Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 412 Radiance and Missouri

Chapter 412 Radiance and Missouri

Saratoga consciously saw through Guanghui's little trick, and couldn't wait to explain to his brother-in-law.

She thought very simply, since Guanghui you used magic as an excuse to attract your brother-in-law's attention, then I told my brother-in-law that the so-called magic is just some tricks you played, then my brother-in-law must not be interested, naturally, I won't be attracted Seduce the past.

However, she didn't understand at all, what is a ulterior motive, who pays attention to tricks like magic?The focus is on the person playing this little trick.

In this way, Guanghui became the person in the tutelary mansion who had the most contact with the admiral besides Tirpitz.

"Are you still used to living in Guanghui?"

"How about the glorious training?"

"Did Firefly ask Guanghui to learn magic?"

"Speaking of which, I saw Veneto looking for you yesterday, why?"

Yes, that's it. Veneto approached Guanghui yesterday and wanted to solo with Guanghui, but Guanghui decisively refused.

"Miss Veneto, I will not accept your provocation. Frontal combat is not my strong point. If you accept group exercises, then I don't mind letting history repeat itself and attack again."

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Guanghui explained to Lu Yanzhi with a chuckle.

"It's nothing, admiral, it may be that Miss Veneto felt that she lost face in being attacked by me in history, so she wanted to get back the place, but I have already refused."


Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then became more curious: "Can you tell me about the Battle of Taranto? I don't know about this battle yet."

"As an admiral, you are not familiar with the famous naval battles in the history of the old world. This is your dereliction of duty, admiral."

Guanghui smiled and said: "But since the admiral wants to know, then I will tell the admiral."

After listening to Guanghui's narration, Lu Yanzhi finally understood why Veneto wanted to challenge Guanghui.

Historically, the Port of Taranto, to which Idaly belongs, and the Idaeli Navy were undergoing repairs. As a result, the Brilliance carried a Swordfish torpedo plane and attacked at night, causing a battleship to sink and two battleships to be seriously injured.

Why does Veneto want to challenge Kohui?Because Veneto participated in the whole process at that time, and witnessed the bombing of the friendly army, but there was nothing he could do.No, after becoming a ship girl, seeing the brilliance, memories of the old world flooded into my heart, and I naturally wanted to get back on the spot.

Speaking of it, Veneto didn't seem to have suffered any injuries in this battle. For some reason, Lu Yanzhi felt sorry for Veneto inexplicably, was it because of his body?Dodge chance is also much higher.

"However, having said that, isn't the carrier-based aircraft blinded at night? Why can you still attack successfully?"

"Because two carrier-based aircraft are specially equipped with flares."

Guanghui laughed happily.

"Well, since that's the case..."

Lu Yanzhi suddenly had a bold idea, if the carrier-based aircraft of the ship's mother is also equipped with flares, then, night battle...

Lu Yanzhi was still dreaming of beautiful dreams, so Guanghui poured cold water: "Admiral, after becoming a ship's mother, the carrier-based aircraft is the smallest equipment unit, and there is no way to control the torpedoes or supplies on the carrier-based aircraft."

After listening to Guanghui's explanation, Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly and shook his head. He knew that I was thinking too much.

"However, speaking of it, Guanghui, don't you know magic? Can you summon a large beam of light, which can make the carrier aircraft have combat effectiveness even at night."

When asked by Lu Yanzhi, Guanghui immediately became angry.

"Admiral, are you still laughing at me? Didn't Saratoga tell you?"

"Hey, Guanghui already knows?"

Lu Yanzhi was a little embarrassed.

Lu Yanzhi glanced at Lu Yanzhi, and Guanghui continued: "I knew it a long time ago, it's too much, I just wanted to deceive the little guys of the destroyer, but in the end, Saratoga wished that everyone in the town guard knew about it .”

"Well, Gaga is really too much, I will teach her a lesson for you later."

Lu Yanzhi nodded in the same way. In order to prevent herself from casting a wide net, the sister-in-law used all the moves she could think of, which was too much.

