Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 407 Is there such a good thing?

Chapter 407 Is there such a good thing?


This happened not long after Quincy joined the tutelary mansion, fortunately, she was easy to be satisfied, and asked Yixian to cook a delicious meal for her, the girl was so happy that it made people feel ashamed.

The tutelary mansion went through a quiet period of about a month or so.

One day around the end of April, Lu Yanzhi dug out the pieces of Lady Luck, and planned to build another wave. After more than a year of accumulation, the warehouse was full of resources.

"It's reasonable, I'll build it ten times, isn't it too much?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Leipzig in bewilderment. This guy, just a rented ship girl, dared to confront him.

Leipzig shook his head, still guarding the door and said: "Admiral Lu, you have to know that many town guards have gone down the road because of this reason. You think it will be fine if you only build ten times, but this kind of thing is the same as gambling. , think ten times after ten times, think ten times after ten times."

Leipzig was heartbroken: "Admiral Lu rose from the humble beginnings. Today, all of this is hard-earned. How can you learn from those rich people?"

"Besides, you are African, right? What do Africans build? Isn't it enough to guard so many ship girls?"


Lu Yanzhi was taken aback, and those who didn't know thought Leipzig was his wife.

"Here, uh, Leipzig, do you think you want to join our tutelary?"

"Join the tutelary mansion?"

Leipzig categorically refused after thinking about it for almost a second.

"I'm fine now, why join your tutelary mansion?"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and Leipzig asked again: "Don't you want to pay me?"

"Nothing, I'm just looking at it. What you said to me today is completely considered from the standpoint of our tutelary mansion. Therefore, I feel that it is better for you to join our tutelary mansion."

"No, absolutely not."

Leipzig snorted twice: "What if you join the tutelary mansion and you don't give me a salary at all? It's not easy to ask you for it. If you ask for it, you will definitely say that you are one of your own, and talk about money or not."

"Oh, you haven't thought of joining our tutelary mansion yet."

Lu Yanzhi first said to Leipzig with a smile, then suddenly changed his face, and feigned anger: "Then why are you organizing me to build it? I use my own resources to build it. You, a small employee, are not qualified to organize it?"

"You guy, you don't know good people."

Leipzig rolled his eyes: "Go build it yourself, build it yourself, who cares about you? Really, Africans, if you don't give up, you will end up on the road of gambling boats sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, he said quietly: "It's just pitiful. There are so many sisters in the town guard's mansion. It's pitiful to have an admiral like you."

It was obviously just a construction, but Lu Yanzhi, who was abruptly told by Leipzig, thought he was going to do something outrageous.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he still walked into the warehouse. Whether this construction was planned for a long time or whatever, he had already paid attention to it. Although the tutelary mansion has a younger sister and the Prince of Wales, the prestige still feels a bit lonely. So the Hood had to be built.

Miss Hood, the glory of the Royal Navy will be sunk in one shot, the British nobles, it's time to come to guard the mansion.

Looking at the back of Lu Yanzhi's disappearance, Leipzig shook his head rather resentfully, and then turned to look at Lexington Saratoga and others: "Why don't you stop him? What did the Africans build?"

Lexington chuckled: "The tutelary mansion has accumulated a lot of resources now. Since the admiral wants to build it, let him build it a few times. Anyway, the tutelary mansion doesn't have many sortie missions right now."

"Oh, Lexington, you will spoil your admiral like this."

Lexington laughed again, if you are spoiled, you will be spoiled, and if you are spoiled, you will naturally be pampered and raised by her.

"However, is Leipzig really not going to join our tutelary mansion? You have been in the tutelary mansion for so long, and we can't do without you."

"If I don't have a salary, I won't add it!"

"What about the salary?"


Leipzig's eyes suddenly sparkled: "Is there really a salary? Do you keep your word?"

"The admiral will consider my opinion, don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Lexington laughed again: "Besides, joining the tutelary mansion, besides your salary, you will be indispensable for other benefits."

"Hey, this is what you said, Lexington, don't deny it, everyone can testify, it's agreed, I will join the tutelary mansion."

The most worrying thing is joining the tutelary mansion, and the salary will be deducted. Since Lexington has guaranteed it, there are no worries. She is free to come and go in Leipzig, and she doesn’t need to ask anyone’s opinion. If the salary can be negotiated, join The tutelary mansion, absolutely.

Here, Lu Yanzhi solemnly placed the fragments of lucky gold coins on the steel, muttering: Lady Luck, give me a Hood, I just need to stuff cat sauce.

After all, he reached out and touched the steel.

It has not been built for a long time, and this feeling of leaving the body is still a little nostalgic.

"Really? Humans are born masochists?"

Shaking his head and dispelling strange thoughts, Lu Yanzhi began to quietly understand the mood of Jian Niang.

