carefully, are you happy with the admiral?"

Lexington's questioning was deafening, and the atmosphere in the hall was a little depressed for a while.

Saratoga looked at her sister blankly. Today's sister looks like a stranger. She is the admiral she loves the most. Why didn't she look for her?

Lexington sighed, and then said in a low tone: "Everyone, don't worry, after so many years, the admiral has been made a useless person by everyone, how can he survive when he goes out."

Lexington shook his head and chuckled: "In less than a month, I promise, the admiral will definitely come back obediently."

"He can't do without everyone now."


The wedding warships looked at Lexington and showed admiration again. This woman is worthy of being the leader of the marriage warship alliance. They can survive.

However, this time, Lexington made a complete mistake. She never imagined, or everyone couldn't imagine, that Pachina, the majestic deep-sea fortress princess, would become obedient and charming. woman.

a month,

two months
Three months,
The admiral never came back, and everyone in the town guard completely gave up.

"Let the admiral leave with peace of mind, and live the life you want."

I don't know which wedding ship said such a sentence, and then, everything in the town guard's mansion fell into peace again. The only difference was that the wedding ships held Lu Yanzhi's photo every night and thought about it.


It was summer at this time, and Hood was wearing a cool white lace dress with a light yellow sun hat on his head. Although his figure was not very good, he was also full of temptation.

At this moment, holding the ginger fish cake, she accidentally saw that familiar figure on the reef not far from the town guard's mansion, and couldn't help crying.

He was dressed in a snow-white navy admiral's uniform, with a wide-brimmed hat with a black edge on his head. Although he was seen from the back, that was the admiral, Hood was sure.

Pushing his golden eyes and throwing away the ginger fish cake, Hood ran over and hugged him from behind.

"Admiral, Hood misses you so much."

Bismarck was standing on the reef and staring blankly into the distance. Because of missing him, he was wearing the admiral's uniform. Then he suddenly felt his waist being hugged, and that voice still called him admiral?
Familiar voice, Hood, an out-and-out old enemy.

Originally, he planned to push the other party away fiercely and then ridicule him, but in the end, seeing Hood with pear blossoms and rain, Bismarck was not willing to push away in the end.

Turning around and embracing Hood forcefully, Bismarck closed his eyes and muttered to himself: Admiral?
Hood, on the other hand, has already cried out.

I don't know what's going on, but a strange thought suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

"I'm holding the admiral!"

As soon as this thought came out, immediately, the emotions that followed rushed up like a tide.

As if they had a tacit understanding, the two closed their eyes at the same time, and then their lips slowly joined.

Soft and comfortable!
Fantasizing about the feeling of kissing the admiral, the two became more and more out of control.

Tongues touch, entangled.

A smile appeared on Hood's face, and the admiral's feeling returned.

The ship's wife's desire is almost zero, but for the admiral, it's another matter.

a long time!

Lips parted, Hood's eyes were blurred, his pretty face was flushed, and Bismarck was not much different, she was actually a soft cat on the bed.

Hood held Bismarck's arm tightly, and the two walked towards the tutelary mansion. For some reason, the tutelary mansion was unexpectedly quiet today, and no one was outside.

Finally, the two broke into the admiral's room and threw themselves on the bed.

"You are the admiral, you are the admiral!"

Hood seemed to be insane, and so was Bismarck. He took off Hood's white dress, revealing his delicate collarbone first, and then put on sexy white underwear. Hood's slender legs were unconsciously staggered.

Everything, everything, happened under the inexplicable unfolding.

 Pfft, first of all, because of Calvin, there is an extra episode, second, the extra episode has nothing to do with the main text, it’s just a borrowed name, and finally, this strange development makes me so excited, Hood and Bismarck are the CPs, right?
  Finally, don't hit me!
(End of this chapter)

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