Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 425 Best Wingman Missouri

Chapter 425 Best Wingman Missouri

"Just like my sister, I may not be able to compete with those people in battle, but if you play, you won't be disappointed, Commander!"

Like Alaska, Guam has come up with its own keyboard.

Life is endless, BGM is endless, why don't we use this song to dispel those troubles!

The Prince of Wales, who was talking about having fun, looked over dissatisfied, but saw that the admiral was crazy with Guam, Alaska, and shook his head, probably the admiral succeeded, and didn't say anything.

Tirpitz buries his head in the pillow, which is noise for a sleeper!
This is true for a person who seems to be sleeping, let alone a small North Carolina who is already asleep.

A little bit of starlight gathered, and then the Tomahawk lay quietly beside Alaska with a terrifying luster.

Sister Yu's cold voice sounded: "Alaska, bring me my axe!"

The threat was self-evident, and Alaska looked at Lu Yanzhi for help.

The second daughter had just agreed to join her tutelary mansion, how could Lu Yanzhi let others see clearly, she straightened her waist and turned her face: "Wait for me here!"

Quite the morale of a strong man breaking his wrist.

However, he was handsome for less than three seconds, and he couldn't lift the ship's axe.

Alaska didn't know what to say, so he just showed this expression: →_→

In the end, the storm must be faced after all.Pick up the Indian tomahawk, and then walk away without looking back. The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return.

Gu Am and Lu Yanzhi looked at each other, then closed their eyes and made the sign of the cross on their chest.

From North Carolina's bedroom came the sound of pinging, bang, bang.

After a while, Alaska came out with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Hehe, it's okay, I solved it, you can continue playing!"

Lu Yanzhi went over with some distress and asked, "Are you really all right?"

Alaska smiled triumphantly: "How can I say that I am also a battlecruiser, don't worry, North Carolina has been persuaded by me!"

As Alaska was talking, North Carolina came out of the bedroom, still in the form of Miss Yu.

"Alaska and Guam agree to join your tutelary?"


Lu Yanzhi nodded cautiously, Lori is good, she is light and soft and easy to attack, standing in front of this Yujie, Lu Yanzhi feels pressured.

North Carolina looked at Lu Yanzhi meaningfully, and said softly, "Don't go too far!"

These words are definitely not to persuade Lu Yanzhi not to go too far with Alaska and Guam, Lu Yanzhi knows it himself.

Although North Carolina has two forms, they have a common memory.

As the relationship with Luoli Beika gets better and better, she often can't help doing some intimate actions, such as shopping today, Luoli Beika was hugged by Lu Yanzhi the whole time.


Thinking about recent events, Lu Yanzhi suddenly had a toothache, and then wondered if he should go home immediately.

You can play whatever you want, but, Yujie Beika sits in the high hall, who dares to go too far?

Not long after the hot pot was ready, Washington came back.

Lu Yanzhi couldn't help asking: "Washington, isn't your firm out of business? Why are you so busy recently?"

Putting on his slippers and sitting next to North Carolina, Washington gave Lu Yanzhi a blank look.

"The materials need to be prepared, and you have to ventilate yourself in advance. Do you think I'm like you, and I've established a town guard mansion, and I'll give it all to the ship's mother, and I'll be a pet myself?"


Lu Yanzhi coughed twice, and changed the subject decisively: "Speaking of which, Alaska and Guam have decided to join our tutelary fort, so I plan to go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"So fast?"

Washington was surprised. I don't know if it was because he was surprised that Lu Yanshi got the boat fast, or because he was surprised that Lu Yanshi would go back so soon.


Just as Lu Yanzhi was about to speak, Missouri grabbed him.

"what happened?"

Missouri said: "Why go back so soon? Don't you want to see Washington show his power to solve the gang in Bundle City?"

"Washington is showing his power, why are you joining in the fun?"

Missouri frantically winked at Lu Yanzhi, and it took a long time for Lu Yanzhi to react.

At this time, Washington also said to Lu Yanzhi: "Since Missouri wants to stay and watch, you can continue to live. Anyway, no one usually comes here."

"Well, let's stay for a few days!"


After dinner, everyone was busy with their own business, and Lu Yanshi grabbed Missouri.

"You won't come for real, will you? Washington is not easy to get."

"No pursuit!"

Missouri gave Lu Yanzhi a blank look: "Washington is a legal beauty. If you bring it back to the tutelary mansion, you will be fine even if you break the law in the future. Why don't you try hard to get it?"

Lu Yanzhi was speechless: "Still fishing? I feel that North Carolina is not looking right at me recently. I am worried that if this continues, I will die under North Carolina's tomahawk!"

"Why is North Carolina looking at you wrong?"

Missouri said curiously: "I feel that you have a good relationship with Luoli North Carolina."

"That's the problem. Luoli Beika and Yujie Beika have the same memory. Yujie Beika knows everything I did to Luoli Beika."

"You didn't do anything to Lolita, did you?"

Although Missouri is saying this, it is very hard to hold back a smile.

Lu Yanzhi's face darkened: "Laugh if you want to!"


Hearing Missouri's smile, Lu Yanzhi's face turned darker.

"So, let's go back early!"


"Is it that funny?"

"Ha, ha ha~"

"Hey, you are enough, give me back my equipment like this!"

When it comes to gear, Missouri comes back right away.

Then he said, "To be honest, I thought you might not be able to win Washington, but after hearing what you said, I feel that you are more hopeful."

"How to say?"

"According to what you said, Luoli Beika and Yujie Beika have the same memory. You have hugged and raised Lolita Beika these days. Yujie Beika should know clearly, right?"

"I know, otherwise, if I tell you to stay any longer, the North Carolina tomahawk will kill me."

Missouri shook her head: "You only thought of the first floor, have you ever thought about your actions, Yujie Beika didn't say anything, does this mean..."

"Indicate what?"

Lu Yanzhi's heart skipped a beat. The matter was too unreal, and he didn't dare to think about it.

"It means that North Carolina has acquiesced to your actions, or she does not reject those intimate actions with you!"

Saying that, Missouri suddenly became excited: "Use your brain to think about it, since Yujie Beika doesn't hate it, does that mean you have a great chance?"

"Washington is North Carolina's younger sister and nanny. If you take North Carolina away, then, Washington, whether you follow your sister or take care of Lori North Carolina, no matter what position you take, don't you want to join your tutelary house? "

Missouri chuckled like a demon tempting hell.

"Then, why don't you try?"

I have to admit that Lu Yanzhi was attracted by the description of Missouri.My heart couldn't help beating violently.

"I also ask Mi's mother to help me, my brother is very grateful!"

 Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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