Full server counterattack

Chapter 125 Employee Flower Fairy

Chapter 125 Employee Flower Fairy

The rising sun just shone on her.

There is just such a smile that can heal people's hearts.

As he walked, it was as if a sharp arrow had been gently inserted into his heart.

It made him feel a little drunk.

It's love!

It comes quietly.

Didn't tell anyone.

Even the girl in front of him didn't know what he didn't notice.

After entering the company and getting on the elevator, we are about to reach the department of Luxi Temple.

At this moment, she turned her head to look at Mo Yun.

"Then I'll report first."

Mo Yun nodded.

Watching her leave to report to the planning department.

The elevator door slowly closed before he continued to his office.

According to the information investigated in front of Luxi Temple.

The planning department is divided into several groups. Of course, Group A is basically all elites. The two groups of BC are quite balanced.

Lu Xici wandered around for several times before finding the manager's office.

Probably because she came earlier, so there are not many people on this floor.

He glanced roughly at the seats present.

There are about five or six people in this group B.That's pretty good!It's not particularly difficult to get along with this.

And what about Gu Yin?It was assigned to Group C.

While waiting in Luxi Temple.

I saw a person walk in.

The other party seemed to be taken aback when he saw her.

ah!Could it be that he was mistaken for a thief or something?Looking at the other party with such a surprised expression.

Lu Xici hurried forward to explain.

"Well, I'm not something like that, I'm an employee who came to the new report."

"My God! She looks so beautiful. She speaks so nicely."

Luxi Temple is still explaining to people here!As a result, I heard such a sentence from the other party's mouth.


Lucy Temple is a bit embarrassing!

"Hello, beauty, I'm Huaxianzi. You can call me like that from now on. I'm sorry, as long as I see beautiful and handsome people, I can't help but look at them more. It’s so pretty!”

How does this mean that as long as you see someone who is beautiful and good-looking, you can't help but look at them more?The current situation is that the whole body of the girl in front of her is about to stick to her body.

If it wasn't for seeing that the other party was a girl, Lu Xici's fist would have already been thrown out.

And the name Flower Fairy?
Lu Xici really didn't know what to say.

But the girl in front of her is petite and cute, standing in front of Lu Xi Temple like a little sister.

On the contrary, the impression of Luxi Temple is quite good.

"So your name is Hua Fairy! This name is quite distinctive, hello! My name is Lu Xici, and I just came to report today."

"It's not just the beauty of the person, but even the name is so nice. No, no, I must hurry up and establish a good relationship with you before they come."

what!Would this be too exaggerated?

"That... I'm actually not as exaggerated as you said! Just treat me as a normal person."

wrong!Lu Xici was originally a normal person!
"Okay okay."

When Lu Xici saw the other party's nympho eyes, forget it, let's just do it!
How long she waited there, the flower fairy watched her there for a long time.

Those who looked at Luxi Temple were a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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