Douluo's Wonderful Life

Chapter 3 Martial Soul Awakening

Chapter 3 Martial Soul Awakening
"What is the awakening ceremony! Grandpa Jack." Tangning opened her big eyes at this moment, the bright eyes were so clear, and she asked innocently. Tang San also looked at the old Jack curiously.

Old Jack said sternly: "Each of us has our own martial soul, and we have to undergo an awakening ceremony when we are six years old. After we have a martial soul, we can strengthen certain aspects of us. Even if you awaken the most common martial arts The soul will also help you. If you awaken an excellent martial soul and can practice it, you can become a soul master. The awakening ceremony is only once a year, and I will not let you miss it .It is the deacon of the Martial Soul Branch Hall in Notting City who came to awaken the children's martial soul! The deacon is a great soul master!"

When talking about the Great Soul Master, Tangning saw a hint of envy in Old Jack's eyes, and his tone was full of respect.

"What is a great soul master!" Tang San said at this time, he was a bit ambiguous about what a soul master said, so he seized the opportunity at this time and naturally he didn't want to let it go.

Old Jack was obviously very patient with Tangning and the two. In his heart, Tangning and the two were the most sensible in the village. It was hard to imagine that someone like Tang Hao would have such a sensible child.

"Great soul master is a title of soul master. Soul master is the most noble and noble profession on our continent. They can be powerful fighters or have strong auxiliary abilities, but no matter what they are, the level is based on sorted by the same title."

"Soul masters have their own martial soul power. According to the strength of their martial soul power, they are divided into ten titles, and each title has ten levels. Those who have just started at the beginning are called soul masters. Everyone who has just awakened a martial soul It is a soul master. If he can practice, he will be called a soul master at the eleventh level, and the great soul master will be the third in the entire profession. After reaching the great soul master, he can be regarded as a very strong soul master. That's what the name is."

"Soul Scholar, Soul Master, Great Soul Master, Soul Venerable, Soul Sect, Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Sage, Soul Douluo and the last titled Douluo, the name of our Douluo Continent comes from this. According to legend, Titled Douluo who reach level ninety can give themselves a title, and they are also the strongest on the mainland."

With a look of pride shining in his eyes, "Xiaoning Xiaosan! Do you know why our village is called the Holy Soul Village? That is because our village walked out of an eighth-ranked Soul Sage a hundred years ago! , and even Fasno Province is extremely rare.”

"Old Jack, that's just a legend." Tang Hao curled his lips aside.

As if touched, Old Jack forgives, "What are legends? Legends come from facts. Tang Hao, you have been in our village for six years, so you should understand which Lord Soul Sage is in our hearts." Status, let me hear you say bad things about Master Hunsheng again, don’t blame me for driving you out of the village. If it wasn’t for Xiao Ning and Xiao San, who would want to come to your kennel!”

Tang Hao was unmoved by the words, and continued to hit the farm tools on his own, as if he hadn't heard what Old Jack said.

Old Jack gave Tang Hao a hard look, then lowered his head to Tang Ning and Tang San and said, "Don't be like your father in the future, well, I'll be leaving first, and I'll pick you up in three days."

After finishing speaking, Old Jack left the blacksmith shop angrily.

After listening to Old Jack's words, Tangning lowered his head and walked into the room while thinking. He was obviously wondering whether the sword code that he had never been able to break through had something to do with Wuhun.Although he had no direct evidence, his intuition told him that this was the case.

In the evening, after dinner, Tangning went back to the house alone, sitting cross-legged on the bed, only hearing the conversation between Tang San and Tang Hao outside.After a while, Tangning fell into a trance. Although he couldn't break through no matter how hard he practiced, the habits he had developed over the past few years allowed him to practice unconsciously.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Tang Ning and Tang San still went to practice on the mountain every morning, and had dinner after returning home.It's like blacksmithing, sleeping, sleeping, going out to practice swords, life is like a clockwork machine, it's the same.

"Xiao Ning, Xiao San, grandpa is here to pick you up." Old Jack arrived on time, but this time he didn't go in, he just yelled outside, maybe because he was bored with Tang Hao.

Tang Ning and Tang San glanced at their father who had just finished breakfast, Tang Hao said coldly, "Go, don't forget to come back at noon to cook."

Tang Ning and Tang San hummed and walked out the door.Old Jack was waiting outside the door. When he saw the two of them coming out, he had a loving smile on his face, and they also called out, "Grandpa Jack."

Old Jack nodded, and led the two of them towards the Wuhun branch with a smile.

The Wuhun branch hall in the village is in the center. Actually, it is called a branch hall, but it is just a bigger wooden house.Because everyone has a martial soul, and every year there are children who want to awaken, so there are martial soul temples in every place on the Douluo Continent, but the levels are different.

There were nine children who had awakened their spirits this time, and Old Jack and Tang Ning were the last to arrive.

Besides Old Jack and the nine children, there was also a young man in his twenties, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes. He looked very handsome. He was wearing a white suit and a black cloak behind him. There is a soul character the size of a fist fire, which is the attire of the staff directly under Wuhundian.

"Hi, respected Master Soul Master, I will trouble you this time." Old Jack saluted the young man respectfully.

There was a hint of pride in the young man's brows, and he bowed slightly in a neutral manner, which was regarded as a return gift, "I don't have much time, let's start."

Old Jack turned to the children and said: "Children, this is the Master of the Battle Spirit from Notting City, and he will awaken the martial soul to you next, you must cooperate with the adults, Grandpa looks forward to some of you being able to Become a soul master."

The young man said impatiently: "Okay, you said the same thing last year. Is it really that easy to become a soul master? I have traveled through six villages with the scriptures, and there is no one with soul power, let alone a suitable one." Wuhun."

A trace of sadness flashed in Old Jack's eyes, and he sighed: "Yes, only people from major sects can become soul masters. It's too difficult for ordinary people like us." While talking, Old Jack shook his head and walked out of the Spirit Hall .

As the inspection deacon of the Wuhun Temple, the young man has long taken it for granted that it is his job to help others awaken their Wuhun. "Children, stand in a row." His attitude towards these children is much gentler.

The young man smiled and said: "My name is Su Yuntao, I am a level 26 great soul master, and I am your guide. Now, I will awaken the martial souls for you one by one. Remember, don't be afraid no matter what happens for a while. "

As he said that, Su Yuntao took out two things from his own package on the side table, six black round stones and a blue crystal ball.

Su Yuntao arranged six black stones in a hexagonal shape on the ground, and then motioned for the first child on the left to stand in the middle.

"Don't be afraid, feel carefully." Su Yuntao said in a low voice under the horrified eyes of the children, "Lone wolf, possessed."

I saw a flash of blue light, and Su Yuntao instantly changed from a person to a werewolf, and saw two circles of light rising from his feet, one white and one yellow, hovering up and down continuously.

The little man who was called into the black stone by him saw the change of Su Yuntao, his eyes were full of fear, and he suddenly screamed, "Ah—" and was about to run out.

Su Yuntao grabbed the boy and said, "Don't be afraid, this is my martial soul. If any of you can become a soul master, it will be the same."

The only ones who were not afraid were Tang Ning and Tang San, both of them had curious expressions in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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