Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 386 Bismarck's Thoughts

Chapter 386 Bismarck's Thoughts

The results of the tactical exercise were very bad. No matter how they lined up, Saratoga and others had no chance of seizing air supremacy in the face of the nearly 200-odd opening aircraft.

The best time, the attackers were also photographed, and only then did they barely win a close match.

Coming out of the war room, Bismarck found Lu Yanzhi.

"Admiral, let's go, two!"

"Hey, good!"

It feels a bit unbelievable. Bismarck never took the initiative to find himself and wanted to walk alone with him.Suddenly, Lu Yanzhi really felt caught off guard.

Walking along the long corridor of the tutelary mansion, the weather has warmed up during this time, although it is evening, it is not too cold.

Not knowing how far he had gone, Bismarck said slowly, "Admiral, can you prevent Tirpitz from attacking this time?"

Lu Yanzhi was very surprised, is this still Bismarck?Didn't plan to let Tirpitz attack?

"Why did Bismarck make such a request?"

After a moment of silence, Bismarck continued: "Admiral, this attack is dangerous. The deep-sea flagship carrier-based aircraft is superior in strength, and Saratoga is not sure about grabbing air supremacy. I am worried that Tirpitz will not think well when he sees the overwhelming bombing opportunities. thing."

As if worried that Lu Yanzhi would not agree, Bismarck continued: "Don't worry, Admiral, although Tirpitz will not attack, but I will try my best, and I will never let our firepower fail because Tirpitz is not present. How much has it fallen!"

"Bismarck worried that Tirpitz would sink?"

Lu Yanzhi asked, she naturally remembered Tirpitz's history clearly, after all, he was so cute, so she read the information carefully.

Historically, Tirpitz did not attack a few times in his life, so after becoming a ship's wife, he became a house girl, and because of the many sneak attacks by the British aircraft carrier, Tirpitz finally sank, so the conditions for becoming a ship's wife Erbitz also particularly hates or is afraid of carrier-based aircraft. He occasionally attacks, and when he hears Saratoga flying carrier-based aircraft, he can't help complaining: The sound of carrier-based aircraft is really ugly, these guys are really annoying, like this.

Bismarck sighed, looked ahead, and responded with a deep voice: "En!"

"Tirpitz, I hope she can live a simple and happy life like this, urge her, spur her, and I just don't want the admiral to hate her, but in the upcoming battle, air control is completely uncertain, I am worried about Tirpitz What irrational actions Ci will make on the battlefield."

"Hate Tirpitz?"

Lu Yanzhi was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to tell Bismarck, cat, cat, you are really thinking too much, Tirpitz is so cute, it's too late to love him, how could he hate it?
Moreover, not only Tirpitz, but you, every ship girl, how could Lu Yanzhi hate it?
"Don't worry about Bismarck, Tirpitz is so cute, why would I hate her? However, since you don't want Tirpitz to attack, then don't attack, anyway, you have to wait for Missouri to come over, and then Missouri can There is no need to worry about filling Tirpitz's vacancy."

Bismarck suddenly stamped his feet and smiled relievedly: "In this case, thank you, Admiral. In this way, without Tirpitz, I will devote myself to the battle, even if I die in battle... oh!"

Just as he was speaking, his lips were suddenly covered by a warm palm, Bismarck's eyes suddenly widened, and at the same time, a blush couldn't stop creeping up on his face.

Lu Yanzhi said slowly: "Tirpitz will not die in battle, and Bismarck will not die in battle. Everyone in the town guard, no matter who they are, will not die in battle. Bismarck is not allowed to say such depressing words!"

Almost absent minded, Bismarck nodded stiffly, then looked at Lu Yanzhi with burning eyes.

In the palm of his hand, feeling the heat from Bismarck's breath, Lu Yanzhi's expression froze, and then he took his hand away in embarrassment.

And Bismarck, after Lu Yanzhi put down his hand, turned around and ran back to the dormitory without saying a word.Only Lu Yanzhi chuckled behind him: Bismarck really is a soft cat!

Back in the bedroom, Bismarck couldn't stop blushing.

Tirpitz was lying on the bed reading his book, and she heard Bismarck coming in, but she refused to let go of a moment, and she was unwilling to put it away as long as her sister didn't tell her.

Look at the book, um, my sister hasn't said it yet, well, keep reading, huh?My sister didn't say anything, I continued to watch.

