Chapter 375

The battle was easily resolved, and the captain invited Lu Yanzhi and Jian Niang to the party.

Ordinary people naturally didn't come over to toast with Lu Yanzhi, and some who wanted to make friends were dismissed by Lu Yanzhi with a smile.

Lu Yanzhi mainly communicated with another admiral on board, and Lu Yanzhi also tried the feeling of drying a boat for the first time.

That blond-haired, tall and handsome young man was named Wade. He had been an admiral for several years, but in the end, he only had two destroyers, Brian and Antonio.

Since there is no suitable ship wife, she has not yet been allowed to establish a town guard mansion. It is said that this time she will go to Luyang City to apply for graduation, and then bring her two daughters home to inherit the family business.

No matter what his family does or how rich he is, drying boats makes Lu Yanzhi very happy.

"What's the model of the ship girl with long golden hair who looks like an iceberg beauty?"

"Oh, that, that's the aircraft carrier Saratoga. You know, among the aircraft carriers, Saratoga and Lexington have the strongest overall strength."

Lu Yanzhi's face was full of red light: "After I built Lexington, I asked Lexington to help invite her to join the tutelary mansion."

Fortunately, this handsome blond guy was in a good mood and didn't lose his composure. He turned to look at Richelieu and asked, "What about that? He's so handsome, like a knight."


"She is the battleship Richelieu. As an admiral, you should have heard of it, right? The existence of the four heavenly kings in the battleship can be compared with the cutting-edge battleship Missouri!"

Swallowing, Wade muttered to himself: "Damn it, why can't I have these powerful ship girls? Why, why do I have to go back and inherit that damned family business!"

"This is fate!"

Patting Wade on the shoulder, Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, with an expression that deserved as much beating as he wanted.

"By the way, I heard from the captain that you still have a battleship. Why didn't you come to the banquet?"

"Tirpitz, you should know that due to the influence of the history of the old world, she is a bit of a nerd after becoming a ship girl, and now she should read comics in her room."

Wade's eyes suddenly rolled round: "You mean Tirpitz? Bei Zhai? The soft Bei Zhai who likes to read books?"

"I don't think there is a second ship girl named Tirpitz in this world."

Breaking away from Wade's hands that suddenly grabbed his shoulders, Lu Yanzhi signaled Richelieu not to act rashly, and then silently added in his heart: "Amen, I really can't bear to tell you that there is still Children's Day Tirpitz in this world. "

Wade lost his mind, and kept repeating in his mouth: "How could it be? Why, hasn't Tirpitz not appeared for many years? Why, why did you have it?"

"This is fate!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled cheaply.

"You still have Tirpitz, I only have Brian and Antonio, you have Tirpitz, and I only have two destroyers!"

Wade didn't communicate with Lu Yanzhi anymore, his heart couldn't bear the stimulation anymore, and he left with his two daughters in his arms.

Sure enough, admirals like Tirpitz are liked by admirals all over the world.

Lu Yanzhi smiled and walked to the side of Richelieu and Saratoga, and then let out a satisfied sigh.

"Ah, I finally know what it feels like for those Europeans to dry their boats."

Saratoga sneered at the side: "Admiral, you are at best an Asian, European? You are still far behind, do you have a submarine?"

Looking at Saratoga, Lu Yanzhi suddenly said affectionately: "To have Gaga, I am a European!"


Saratoga hummed twice inexplicably, but the unconcealable smile on her face declared such words, and she was very useful.

Joan of Arc rolled her eyes beside her, and whispered two words: "Nicky!"

Already his own ship's wife, Lu Yanzhi and Joan of Arc would also make some small jokes, so they said: "However, I thought that my luck would have been used up if I had Gaga, and I didn't expect to have you And Richelieu, it seems that Heaven has indeed treated me well."

Richelieu looked at Lu Yanzhi strangely, and Joan of Arc also showed a puzzled expression.

"It must be God's instruction to let you and me meet in Barosse. This is the predestined fate between us!"

"Admiral, should you burn incense and pray to Buddha to thank God when you go back?" Richelieu laughed.

"Why should I thank God, I obviously met you when I came here, brother-in-law, you should thank me!"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga again: "Then, Gaga, how do you think I should thank you?"

Saratoga smiled slyly: "No thanks!"

"As long as my brother-in-law is with me, it's the best gift for Gaga!"


Joan of Arc made a gesture of vomiting beside her: "I can't stand the two of you, Richelieu, why don't you go? Go to the deck to blow some air?"

"not going!"

Richelieu shook her head and refused. She has a romantic gene in her bones, and she doesn't feel disgusted at Lu Yanzhi's words at all, and even envies Saratoga a little bit.

Joan of Arc went out alone, and Lu Yanzhi continued to talk with Saratoga and Richelieu.

A girl with pink hair came over, wearing a purple open-chest sweater, revealing a little whiteness on her chest.

The two long rabbit ears on the head inadvertently revealed a hint of cuteness.

