Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 399 Married Sister-in-Law

Chapter 399 Married Sister-in-Law


The Saratoga surprise attack unfolded vigorously, ended inexplicably, anticlimactic, and Lu Yanzhi didn't even know it.

Looking at his sister-in-law who suddenly ignored him, he thought it was because he had gotten too close to Missouri recently and neglected his sister-in-law's feelings.

But think about it, although there are not many people in the tutelary mansion, but there are also many. The largest tutelary mansion in the world is no match. Nelson's subordinates are still ranked in the top three. Lu Yanzhi has so much time to stay with Sarato all day. Add around.

He only found the right opportunity, and walked over to have a private conversation with Saratoga, but the girl always gave him a cold look and then left.

This situation happened several times, and Lu Yanzhi finally realized that he might have offended Gaga by some actions, so he ran to Lexington for advice without stopping.

"Madam, what's the matter with Gaga recently? She hides when she sees me, and doesn't give me a good face!"

Lexington stood behind Lu Yanzhi, chuckling: "Does the admiral really not know?"

Lu Yanzhi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "What?"

Lexington smiled and told what happened that day in Saratoga, which immediately made Lu Yanzhi dumbfounded and felt a little regretful.

"Admiral, you're still laughing!"

Lexington clasped Lu Yanshi's neck from behind, and then said, "Tell me, what kind of ecstasy soup have you poured on Gaga? Isn't it a marriage ship? Gaga actually wants to sleep with you?"

"I have some kind of ecstasy soup."

"Then why did Gaga like you so much all of a sudden? She likes you so much that she volunteered without a ring?"

"Probably got the hang of it!"

Thinking of the lively and cheerful sister-in-law, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yanzhi's mouth, youthful and beautiful, exquisite and embossed... All in all, all the beautiful words are not too much to describe.

"Then what are you going to do, Admiral?"

"Why don't you give Gaga a ring?"

Looking at Lexington who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Lu Yanzhi asked tentatively.

"Of course the ring is indispensable!"

Lexington said: "Since Gaga likes you, how can I possibly make her sad?"

The script is wrong!

This was the first thought in Lu Yanzhi's mind. Lexington agreed to marry Saratoga so easily?

"Madam, do you mind?"

"Ment, very much!"

Lexing looked at Lu Yanzhi angrily: "I wish the admiral would only marry me, not even Jiajia, and I can only obediently be my sister-in-law..."

After a moment of silence, Lexington said again: "But, in that case, will the admiral be happy?"


Lu Yanzhi didn't know what to say.

The name of scum is unmistakable. As an admiral, it is normal to have marriages, and even a few marriages can be understood, but for me, in just over two years, four marriages, if you add Sarato Plus, there are five marriages, on average, one marriage in a few months.

Hmm, doesn't seem like too much?

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Yanzhi shook his head and sighed secretly: people's hearts are not enough, how can they not be tempted by this group of charming girls?
Since he is already a scumbag, the only thing that can make up for it is probably to treat everyone better.

Lexington has never left Lu Yanshi without a pair of beautiful eyes. These things are actually not the fault of the admiral. After all, the admiral has been very restrained, but the ship girl came into contact with the admiral's man back and forth. It's easier for the ship's wife to fall in love with the admiral, so all of this is the fault of the creator!
"Admiral, even if you want to marry Jiajia, you can't just give the ring and it's over. You have to appease Jiajia's emotions before giving her the ring."

Lexington is indeed a good sister, still thinking about Saratoga: "After all, after that incident, Gaga is still angry with you now, if you can't coax her well, the ring will probably be rejected. "

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then came out of the office.

The wife nodded in agreement, and he was naturally very happy. Apart from anything else, at least for now, everyone in the guard house, whether it is the house girl Tirpitz, the military cat Bismarck, or the vixen Akagi... There are many, many people, They all want to get married, and none of them want to let go.

So what if she looks ugly, as an admiral, she has such a strong desire to possess, and Lori can't let it go, and she can't make mistakes in principle, but, I can't guarantee that when Lori grows up one day, maybe she can give her the same love as her parents. Arrange a blind date?
Hell, it's all ours!
Taking out the ring from the bedroom, Lu Yanshi came outside the town guard's mansion. At this time, Saratoga must have trained Essex with CV-16. Since the incident, the girl has never taken the initiative to find herself and stick to herself.

Thinking about it, I really have to make up, otherwise, because of this incident, the girl would never answer me, and I would have no reason to cry at that time.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi approaching, Saratoga subconsciously felt like walking, and Lu Yanshi trotted over to grab the girl.