My sister still doesn't say?
Doesn't this fit my sister's character?
Tirpitz stuck his head in the notebook, and then looked to the side out of the corner of his eye, his face paled in shock, yes, this is a bit exaggerated, just surprised, the flushed sister sat on the sofa and didn't know what she was thinking, the military uniform He took off his coat and put it next to him. He looked good in a white shirt, with a shy expression, and sweetness...

Hmm, sweet?

Tirpitz rubbed his eyes, and looked carefully, it should be sweet, right?The sweetness that I only saw when Xiao Zhai got the same doll of sister Meow or Prince Eugen got the appreciation of Bismarck.

My sister walked around with the admiral, but it turned out to be sweet when she came back?

After discovering this scene, Tirpitz couldn't help showing North Carolina-like shock!

Like a stealthy cat, it tiptoed, stooped, and then tiptoed behind Bismarck. Usually, it was [-]% detected within three steps of Bismarck, but this time it didn't?
Standing behind Bismarck, Tirpitz chuckled and said, "Sister, did the admiral push you?"


Bismarck suddenly stood up from the sofa, and then saw Tirpitz who was giggling. Thinking of what Tirpitz said just now, he hit Tirpitz on the head with a hammer, and couldn't help roaring: "No! You What are you thinking about!"


Tirpitz snorted twice: "Sister, don't hide it, your expression has already betrayed you, I can guarantee that even if the admiral didn't push you, at least you guys kissed!"

The corners of Bismarck's eyes couldn't help twitching, so he could still think about the beauty of the moment just now, took out the back of the sofa and slammed on Tirpitz's head: "What are you thinking, we just talked about this attack !"


Tirpitz waved his hand and immediately lost interest. If it was what she thought, she might chase after her sister to ask if that kind of thing was comfortable, what postures were used, and whether there were those in the book she read. Posture, but, unexpectedly no?
"Admiral is really poor!"

He muttered dissatisfiedly, and then, Tirpitz lay down on the bed again.

There was another silence, and Bismarck pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Tirpitz, don't go this time!"

"Huh? I don't need to go?"

Tirpitz sat up from the bed, looked at Bismarck, and said in surprise.

"Well, I discussed it with the admiral. When the time comes, Missouri will come to our tutelary mansion to take your place, so don't go!"


Tirpitz couldn't help being happy.She only thought that after discussion, the admiral decided not to let her go, but she never thought that it was actually her sister who was worried about her safety, so she asked the admiral not to let her attack.

This little fool still thought that it would take a long time for her sister to attack, and she could be unscrupulous for a long time.

Looking at the elated Tirpitz, Bismarck shook his head, then walked into the bathroom, ready to wash up.

In any case, she was her own sister, and what she wanted was to hope that her sister could live happily and happily?
For a moment, she even thought about what would happen to Tirpitz if she really sank in the future?
With Tirpitz's character, he will probably be depressed for a while, and then he will recover. After all, he usually behaves like a heartless person. As long as he has a notebook, he even utters wild words to break with himself.

Warm hot water poured on his body, thinking about the past with Tirpitz, Bismarck showed a knowing smile, but he couldn't help being sad when he smiled.

"Tirpitz, if my sister is really gone, you and the admiral must live together in peace!"

As soon as this thought came to mind, Bismarck shook his head again, when did he feel so sad?Conquering the South and the North, the number of sorties is thousands of times, what kind of enemy has not been encountered?

Did the peaceful and stable life in the tutelary mansion wear down his will?

Thinking about the possibility, but also thinking that it is not, if joining the tutelary mansion will kill a ship girl's will to fight, then there are still so many ship girls eager to join the tutelary mansion.

It should be reluctance, thinking about having a younger sister, a younger version of a younger sister, and an admiral, this kind of life is absolutely perfect for Bismarck, but suddenly one day, if he wants to leave, he will be somewhat reluctant!
She came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel, with slender and sexy legs, a plump and proud bust, and two stubborn cat ear hair.

Bismarck walked into his bed, and rarely let Tirpitz go to bed early.

Tirpitz looked at his sister suspiciously. He might have sensed something, but he couldn't explain why. After thinking about it, he silently put the notebook back under the pillow, then turned off the bedside lamp and went to sleep.

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(End of this chapter)

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