After finishing the conversation with Guanghui and seeing Guanghui flying the carrier-based aircraft under the command of cv-16, Lu Yanzhi was filled with emotion. Now, he can completely shout to the sky: "I am definitely a European!"

It took only a dozen rounds to build the Glory, the first and only one in the world, the Glory armored aircraft carrier, like Hutten Missouri, a ship that has never been heard of in the world. Accepted by myself.

emm, Missouri hasn't joined the tutelary palace yet, but it's almost there.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Saratoga was looking at him quietly, and Lu Yanzhi was startled.

"Gaga, why are you so elusive?"

Saratoga sighed and said in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, I stood behind you for a long time, but you didn't notice."


Lu Yanzhi was at a loss for words for a moment, but then he came to his senses and said to Saratoga, "Gaga, when did you get into the habit of eavesdropping on other people's speech?"

Saratoga's tone was faint: "Hmph, I can see that, brother-in-law, you are not interested in magic at all, you are interested in brilliance itself."

"What's the matter, the new ship girl who joined the tutelary mansion always needs to take care of it."

Guiltyly, Lu Yanzhi turned his eyes away. I don't know if it was because of hard-earned reasons, or when he was in a coma that day, Guanghui's fairy-like image was too popular. Anyway, Lu Yanzhi has a special fondness for Guanghui .

If it is said that Guanghui, as a newly built ship girl, has a favorable opinion of Lu Yanshi at [-], then Lu Yanzhi's favorable opinion of Guanghui has broken through [-] unilaterally.

"Tsk tsk, I can be regarded as a new ship girl who joined the tutelary mansion, but I don't see how much Admiral Lu cares about it."

The sudden appearance of Missouri startled Lu Yanzhi again.

Patting his chest, he said helplessly, "How come you are like Saratoga, elusive?"

Missouri rolled her eyes, smiled lightly, and said, "How can I hear Admiral Lu speak the truth if he is not elusive?"

Missouri is absolutely charming, every frown and smile, every gesture, obviously a casual movement, can make Lu Yanzhi's adrenaline surge and his heart beat faster.

Already an old driver with five wedding boats, but he still can't stop the style of Missouri.

Saratoga was blowing her beard and staring at the side. Compared with Missouri, she was too ordinary. She couldn't seduce people, couldn't talk about love, and could only act coquettishly and cling to Lu Yanshi.

From this aspect alone, Saratoga is definitely the worst failure in the tutelary mansion.

I saw Missouri picking up her hair, hanging it by her ear, and then continued to ask: "Tell me, I am also a new ship girl who joined the tutelary mansion, why didn't Admiral Lu care so much?"

Lu Yanzhi stared, and said, "Are you still ashamed to say that you have joined the tutelary mansion?"

"With the excellent equipment of our tutelary mansion, until now you refuse to call me admiral, what kind of person is joining the tutelary mansion!"

At any rate, Missouri, a super battleship, won't recognize an admiral so quickly. Lu Yanzhi can understand this, but his heart is like a cat's claw, and he wants to hear Missouri call an admiral.

Another example: Admiral, come quickly!

Uh, thinking too much.

Missouri giggled coquettishly: "Is it enough to just call the admiral?"

"In that case."

Missouri suddenly stretched out her hand, stroked Lu Yanzhi's cheek lightly, and whispered, "Ti~du~"

Lu Yanzhi swore that he was wrong, how could he be considered an old driver?
Lu Yanzhi blushed when Missouri suddenly made such a fuss, and then looked forward to Missouri's next move.

Of course there was nothing to do next, and the admiral hadn't been approved yet, how could there be any more actions, besides, even if the admiral was approved, she couldn't be so casual, although she acted like a vixen, she was still a pure yellow flower girl, Missouri withdrew her finger.

Lu Yanzhi sighed regretfully for Lu Yanzhi, a goblin, definitely a goblin.

Saratoga witnessed Missouri's action all the way, his face black and purple.

"Mi Su Li, you are enough~"

 Less than 2, ashamed, Chapter [-] might be eleven o’clock, I’m going to sleep for an hour first, I’m so drowsy.

(End of this chapter)

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