Chapter 369


After returning to the hotel from the show, Tirpitz lay on the bed without taking off his clothes.

"Admiral, let's go back tomorrow, right? Buy those notebooks for me tomorrow, right?"

"Who said we'd go back tomorrow?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Tirpitz strangely.

"Aren't you going back tomorrow?"

Tirpitz was stunned for a moment: "But didn't you say you would come back after the show? Did you buy me a book before you went back?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled: "Originally, I planned to go back after watching the show, but the designer of that show is Jian Niang, so your admiral intends to try to fish it."

"Saratoga also agrees?" Tirpitz looked at Saratoga next to him again, didn't he agree to accompany Saratoga to travel?Why are you fishing again?
Saratoga turned her head, unwilling to look at Lu Yanzhi, and said angrily, "What's the use of my disagreement, and the admiral doesn't need to ask for my opinion."

Saratoga naturally knew that if he really begged the admiral not to take the boat, the admiral would definitely agree, but how could he do such a thing that would leave a bad influence on the admiral's heart.

Think about my sister, how generous she is to let the admiral get married with prestige, how big is her mind, how can she be stingy in Saratoga.

"However, to be honest, brother-in-law, you don't know anything about people in such a big city. Where do you go to find people?"

After being asked by Saratoga, Lu Yanzhi realized that he stared at Tirpitz with bad eyes.

"Tirpitz, did you tell him something? Why did I agree when I invited him to dinner, but refused again?"

"what can I say?"

Tirpitz's eyes wandered, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Yanzhi.

"Really do not have?"

Tirpitz's appearance made Lu Yanzhi more sure, and he definitely spoke ill of himself.

"No, absolutely not."

Tirpitz refused to admit it to death, confessed leniently, sat in prison, resisted strictly, and went home for the New Year.

This kind of thing happened to her not once or twice. She was caught by Bismarck in the tutelary mansion to read the book.

After questioning Tirpitz, it was obviously ineffective, so Lu Yanzhi sighed.

"Finding a needle in a haystack is definitely not enough, so let's stay for another three days. If we still don't meet Richelieu in these three days, we will go back."

Tirpitz suddenly asked curiously: "How does the admiral know that that person is the ship's wife, and she is also Richelieu?"


Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly, and said two words lightly.

"I've only heard of women's sixth sense, but I didn't expect the admiral to have a sixth sense."

Tirpitz whispered something to Saratoga, and then couldn't help giggling, even Saratoga couldn't help laughing.

Barosse is bigger than Haikou City, with a huge crowd, it is not easy to meet Richelieu again.

On the first day, there was no harvest.

The next day, there was no harvest.

On the third day, there was still no harvest.

After all, Lu Yanzhi gave up, and laughed at himself in his heart, what fate, it was obviously because he had hallucinations and thought too much.

Finally, when it was getting dark, I took the excited Tirpitz to buy the notebook.


A presumptuous little girl bumped into Saratoga next to her and fell to the ground.

It's cold winter here, little Lolita is wearing a thick white down jacket, has beautiful long white hair, white sweatpants on her lower body, and small white leather shoes on her feet.

"sorry Sorry."

Before the little Loli got up, she kept apologizing to Saratoga.

Saying that, he stood up and looked at Saratoga, wondering again: "Sister, are you alright?"

Saratoga looked at the little loli with a smile: "I'm fine, little guy, are you okay? Does it hurt from the fall?"


Little Loli giggled: "I'm fine, I often fall down, I'm used to it."

"It's my sister, why is it okay to be bumped by me?"

"I'm telling you quietly, in fact, my sister has supernatural powers. It's completely trivial to be bumped by you. She can easily block it."

Saratoga gave a bad smile: "It's you, little guy, it's all right, are you the ship's mother?"

Her identity was easily exposed, and the little Lolita showed a panicked expression: "Well, I'm not."


Saratoga said again: "That's a bit interesting. An ordinary person didn't get hurt at all after falling like this. It seems that he should be arrested and studied carefully."

Lu Yanzhi naturally saw the extraordinaryness of the little loli. She wanted to say something, but was stopped by Saratoga's eyes. Therefore, Tirpitz didn't care about these things at all, and she only cared about getting it soon. notebook.

"Catch me?"

Little Loli panicked, then turned around and ran away yelling.


Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga speechlessly: "Gaga, this?"

Saratoga gave Lu Yanzhi a blank look: "Why is my brother-in-law still standing still, why don't you hurry up and chase after her? There must be a battleship behind such a little girl, maybe it's the Richelieu you guessed."


Tirpitz only left one inexplicable syllable, and then felt a strong force grabbing him and running away.

"Brother-in-law, your speed is too slow!"

While running, Saratoga shouted to Lu Yanzhi behind him.