It is still a familiar situation, first experience the moment Hood sank, a shell, straight through the armor, and then straight hit the ammunition depot.

Explosions sounded from the hull one after another, and the flames shot into the sky.

From this moment on, that battleship, the battleship Bismarck, became her Hood's lifelong enemy.

John Brown Shipyard has experienced such an experience once, and there is nothing to say. When it was built, it was the largest warship in the world. She carried the praise of the whole world and the glory of the Royal Navy. The more praise, the greater the pressure.

However, she didn't feel nervous and panic. There was no other reason. Whether it was the sailors on the ship, or the parameters of the ship's equipment, performance, the strong naturally had the posture of the strong.

Soon, when he came to the place of fate again and watched the sacrifice scene again, Lu Yanzhi felt bad because he felt the space shake violently.

It seems that the battleship itself does not want to see that scene.

"Only by working hard to adapt to this scene can you be reborn, don't give up!"

Lu Yanzhi couldn't help shouting.

The space shook more violently, and in the end, it was fragmented, startled suddenly, and Lu Yanzhi returned to the warehouse.

"I... Nima, this?"

The body shook for a while. This kind of construction was very exhausting for the spirit. Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but want to scold his mother while holding the waste material. He failed twice, and he was so angry.

He took the fragments of the lucky gold coin and threw it on the ground: "Trash, what do I need you for?"

"The system, isn't it [-]-[-]? Why did I fail again this time?"

"The host's lucky value is too low."

"The probability of [-]-[-] is also related to my lucky value?"

Lu Yanzhi couldn't believe it.

"Because the host's luck is low, even with a 50.00% probability, it will be infinitely close to failure."


Lu Yanzhi vomited blood: "System, you will lose me if you are so serious."

The fragments of the lucky gold coins were no longer usable, so Lu Yanzhi put them away, took a short rest, and reached out to the steel again.


Before Lu Yanzhi could be happy, the picture turned into nothingness and failed.

"Small frigate, failure!"




"Still failed!"

Lu Yanzhi looked like a madman, with red eyes, like those red-eyed gamblers in the casino.

Gambler's psychology: I will succeed in the next hand, just a little bit.

No wonder Leipzig would dissuade them. Ferries are really the same as gambling. At least Lu Yanzhi now has only one goal in mind: to build a ship, even if it is a destroyer.

"Admiral, admiral, take a break, your mental state is too bad now."

Outside the warehouse, finally unable to sit still, Lexington and the others walked in, seeing Lu Yanzhi like this and said heartbroken.

"Come again, come again, Lexington asked me to do it again, I have a hunch, this time there will be a new ship."

Lu Yanzhi pinched Lexington's shoulder and murmured.


There was a hint of crying in Lexington's voice.

"Trust me ma'am, really, this is the last time."

Lu Yanzhi stared at the steel, as if he was looking at an enemy, with a feeling that he would never give up.

Leipzig muttered to himself at the end: "So much steel is wasted like this, prodigal!"

Saratoga glared at each other, Leipzig laughed twice, and remained silent in embarrassment, as if he was a little confused about the occasion.

Here, Lexington stared at Lu Yanzhi for a long time, then nodded: "Okay, admiral, I have no objection if you want to build, but, I want to tell you, if you have any accidents, everyone in the tutelary mansion, no one wants to build it." to live alone."

The Lingtai recovered a bit of clarity, Lu Yanzhi nodded, and said hoarsely: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion, and I will only build it for the last time."


Lexington nodded, and then took everyone out of the warehouse. They should not be disturbed during construction, even a slight movement may cause a construction to fail.

After everyone left, Lu Yanzhi put his hands on the steel again. He no longer wanted to build Hood. He only had one goal in his mind, to build a ship girl.

Retiring with full honors, ushered in a disintegration of fate. People often say that the fate of the ship's mother is the same as that of the battleship, and it will sink in the end. How sad.

The flying birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooking. They are useless to human beings, so there is no doubt that there is only one fate to welcome, dismantling and reusing, dismantling the plane and selling parts.

Standing on the spacious airstrip, Lu Yanshi looked at the busy staff and felt the sadness from the ship's mother, feeling uncomfortable and unspeakable.

This is an aircraft carrier, but Lu Yanzhi doesn't know which model it is. In his memory, he really doesn't know that the aircraft carrier is meeting such a fate.

Vickers, Armstrong Shipyard?
This is where?

Lu Yanzhi was puzzled, the name sounded like British and American, if it was a British and American aircraft carrier.

So, the Yorktown class?Essex class?Or the British one, the Ark Royal?unicorn?God of sports?
All in all, Lu Yanzhi was very cautious this time, and when he felt a slight change, he offered words of comfort.

"No matter what, it must be successful!"

Lu Yanzhi muttered silently in his heart.

 emm, here we go.

(End of this chapter)

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