The admiral is just an ordinary person, and he can't force it. Saratoga still knows how to measure it, so he didn't use the power of the ship.

Standing on the reef, looking at his brother-in-law expressionlessly, he said flatly, "Admiral, what's the matter?"

"Can't you find Gaga if you have nothing to do?"

Lu Yanzhi showed an aggrieved expression: "Also, Jiajia, don't you call me brother-in-law? It's so sad!"

"It's not all your fault!"

Saratoga complained in her heart, since she was tempted, how could she let go so easily, Jian Niang paid so much attention to feelings.

Thinking of this, Saratoga felt even more wronged, and almost didn't cry.

After trying to calm down for a while, he continued: "I'm the Admiral's wife, what's your name if I don't call you the Admiral?"

"I want Gaga to call me brother-in-law!"

Lu Yanzhi said, and then without giving Saratoga a chance to speak, he continued: "I also hope that Gaga can call me honey, my husband, and my child's father!"


Saratoga let out a sneer of unknown meaning: "Brother-in-law? Husband? When did the ship's mother and the admiral have these inexplicable titles?"

"The ship's mother and the admiral are not, but what about the husband and wife?"


Saratoga was even more angry: "My relationship with the admiral is not that close, San Juan is your wife!"

Unfortunately, on the day of Saratoga's night attack, Lu Yanshi stayed in San Juan's room. For this reason, Saratoga was full of resentment towards San Juan.

It's a little tricky!

Lu Yanzhi thought to himself, at first he thought that with the rapid development of the relationship between himself and Saratoga, the conversation would improve if he talked about it, but now Saratoga is not going to make a fuss.

"It's time to change the method!"

Lu Yanzhi thought so in his heart, so he said again: "Jiajia, come with me to Haikou City, I have something to do!"

"No, go to San Juan!"

"San Juan's busy with coffee shops."

"Bismarck and Tirpitz."

"Bismarck is busy training, how could Tirpitz go out for a stroll."


"Forget about Nevada, I want to bring a gentle and virtuous one, who will stand up and have more face."

"Helena, Missouri, Chicheng!"

Saratoga said with a sneer: "Helena has more faces, which are uneven, Missouri has more faces, and is charming, and Chicheng has more faces, vixen!"


"They are all vixen, I want to bring a young and beautiful one."

After all, he resorted to some tricks: "After much deliberation, Jiajia is a young, beautiful and invincible girl in the town guard mansion. Please don't let me down!"


Either the compliments played a role, or Jiajia still wanted to go out with the admiral from the bottom of her heart.

Saratoga couldn't help laughing, then quickly put away the smile, and said flatly: "Since you begged me like this, then I will reluctantly agree to go out with you!"

"thank you very much!"

Lu Yanzhi bent down sincerely.

"I'm going to drive, Gaga, do you want to change?"

Because of being trained, sometimes, Lu Yanzhi still knows how to measure, and he will never do such stupid things as not giving the girl time to dress up and change into beautiful clothes.


There was a little silence in the car, and Saratoga was unwilling to take the initiative to speak, so the burden naturally fell on Lu Yanzhi.

"Go to Haikou City, first go to the cinema, and then go to Ocean Park."

Lu Yanzhi said: "It is said that Haikou City Cinema has released a new movie called The Sunken Ship. The name sounds very interesting. We can go and see it."

"Then, the Ocean Park in Haikou City, it's been so long, I haven't been there yet."

As he said that, Lu Yanzhi smiled: "Probably because the tutelary mansion is by the sea, I really don't know what to see in Ocean Park."

"Actually, there is also a water amusement park. Think about it, if Jia Jia wants to go there, we can go too!"

"What's the point of a water amusement park?"

Saratoga rolled his eyes.

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "Jiajia is right. You are ship girls, and you often haunt the sea. The water park is really not very interesting. That park is still open for ordinary people."

"Let's go and have a look!"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga in astonishment. He really didn't know whether his sister-in-law deliberately contradicted him, or thought she wanted to go, so she said that.

Just talking like this, and soon, the car stopped outside the Haikou City Cinema.

The girl is wearing a light yellow dress, white sandals, white stockings on her legs, and a light yellow sun hat of the same style as the dress.

Absolutely youthful, beautiful and fresh, the existence of first love on campus.

 Chapter 1, Chapter 2 at eleven o'clock, and then, please help build the building.

  I beg you!

(End of this chapter)

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