Lu Yanzhi was helpless, panting heavily, and shouted: "I'm just an ordinary person, how can I outrun the ship girl."

"Brother-in-law, you and Tirpitz follow, I will chase at full speed first."

After Saratoga finished speaking, he disappeared, leaving only a shadow of Lu Yanshi.

Lu Yanzhi put his hands on his knees and breathed heavily.

And Tirpitz, with a dazed expression on his face, wasn't he talking right?Why did you run away all of a sudden?
It was hopeless to continue running, Lu Yanzhi felt his throat was completely burning.

The idiot raced against the ship's mother. Although it was on land, the explosive power of the ship's mother was not something normal people could bear.

In this way, Lu Yanshi and Tirpitz walked slowly along the street behind.

Until he turned a corner, he happened to see three figures, two large, one small, and three figures approaching.

The small figure was the little white long-haired loli from before, and the two big figures were the blond woman whom Saratoga and Lu Yanzhi suspected to be the ship's wife Richelieu.

As he approached, Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga first, and Saratoga pointed to the blonde woman and said, "Admiral, you guessed right, this is Richelieu, and that little loli, She’s also the ship’s mother, the destroyer Utopian.”


Lu Yan knew it clearly. If it was fantasy, then it would be understandable whether it was running or falling.

After all, flopping the little princess.

Richelieu looked at Lu Yanzhi, without any concealment, and said directly: "Listen to your wife's intention, do you want me to join your tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled awkwardly, then looked at Saratoga again.

Saratoga looked up at the sky and said nothing.

Lu Yanzhi was speechless, so he could only say: "Hey, I have this idea."

"Then it seems that Your Excellency already knew that I was the ship's wife?"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head: "I don't know about this, it's just the inexplicable feeling in my heart when I saw you for the first time that day, I feel that you are a ship girl."

Richelieu was dumbfounded, that day she thought she was hallucinating, it was just the first time a strange man she met gave her a familiar feeling.

Thinking about it now, maybe it was really a telepathic connection between the ship's mother and the admiral. Could it be that the person in front of me was destined to be his admiral?
Thinking of the story told by Tirpitz again, Richelieu felt uncomfortable again, her admiral, no matter what you say, don't be a pervert.

What Richelieu was thinking, Lu Yanzhi had no idea, so he continued to speak: "I know this may be a bit abrupt, but I hope you can give me a chance, and give each other a chance, we can try to understand each other , I don’t know how long you were born, but after living on land for so long, you must have missed the sea, after all, the ship’s destination is the sea.”

"Fight the deep sea, gallop on the blue ocean."

Seeing Richelieu contemplating, Lu Yanzhi continued: "I don't know if you have heard of me, but our tutelary mansion completed a previous rescue operation against the deep sea, and we successfully repelled various deep sea flagships. And then rescued Hu Teng, the shipmate's companion."

"I'm not saying this to show off. I just want to tell you that if you still long for the battlefield and fight, there is no doubt that there will be many opportunities to join my tutelary fort."

Saratoga rolled his eyes and spat in his heart, brother-in-law didn't blush when he said this, fighting the deep sea?Hehe, I joined the tutelary mansion for so long, and ended up fighting with Shen Hai once.

Although the tutelary mansion is close to the front line, there are really not many battles in the sea area that are worth mobilizing troops.

There is usually an ordinary deep-sea ship girl who is mischievous, and all of them are handed over to Hu Teng and the others.

After a long silence, Richelieu finally said, "For the ship's wife, joining the tutelary fort is definitely the best choice."

"However, as you said, Admiral Lu, the two of us don't understand each other at all, so if Admiral Lu just wants me to join the tutelary mansion with just a few words, then I will definitely not be able to do it."

As long as there is a chance, Lu Yanzhi said without any discouragement: "It's okay, it's okay, I understand, I think the same, let's get to know each other first."

"After all, finding the admiral is a matter of a lifetime, and there is no room for sloppy, I understand."

Richelieu nodded: "Your Excellency can understand best."

"Well, in this case, it's too late today, see you next time."

After finishing speaking, Richelieu pulled on Xiang Xiang and prepared to leave.

Lu Yanzhi followed up and asked: "I haven't asked where you live yet?"

After hesitating for a moment, Richelieu replied, "Bryan Avenue, No. 760 [-]."

"By the way, my name is Lu Yanzhi."

Lu Yanzhi said again from behind.

"Richelieu, you already know."

Richelieu turned his head, smiled slightly, then turned his head and walked away.

"It's gone, brother-in-law!"

Saratoga was sour beside him.

"Well, Admiral, shall we still buy the notebook?"

At this time, Tirpitz asked weakly.

 Chapter 2, the subscription has dropped in the past two days, I'm so flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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