Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 409 Magic and Magic

Chapter 409 Magic and Magic


At dinner time, I finally saw the glory.

To be honest, looking at it again, I still feel that this girl is full of fairy spirit.

Especially holding a magic wand with a golden light on the top, it feels even more extraordinary.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you have worked hard. I am the No. [-] ship of the Glorious-class armored aircraft carrier, the glorious, indomitable and fearsome sister."

Although it was an introduction, but it was an extra mention, and it was obvious that Guanghui still had a grudge against Lu Yanzhi for not guessing her.

"Although it's the first time we've met, I've already heard about your reputation."

These words are a bit interesting, Lu Yanzhi looked to the side, and counterattacked with erratic eyes, thinking, could it be that counterattack and Guanghui told about the deeds of the miscellaneous family?Why didn't the miscellaneous family remember that the favorability of counterattack was so high?

"It has been an honor to work with you."

Guanghui said this with full sincerity. In fact, as the ship girl who was summoned by the admiral, the ship girl and the admiral have experienced a lot in nothingness. It probably means to feel your feelings. Therefore, the built ship girl just From the beginning, he had a [-]-point favorability with the admiral.

"Everything in this world can emit light, but some people need some small catalysts."

When he said this, Guanghui lightly waved the magic wand in his hand, emm, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Yanzhi always felt that Guanghui wanted to hit his head with a magic wand.

It must be an illusion, right?Guanghui should be talking about the deep sea, right?As a newborn ship's mother, she has a [-]-point friendship with herself, so she shouldn't hit him, right?

As expected, Lu Yanzhi was just worrying too much. After waving it, Guanghui put away the staff. The staff is her ship outfit. Since it is in the guard house, it is better to use the normal form.

This scene was seen by Saratoga and Firefly.

Saratoga is scolding, scolding Guanghui Sao hoof, vixen, so much is said in one introduction, is it useful?Just say a name.

Firefly's eyes were shining, blinking, blinking, the magic staff in Sister Guanghui's hand looked so familiar, could it be that Sister Guanghui could do magic like himself?
The dinner ended quickly, and when Lu Yanzhi came back from the restaurant, he deliberately ran to Guanghui's room.

Just concerned about the eating habits of the new wife?Are you used to living here?What else is missing, Lu Yanzhi promises that he has absolutely no other thoughts.

In order to avoid suspicion, Lu Yanzhi came here with the firefly in his arms.

"Hey, how can I tell you, maybe I'm too pampered on the destroyers and the little guys. Firefly, I'm so lucky to come and see Sister Guanghui."

Lu Yanzhi stood at Guanghui's door with his firefly in his arms, and asked, "Is it okay for me to come in?"

"It's okay, Admiral, please come in."

Guanghui was still wearing the same clothes he was born with, even if he was an exiled immortal, he was still full of immortality.

After entering, I casually looked around. There was really nothing to see in the room that had just been tidied up.

Guanghui rubbed the firefly's head and smiled lightly: "What can the firefly want from me?"

"Oh, she wants to ask you if you really know magic."

Lu Yanzhi replied before the firefly: "This child, Firefly, believes that she can use magic all day long. How is it possible? Such a wonderful thing, she still believes that you can use magic. This is completely impossible, right?"

"I can do magic!"

"...It's just that I dote on them too much~ah~"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly looked at Guanghui with a ghostly expression: "What did you say?"

"I said, I really know magic."

"Uh~ emm."

Lu Yanzhi didn't know how to answer the question for a while, magic?How is this possible? The system told her at the beginning that this world is a normal world, except that there are fantasy creatures like the ship girl, and so on...

Fantasy creature?

Lu Yanzhi suddenly realized that since the ship's mother is a fantasy creature, everything that happened to the fantasy creature can be explained, so?
"Guanghui, do you really know magic?"

"of course!"

Guanghui nodded, then walked to the bed and turned off the light. Suddenly, the whole room was plunged into darkness. Then, he took out his magic wand and waved it lightly. A little firefly light appeared between Guanghui and Lu Yanzhi.

There are two clusters of light, one is the brilliance on the magic wand, and the other is a spot of light that really appeared out of nothing.

I heard Guanghui say: "Although this level of light cannot be used for work, it is not bad for me to see the commander's face clearly."


Lu Yanzhi didn't know what to say, since elementary school, he was silent and confused, but the incident of traveling to the world of Jianniang broke his own worldview. Now, is Guanghui planning to break his own worldview again?Could it be the era of the ship girl waving her magic wand and shouting: Meteor fire rain?
The firefly lying in Lu Yanzhi's arms became excited in vain: "Well, wow, can sister Guanghui really know magic? It's a pity that Xiaoying can also use magic, but she can't suddenly summon a ball of light."

With a wave of the Guanghui staff, the little ball of light disappeared, then turned on the bedroom light, smiled at the fireflies, and said, "If Xiaoying works hard, she will soon be able to do what Sister Guanghui has done."

