Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 421 Extra Story 3: The Daily Life of a Servant

Chapter 421 Extra Story 3: The Daily Life of a Servant

Gensokyo is not different because of Lu Yanzhi's unexpected appearance.

Tirpitz is still discussing the book with Deep Sea Tirpitz, Saratoga is still going out to cause trouble every day, Akagi is still sitting around all day, Kaga often carries a wine gourd on his back, just like Gaara, looking for People fight to drink, her drinking capacity is actually average, Changchun can easily finish her.

In Fantasy Township, except for Yixian who has a small courtyard where fresh vegetables and fruits are grown, there is no other planting land, so Lexington and the others have to purchase many things from the human world on a regular basis.

"Man, go to the human world to buy some meat tomorrow, and I will make a list for you later!"

Lexington smiled and said to Lu Yanzhi, it is unimaginable that a gentle and virtuous wife would say such things to him.

"it is good!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, he is getting more and more used to being a servant now.

"However, can I be allowed to buy a suit of men's clothing?"


Lexington put his hand on the lower bar, then nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that I should buy you a suit of clothes, otherwise, if others find out, they will think that I am abusing my labor."

"Thank you ma'am!"

"What did you call me?"

"No, thank you mistress!"

Lu Yanzhi bowed his head obediently.

Lexington lifted his long black silk legs, and stepped on Lu Yanzhi's shoulder with his delicate little feet. He said in a bad tone, "You know, you are just an ordinary servant, don't be confused about your position!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled and nodded yes, then looked up at Lexington: "Um...white?"

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's dull eyes, Lexington was puzzled at first, and then reacted instantly.

Kicking Lu Yanshi to the ground with one kick, retracting his beautiful legs, he turned around gracefully, and the hem of his skirt fluttered.

"Sure enough, it is our admiral, with a bad personality as always!"


Form is weaker than humans, and Lu Yanzhi knows how to protect himself.

"Does it look good?"

Lexington suddenly bent down, pulled Lu Yanshi up, and asked softly beside Lu Yanshi.

"Okay...okay, it looks good!"

Lu Yanzhi froze for a moment, it was midsummer, and Lexington really didn't wear much, this action of possessing the body just made Lu Yanzhi see a big white patch on his chest, and another burst of nosebleeds.

"Want to touch?"


Lexington smiled like a little devil, molested Lu Yanshi for a long time, then stood up, turned around and left: "Think too much! Don't forget about tomorrow's purchase!"

Lu Yanzhi sat in the same place and watched Lexington's leaving back and muttered to himself: "If you live with these lovely girls, you won't change it even if you give it to the emperor. Be a servant? Traveling with the halo of the protagonist , can you still be a servant for the rest of your life?"

Coming out of the American manor, Lu Yanzhi came to the British castle again.

In order to scruple everyone's idea of ​​wanting to serve the admiral, his servants have to go to serve in each area, and they can't go to the next place until someone agrees to leave.

Plug cat sauce, mother Hood with eyes, when she is not sitting with Prince Bismarck Eugen, she is a proper dignified lady, the glory of the Royal Navy is well-deserved.

Except for Hood, the leading giants of the British department sat together.

The lion has a crown on its head and a scepter in its hand. The queen's temperament is MAX, and its glorious image is not worse than that of a lion.

Compared with these two, the Honorary Hood of the Royal Navy is almost a comic character.

The prestige of counterattack is behind the Prince of Wales and Hood respectively, and at the same time helping everyone to make snacks and black tea.

Nelson Rodney is also an old-timer, so he naturally sits with everyone like a round table meeting. However, compared to the serious round table meeting discussing war, their meeting is full of amusing atmosphere. They are discussing, Who is eligible to enjoy Lu Yanshi's butler service today!

Just like that, discussing in front of Lu Yanzhi.

Hood was the first to speak: "To be reasonable, I am the glory of the Royal Navy. Don't I have the privilege of enjoying the servant service before you?"

"Shut up you!"

Indomitable said: "What kind of glory are you to the Royal Navy? Once you hit the cat Hood, you will lose the face of the Royal Navy."


Hood murmured, looking helplessly at Rodney Nelson, and only these two gave her face, willing to admit that she is the glory of the Royal Navy.

"I feel that Hood is more or less qualified."

Sure enough, Rodney spoke up and stood by Hood.

Satisfied, Hood glanced at him lightly, and the meaning was self-evident: Look, no one can be called the glory of the Royal Navy except me.

Not scratching his breath, he glanced at his sister, seeing that his sister didn't respond, he was even angrier.

"You claim to be the glory of the Royal Navy. Do you have any achievements? My sister is different. My sister attacked Taranto at night and severely damaged the Italian Navy. She is worthy of the title of Royal Navy Glory."

Guanghui's face was full of red, with an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth, but he pulled his sister and muttered to himself: "Low-key, low-key!"


Hood gave Guanghui a hard look, are you going to compete with me for the admiral's valet service today?
"Hood, save yourself, you don't have to do anything for a day, and you still have a prestigious service, what kind of manservant do you want?"

The majestic lion spoke.

"Then what do you say?"

As a blueprint ship, Lion is theoretically a more powerful existence than everyone who is doing it, except for the glorious sisters, Ark Royal.

Although I don't know what's going on, it may be that the skill tree point was crooked when she was born. For a battleship like her, the ship parameters are not as good as Huten Missouri!
"The unicorns should be allowed to enjoy the service of the admiral. We have enjoyed it before, but they haven't!"


Hood muttered, suddenly speechless, if the lion is living for the welfare of the Prince of Wales, Queen Elizabeth and others, she will inevitably have to BB, but for the welfare of the unicorns, this is not Sorry to say.

God is sorry to see, how hard the unicorn is, planting such a large garden behind the castle, playing the organ for himself every day, and robbing the admiral's valet with such a girl, she Hood is not so shameless.

So, after the round table meeting, Lu Yanshi ran to loosen the soil for the unicorn all afternoon!

When eating, they also feed Chicheng and the two Tirpitz.

This was one of the few happy moments for Lu Yanzhi.

To be reasonable, a lot of things are stuffed in, and the cheeks are slightly puffed up. Chicheng's appearance should not be too cute, especially because of the growth, it looks cuter.

As for the two Tirpitzs, needless to say, although there is not much similarity in appearance and other aspects, their personalities and even their catchphrases are basically the same, almost like soul twins.

While eating two Tirpitz, while looking not far away, Deep Sea Bismarck, who was wearing a simple green three-point bikini, and Bismarck, a ship girl with cat-ear short hair, were talking about the Heart Sutra of Royal Girls.

All in all, Lu Yanzhi's life in Gensokyo unfolded like this.

 emm, when I woke up, I was surprised to find that my Chapter 2 did not write (), time was too late, so I had to catch up

(End of this chapter)

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