As if facing a formidable enemy, Saratoga pulled Lu Yanshi behind her, and then looked at the girl vigilantly: "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, hello, senior, me."

Saratoga's fierce attitude made the girl nervous: "I, I'm here to ask seniors how to better fly carrier-based aircraft."

Behind Saratoga, Lu Yanzhi looked at Richelieu suspiciously, and Richelieu explained in a low voice, "This is one of the frigates on board, the light aircraft carrier."

Lu Yanzhi nodded, then remained calm, wanting to see what Saratoga was going to do.

Who knows, Saratoga refused without hesitation: "Who are you, and I don't know you, why should I teach you how to operate a carrier-based aircraft?"

The disappointment in the eyes of the girl with pink hair could not be concealed, and she was about to turn around and leave. Lu Yanzhi tugged at Saratoga's sleeve, and then said, "Hello, Saratoga is my ship girl, you Want to practice carrier-based aircraft with her, don't you? That's perfectly fine."

The girl turned her head and looked at Lu Yanzhi in surprise: "Hello, I am a light aircraft carrier assaulter. Is what you said true?"

Enduring Saratoga's twisted hand on his waist, Lu Yanzhi gasped, and forced a gentle smile: "Of course it's true, don't worry, they are all my daughters-in-law, as long as I agree, and they all agree."

"Is that so?"

The attacker laughed happily: "Thank you, Mr. Admiral, Mr. Admiral is such a good man!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Saratoga with burning eyes.

Saratoga didn't say a word, Lu Yanzhi was very anxious, suddenly squeezed Saratoga's little hand, and then scratched the palm of his hand. The itchy feeling in the palm made Saratoga's pretty face blush, and Lu turned pale. Yan Shi took a look, then looked at the attacker and said flatly, "Wait for me on the deck tomorrow morning!"

"Thank you senior, thank you senior!"

The assailant kept bowing to Saratoga, revealing more whiteness on his chest. As a normal male, Lu Yanzhi's gaze seemed to be attracted by a magnet.

Saratoga snorted, and then said to the attacker, "Aren't you leaving yet?"


Lu Yanzhi watched the attacker leave happily.

"Brother-in-law, isn't that attire very attractive~"

Saratoga suddenly whispered in Lu Yanzhi's ear.

"Of's okay, it's not as good as Gaga after all!"

The strong desire to survive prevented Lu Yanzhi's ears from being tortured. Saratoga gently rubbed Lu Yanzhi's ears, and then said harshly: "Brother-in-law, do you want to catch the attackers again?"

"It's just a half-baked idea."

Lu Yanzhi whispered.


Saratoga snorted coldly: "I taught her these few days, but you still want to catch her? Dreaming!"


Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, and looked at Richelieu. Richelieu spread his hands helplessly and said, this is your family business, and I will not get involved.

Then he continued to sit quietly beside him, sipping his wine glass lightly.

At about noon the next day, another ship lady found Richelieu.

"Don't say thank you for your great kindness. The kindness of saving your life should be repaid by the fountain. These gold coin will be given to you."

Even for a gold coin, Leipzig's heart is bleeding, and it will take a long time to eat pickled vegetables and steamed buns to make up for it.

Richelieu looked at Leipzig speechlessly. Leipzig was ashamed first, and then said forcefully: "Although it is a gold coin, don't underestimate it. I have kept it for a long time when it is pure gold."

"No need! I really want to thank you, please disembark and treat me and my admiral to a meal."

Leipzig was overjoyed at first, and then rolled his eyes. He calculated the accounts clearly and looked at Richelieu pitifully: "Can I just invite you?"


Richelieu smiled and refused.


Leipzig's face turned green, and he did some calculations in his mind, and said, "Then can I treat you to Mala Tang?"

Richelieu did not speak, and continued to look at Leipzig with a smile until Leipzig surrendered.

"Okay, okay, I invite you to eat seafood. Have hot pot, barbecue, and a big meal!"


Richelieu readily agreed.

"Hei Xin, who is it, a big meal, this job is for nothing again."

Leipzig murmured: "No, I want to discuss with Northampton and York. I can't pay the money alone!"

If the four of them paid, they would probably save a lot of money and have a big meal. Thinking of this, Leipzig suddenly became happy.

The favor was repaid, the big meal was eaten, and the wallet did not shrink, perfect!

Leipzig praised his cleverness in his heart!

Not only Leipzig, but even Northampton and York have found Richelieu one after another, hoping to repay the grace of saving their lives.

The ship's mother is never afraid of sacrifice, after all, word of mouth among them, the ship's mother's fate is to sink to the bottom of the sea.

But who wants to die if there is no accident.

Richelieu and the others had saved their lives, and in every way they wanted to repay their debt.

After hearing what Richelieu said, Lu Yanzhi suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

 Chapter 2, thank you for the reward of [-] coins for being a very good habit, thank you boss, from the beginning of the book to now, you have been silently encouraging me!
(End of this chapter)

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