Chapter 129
I really don't know how high the appearance is.

In fact, it is not necessarily two good-looking people together, and the child born is not necessarily good-looking.

Lu Xici shook his head.

Go to dinner with Gu Yin.

I didn't expect the company's treatment to be good!Not only can you eat these things for free, but more importantly, there are many types.It was abruptly made into a buffet style.

Luxi Temple is also not polite, if you see something delicious, grab it!

"Lu Xici didn't expect you to be so good at eating."

"I'd be an idiot if I didn't know how to eat so many free and delicious things."

When the two of them were carrying their plates and were about to find a place to sit down.Lu Xici saw the flower fairy not far away waving at them.

Lu Xici took Gu Yin to sit at Hua Fairy's table.

Just when she was about to speak, she heard a voice behind her.

"Hello! May I sit here?"

As soon as Lu Xici turned her head, she saw Mo Yun standing beside her.

"Hey! You come to eat too! Sit down!"

Lu Xi Temple also deliberately moved.

It is estimated that the people at this table are all of good looks.

People passing by from time to time have to look at them.

"By the way, Xiaoci. The new department gets along pretty well!"

As soon as Lu Xici opened his mouth to speak, Hua Fairy snatched it away.

"My God! Manager Mo. You don't even know how popular Xiaoci is in our department now. You've gotten to know us well, right Xiaoci."

That's true, that's true.

Lu Xici nodded slightly.

"It still feels good. Everyone gets along very well, but I don't feel anything unhappy."

"Since that's the case, that's good."

Although Mo Yun wanted to eat later than them, he had to finish eating first.
He got up and told Lu Xici and the others to eat slowly, and he left first because he still had something to do.

Seeing Mo Yun's leaving back, Lu Xici couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This man is really a gentleman!

Whether speaking or otherwise.

The flower fairy seemed to knock out of Lu Xici's heart.He stretched out his hand and waved it a few times in front of her.

"Xiaoci! You don't like Manager Mo Yun, do you?"

Lucy looked back at her.

"How could I like him, I just think so! He seems to be perfect in every way."

"That's what I like!"

"There is a word called appreciative understanding. Appreciation."

Lu Xici also ate about the same, put down his chopsticks and waited for Hua Fairy.

Immediately after returning to the office, she read the materials for nearly an afternoon.

"Oh my god! Could this information be too much, my eyes are almost blurred."

"I can't help it! The company is like this, there are so many messes. By the way, Xiaoci, our department will go out for dinner in the evening. The manager said that the welcome ceremony is a treat for him. Remember to go when the time comes!"

"Well, there's another thing, I didn't know about it, and Xu Wentian didn't tell her."

"Didn't you go to the bathroom just now? He happened to be going to a meeting, so he told me directly. This is also a tradition in our department. Generally, when new employees join, they will go out to eat and have a welcome ceremony."

"That's it! Well then! Send me the location when the time comes, and I'll come directly."

After work, Lu Xici was still packing her things, so Gu Yin jumped in front of her.

"Xiaoci, I'm going to our department's welcome party tonight. How about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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