Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 377 So Touched Bismarck

Chapter 377 So Touched Bismarck


"Wow, Admiral, you brought back so many strange faces this time!"

Hu Teng just came from the sea outside the town guard's mansion, looked at Lu Yanzhi and said in surprise.

"I'll go to the restaurant later, and I'll hold a meeting for you all to introduce our new partner this time."

Lu Yanzhi was overjoyed.

"By the way, where's Lexington?"

"Lexington must be in the office."


Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then led everyone to the office, introducing to everyone as he walked.

"Over there, there are two dormitory buildings at the front and back, plus a large public bath. Here, there are restaurants, destroyer classrooms, and warehouses."

"Then, behind the small square, facing the gate of the tutelary mansion, is my office. There is a small storage room next to it, where I usually store all the weird things."

"The layout of our tutelary mansion is not too big. However, my personal plan is to mainly take the warm route. Although it is small, it is not crowded with hundreds of people living in it. Moreover, we usually look down and see each other, which can also enhance the relationship."

"not bad!"

Richelieu nodded with a smile, it seems that at present, he is quite satisfied with the tutelary mansion.

"By the way, Richelieu loves painting, right?"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly said: "Because there are no people living in the No. [-] dormitory building, I opened two rooms on the first floor and created a studio. Usually, Helena gives art classes to destroyers. Helena is our The light cruiser of the tutelary palace is also the chief instructor of the destroyer."

"Well, what I mean is that in the future, destroyers will learn to paint in the classroom. Then, you can go to that studio when you are free. By the way, we have a destroyer in the tutelary mansion, named Clarkston, who loves to paint. You usually You can point her out, too."

Saratoga followed Lu Yanzhi, looking for his sister, with the same goal, but it was Tirpitz who disappeared as soon as he entered the tutelary mansion.

What disappeared at the same time was the black box.

When he came to the office, Lexington had obviously seen several people and had already made tea and waited.

"Admiral, it seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Lexington looked at Lu Yanzhi and smiled lightly, then gave Lu Yanzhi a hug.

Saratoga said quietly from behind: "Sister, haven't you seen your lovely sister?"

Letting go of Lu Yanzhi, Lexington smiled, and then gently hugged Saratoga.

"By the way, everyone, come in and sit down. Since you joined the tutelary mansion, we will be a family from now on!"

Lexington invited a few people to come in and sit down. After sitting down, he took a sip of black tea with peace of mind, and then Leipzig said leisurely: "Explain, I didn't join your tutelary mansion. I'm just an employee hired by your admiral!"

"I haven't decided to join the tutelary fort yet." The attacker said beside him.

"I'm just staying for one night."

York said softly.

"I, I'm going back to call Bumblebee tomorrow."

Lexington looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, and Lu Yanzhi explained next to him: "They are the guards of our return passenger ship. Richelieu and the others helped them fight. I think it is difficult for them outside, so I just invited, and Leipzig agreed, but I have to sign a work contract, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, paid vacation, and three times the salary for going out. Northampton agreed to join our tutelary mansion, but her friend Bumblebee is still in Barrow Cy, I know my way this time, and I will go back to Barosse tomorrow to find Bumblebee. As for the Assaulter, I invited you to come over and learn carrier-based aircraft control technology with you several aircraft carriers. As for York, she is from a church in Barosse. Sister, this mission is only due to insufficient funds, she will not join the tutelary mansion."

Having said that, Lexington understood everything, and turned his attention to Richelieu, Joan of Arc, and the little princess' fantasy.

Lu Yanzhi then introduced: "These two are Richelieu and Joan of Arc. We met when we were watching a show in Barosse. It's a relative fate. I knew Richelieu from the first time I saw her. In the end, after getting in touch with her, she turned out to be the ship's wife, and then she was invited to join our tutelary mansion, and Joan of Arc imagined the same."

In a few words, Lu Yanzhi told Lexington all about his actions in Barosse.

"By the way, Lexington, prepare a few rooms."

After Lu Yanzhi finished speaking to Lexington, he looked at the little princess Dian Xiang: "Dian Xiang, do you live in the same room with your friends, or with Sister Jeanne?"

"I live with Sister Jeanne."

Suddenly in a new environment, Xiang Xiang was obviously a little shy.

Lu Yanzhi didn't take it seriously either, just leave it to Xiao Zhai for such a trivial matter, and with Xiao Zhai's lively personality, it will definitely make Utopia feel no strangeness in an afternoon at most.

Moreover, Utopia is not like Clarkston, who is born to be peaceful, and happens to be with Xiao Zhai, a brat.

After finishing speaking, Lexington said to Lu Yanzhi again: "Admiral, have you had dinner? If you haven't, let me introduce you to everyone during dinner so that we can get to know each other."

"Eat, haha, Leipzig treat!"