As if receiving great encouragement, Firefly nodded heavily, and then jumped off Lu Yanzhi's arms: "Starting tomorrow, I must work hard to practice magic."

"Emm, this, Firefly, you still have to go to class."

More than April, the little girls have already started classes.

"It doesn't matter if you go to class. After learning magic, I will know everything."

Firefly is full of energy, and when she learns magic, the so-called class is a piece of cake.

Bounced and ran away.

As soon as the fireflies left, there were only two people left in Guanghui's bedroom, and the atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

"Uh, Guanghui is still used to eating the food in the tutelary mansion?"

Guanghui nodded: "Very good, Miss Yixian's cooking skills are very good."

"Oh, all right."

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and said: "There are only some basic facilities in the town guard's mansion. If there is anything missing, just tell Leipzig. She is a warehouse manager and will help with centralized procurement."

"No problem, Miss Lexington has already told me."


"By the way, Guanghui doesn't have a change of clothes yet, right? I'll go to Haikou City tomorrow. Do you want to go together? You pick and buy some clothes yourself."

Why go to Haikou?
Of course, I went to buy clothes for Guanghui. After all, there is no major event recently, so why go to Haikou City.


Guanghui nodded happily. No woman would refuse to go shopping, except Prince of Wales Bismarck and Tennessees. Moreover, Guanghui didn't have any extra clothes, not even pajamas today.

"That's fine, that's settled. Guanghui thinks about it for himself, what he wants, and buy it together tomorrow, so as to save running back and forth, and go to bed early when he thinks clearly."

Seeming to finally have nothing to say, Lu Yanzhi bid farewell to Guanghui with some reluctance.

"Good night, Commander."

"Good night."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and walked out of Guanghui's room. He was in a good mood and wanted to hum a little song happily.

I don't know if I am happy because I built a big ship this time or because of Guanghui's good night.

Back in his room, he saw Saratoga lying on his bed, thinking that Xiao Nizi was asleep, so Lu Yanzhi walked over lightly.

Just as he took off his coat, Saratoga's voice came faintly: "Brother-in-law, I saw you enter the room of brilliance, then the light was turned off, and then turned on again after 3 minutes."


Lu Yanzhi was startled: "What do you want to say, Jiajia?"

"Brother-in-law, have you already pushed Guanghui?"

Saratoga sat up, staring at Lu Yanshi closely, worried about missing a detail.

Patting Saratoga's head, Lu Yanzhi laughed and scolded: "What are you thinking, Guanghui just joined our tutelary mansion today, how could I touch her."

"Then why are you looking for her? And turn off the lights?"

"Doesn't the firefly really know magic if she wants to see the brilliance? I took her there."

"There's no need to turn off the lights to see magic!"

"If you don't turn off the lights, how can you know whether or not Guanghui can do magic?"

Saratoga almost went crazy: "Is there any relationship between the two?"

"It doesn't matter, Guanghui puts a ball of light, if the light is on, naturally you can't see it."

"Brother-in-law really didn't take advantage of turning off the lights to do other things?"

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, making Lu Yanzhi anxious: "Okay Jiajia, are you the one who slanders people like this? When did your brother-in-law get so bad? It's over in 3 minutes?"

"Hmph, that's not sure."


Lu Yanzhi said generously, "I'll let you see how long I can last tonight."


Saratoga grinned.

Lu Yanzhi gritted his teeth: "Laugh, laugh, I will make you kneel on the bed and beg for mercy immediately."

After some frolicking, Saratoga suddenly straightened his face and asked, "Brother-in-law, to be honest, does Guanghui really know magic?"


Thinking of the scene in Guanghui's bedroom just now, Lu Yanzhi didn't know how to make an agreement with Saratoga.

"I don't know if it's true, but after the lights are turned off, the brilliance does release a ball of light, which is a bit magical."

"So, Guanghui is not only an armored aircraft carrier that can fly carrier-based aircraft, but also a magician who can release magic?"

Saratoga said incredulously: "Why is this so? Isn't this too unfair? Guanghui? Hehe, the No. [-] person I've never heard of before is both a carrier-based aircraft and magic. If this continues, And what about our regular aircraft carrier?"

"Who knows."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head: "It should be some tricks, magic, it's still too incredible."

"Brother-in-law, since it is an armored aircraft carrier, should I be trained to operate the carrier-based aircraft?"

Saratoga didn't know what to think of, and asked suddenly.

"Of course I'll leave it to you. After all, you are the most powerful among the aircraft carriers that guard the mansion."


Saratoga laughed a few times inexplicably, and raised her eyebrows: "Leave it to me, and let me unravel the secret of her magic. I don't believe in magic. It must be blindfolds, hat tricks, everything. It's a lie!"

"Don't be fooled!"

Lu Yanzhi said worriedly, his sister-in-law, no, it's his little wife, so I really don't worry.

 It’s better if you don’t know magic, well, it’s decided, Guanghui can’t do magic, it’s just some tricks
  Ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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