Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 405 The Quincy Who Can't Eat Enough

Chapter 405 The Quincy Who Can't Eat Enough

Arriving outside the tutelary mansion, Sukhbaatar's position has been completely surrounded.

Prince Eugen led the way for Lu Yanshi, and said loudly: "The admiral and Lexington are here."

Then, everyone twittered and made way for a path.

Lu Yanzhi walked to the side of Sukhbaatar smoothly, and then saw an OVO?

Long blue hair, blue skirt, black round-toed shoes, and short white stockings.The girl was well dressed, but the exaggerated eating ruined that sense of beauty.

Holding a chicken wing in each hand, the mouth is still stuffed, wriggling like a hamster.A little greasy on the cheeks.

The girl was eating as if no one else was around, but Lu Yanzhi walked in, met Lu Yanzhi's eyes, had nothing to say, but tried harder to swallow what was in her mouth.

"Sukhebaatar, how did you catch it?"

Seeing that the girl was still a little difficult to speak, Lu Yanzhi turned to Sukhbaatar and asked, this matter is too strange.

Sukhbaatar smiled triumphantly: "I just said, there is no fish in the world that I cannot catch."


The girl's eyes widened and she said with difficulty: "Kun...xi,!"

"So it was Quincy?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, foodie, blue hair, OVO, so many obvious signs, isn't it Quincy.

Sukhbaatar glared at Quincy, then looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "I don't care, anyway, if you catch it with a fishing rod, it's a fish. Admiral, you have to give me a reward."


Lu Yanzhi smiled, rubbed the little guy's watermelon head, and then asked: "But, you also have to tell me, what did you use to catch Quincy?"

"Dangdangdangdang~ Hey, Sister Yixian secretly made New Orleans grilled wings... Ah, Quincy!"

Sukhbaatar looked at Quincy angrily: "You ate all my bait."


Quincy was at a loss, then quickly removed the chicken wings in his hand, and looked at Lu Yanzhi.

"Are you the admiral of this port area? Can you bring me something delicious, I'm so hungry."

As she said that, the girl pitifully clutched her stomach, and suddenly, her oily hands stained a large area of ​​her clothes.

Sukhbaatar was next to him: "Six pairs of New Orleans grilled wings, still not full? Are you a pig?"

Quincy spread her hands helplessly, saying in her eyes: I'm hungry, and I can't help it. There are only six chicken wings, and it's barely enough to fit between my teeth.

"Eat, don't worry, our tutelary mansion has too much to eat."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and led Quincy to the town guard's mansion, and at the same time dispersed the onlookers.

"Quincy, have you lost your way as the ship's wife of the tutelary mansion? Or are you just born."

On the way to the kitchen, Lu Yanzhi asked nonchalantly, if it is a famous flower, please treat it and send it back immediately, thank you, if it is a newborn, hehe, abducting a newborn child is a crime, but who knows?
"Ah, Quincy just woke up from the sea."

Quincy said: "It's been a long journey since I woke up from the sea, and my stomach is almost hungry."

It's good to be a newborn ship girl, Lu Yanzhi smiled secretly, but persuaded: "No matter how hungry you are, you can't eat food that has been soaked in sea water. You can't eat that, it will be poisoned."

"OVO! Will it be poisoned?"

Seeing Quincy show that expression again, Lu Yanzhi smirked. He suddenly wanted to see if Quincy was really an idiot: "Of course it will be poisoned. I once read a report that a strange woman ate an unknown sea fish. As a result, he died of poisoning, river fish can be eaten, but sea fish cannot, what does this mean?"

"Indicate what?"

Quincy asked nervously.

"It means that the ocean itself is poisonous, so the things soaked in the sea cannot be eaten."

Quincy was startled at the time, and followed Lu Yanzhi in a daze. He couldn't even listen to what Lu Yanzhi said, and only murmured to himself: "Will Quincy be poisoned? Can't he be poisoned?"



"Commander, what's wrong?"

Lu Yanzhi said, "Do you want to detoxify?"


"Don't worry, our tutelary mansion lives by the sea. After so many years, we have already researched a set of detoxification methods. However, this method cannot be told to outsiders unless you join our tutelary mansion."

Quincy should be able to react to such nonsense, right?

Lu Yanzhi thought so in his heart, however, he still underestimated how stupid Quincy was.

Seeing that Quincy didn't even have any doubts, he looked at himself and said solemnly: "I am the heavy cruiser Quincy, please ask the commander to detoxify me, I will try my best to do things for the port area."

In a few words, Lu Yanzhi was in an unusually good mood when he asked Quincy to join the tutelary mansion.

"Don't worry, I'm going to cook you a delicacy right now, and you'll be detoxified after eating it."

"Eating can detoxify?"

Quincy was shocked, but besides the shock, he was more happy. Things that can be solved with food are nothing.

In the restaurant, Yixian looked at Lu Yanzhi reproachfully, but he did not expose his admiral's inferior lie. Instead, he took Quincy to wash his hands, and then said softly to Quincy, "Does Quincy only have this skirt? Another day Let the admiral take you to Haikou City to buy some more."

"Sister Yixian, you are so kind!"

Yixian shook his head and smiled lightly. He called her sister only once when they met. This Quincy was really stupid. If she went out alone, she might be sold and be counted for money.

However, since she has endured this call of sister, then Yixian will definitely try her best to play the role of a good sister and not let this kind of thing happen.

Soon, Lu Yanzhi came out from the back of the kitchen. Faced with this kind of foodie, Lu Yanzhi always cooks in person to show his cooking skills and take this opportunity to gain a wave of favorability.

In fact, he didn't do much. Although Yixian was not by his side, there was still a little expert in Shuanghai.

A foodie is always easy to satisfy, especially a foodie who is already hungry.

"Huh...huh... Quincy, you're so full!"

Covering his slightly bulging stomach with his hands, this meal was the first open meal for Quincy since he was born. Along with it, he no longer had the idea of ​​joining the tutelary mansion to detoxify. nice.

"What a lovely kid!"

Yixian pinched Quincy's face lightly with his hands, and then couldn't help laughing, Quincy, a foodie, is different from Chicheng, Chicheng is a dignified and elegant foodie, every move, temperament is the most important.

Watching Chicheng eat is pleasing to the eye, as if appreciating a precious painting.

And when Quincy ate something, it was really a gluttonous mouth, and if it was good, he would not refuse anyone who came, and put it all into his mouth.

The girl has no scruples about eating, and after a meal, she often gets dirty all over her body.

Watching Quincy eat is very appetizing.

In any case, Quincy stayed in the tutelary mansion just like this. Facing such a sister, some interesting things happened in the tutelary mansion, which was related to Xiao Zhai and others.

 I'm really ashamed, pfft, this chapter is [-] words, and then, the day after tomorrow, I will restore a chapter of [-] words, try my best!

(End of this chapter)

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