"Admiral, we are such a big tutelary mansion, since Leipzig has signed a contract with our tutelary mansion, how can it be considered as our employee, how can you let her treat you?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhi glanced at Leipzig again: "Leipzig, the admiral is ignorant, don't mind, tell me how much it costs, and I will reimburse you."

"So good?"

Leipzig was so moved that he was about to cry, and couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Lexington's hands: "Is it Lexington? You are so kind!"

Lu Yanzhi was speechless watching from the side.

The salary has grown to [-] a month, and it is uncomfortable to treat a meal with such a deduction!
In the dining room, everyone in the tutelary mansion has not had dinner yet, so everything is as usual.

Lu Yanzhi successively introduced Richelieu, Joan of Arc and others to everyone.

Veneto didn't have a good face, just a light cruiser, why should he go so far?It is enough to have Helena as a negative teaching material, but there is another Joan of Arc, why isn't every light cruiser as cute as San Juan and Atlanta?
Bismarck was all smiles and radiant. Compared with receiving a gift from Tirpitz, the gift is not important, but affection, especially the gift from Tirpitz.

Tirpitz sat next to Bismarck with a smile on his face. From Tirpitz's smiling face, Lu Yanzhi could clearly guess that Bismarck was definitely happy to make an appropriate concession to Tirpitz's reading of books.

Leipzig picked up the rice bowl again and filled a bowl of rice. Yixian's cooking skills are one reason, and the other reason is that she actually saw Bismarck. Damn, this is the eldest sister of the German family, so she must go and pay a visit. Therefore, he licked his face and sat next to Bismarck in the name of eating.

Leipzig saw Bismarck, and York naturally saw the Prince of Wales. The glory of the Royal Navy is Hood, but the Prince of Wales is the eldest brother of the Royal Navy. At least they have met and chatted. rule.

Lu Yanzhi sat in the circle of his wedding boat and kissed me.

It's nothing more than talking about where to stay tonight.

During the period, Lexington said: "Admiral, Missouri came to visit our tutelary mansion, then borrowed a set of equipment and left."

"Really? How long?"

Lu Yanzhi asked.

"It's been about half a month. When it was equipped, it was said that the Hindenburg was almost ready."

"Wow, is Missouri so efficient?"

"I don't know either. I asked Hutten and Missouri to go to the Ship Girl Alliance. I heard from Hutten that Hindenburg was quite afraid of Missouri."

"Tsk tsk!"

Lu Yanzhi pouted, and Yixian said again: "Admiral, tell us your story in Barose."

"It's nothing, just go shopping with Saratoga Tirpitz, and then watch the fashion show."

After speaking, Lu Yanzhi said again: "By the way, Richelieu brought you a gift, did you receive it?"


San Juan shook his head in doubt, then looked at Yixian next to him, who also shook his head, and both of them looked at Lexington together.

Lexington said: "Don't think too much, maybe Richelieu plans to give it to us at night."

"That's probably the idea."

"Richelieu is a well-known fashion designer in Barosse. You can ask her any questions about what to wear in the future. Besides, her drawing skills are also very good."

Talking nonchalantly, Xiao Zhai ran over with a small pink bowl.

"Admiral, is that young lady also a child?"

What Kotaku was pointing at was fantasy.

"Of course they are children. Like Kokang and the others, they are destroyers."

"Then why doesn't she come to play with us?"

"Maybe she's shy, so I want Xiao Zhai to go over and say hello."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and rubbed Xiao Zhai's hair.


Xiao Zhai nodded firmly: "Leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhai hurriedly walked towards Kongxiang.

"By the way, Lexington, have you arranged the dormitory for them yet?"

"Don't worry, Admiral, everything has been arranged!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded.

Finally came back, and brought back a few ship girls. This time I went out, I have to say that I have gained a lot.

It was night, Tirpitz took out a stack of photos triumphantly and handed them to Bismarck once again.

"Hey, sister, where am I going this time, where is the admiral, and where will I follow, you see, I have taken a lot of photos."

"Where is this one?"

Pointing to one, Bismarck asked casually.

"Oh, that was on the Achilles Snow Mountain, we skied together and took pictures."

"Can you still ski?"

"No, so after only one skating, I watched them both skating."

"What about this one?"

"Hehe, that photo was taken while driving a snowmobile and it overturned."

"This was taken when I was shopping with Admiral Saratoga, and the admiral asked me to take this pose..."

Tirpitz grabbed the photos and explained them to Bismarck one by one. As long as she was included in the photos, she could always tell the details, which moved Bismarck to tears.

"Tomorrow, I must thank the admiral!"

On Lu Yanzhi's side, he didn't sleep comfortably because he found that his mattress was a higher layer!
 TikTok is really a disaster, I wasted an hour in vain, but fortunately I caught up!Thank you gfgfhin for the reward of [-] coins!thanks, thanks
(End of this chapter)

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