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Chapter 138 Are You Willing To Let Me Chase You

Chapter 138 Are You Willing To Let Me Chase You

As usual, Lu Xici got off the car early.

But before Jian Luo left, she said one more word to her.

"I might be late coming home after get off work. Go back early by yourself!"

Then watch him drive away.

But Jian Luo would actually say these insignificant things to Lu Xi Temple.It surprised her a bit.

Did Jian Luo take medicine in the morning?

Lu Xici walked to the company with her bag on her back, and when she was about to enter the company's gate, she met Mo Yun who was also working.

"Small shrine."

Lu Xici heard his voice and turned to look at Mo Yun.

After Mo Yun glanced at her a few times, he scratched his hair in embarrassment, and spoke with a hint of shyness.

"That. That, did I make any slips of the tongue last night? I shouldn't have said anything nonsense!"

Talking nonsense?Lu Xici thought about it very seriously.

"No! It was not normal last night, what's the matter?"

"Ah! It's all right, let's go and go to work."

Mo Yun walked behind her, talking to himself in a low voice.

Why did I become normal at such a critical time last night? How I hope that some sparks can be sparked between the two of them.

Lu Xici stood in the elevator with Mo Yun, neither of them spoke, Lu Xici yawned from time to time, and was watched by Mo Yun.

"Did you not sleep well?"

Lu Xici rubbed his reddened eyes.

"Maybe I had too much fun last night, nothing will affect my work."

Seeing that the floor where Luxi Temple is located is about to arrive.

Mo Yun opened his mouth and said it.

"That small shrine, if... can I take you home after you get off work?"

Ok?Mo Yun suddenly said a word to her so bluntly, which shocked Lu Xici.Then smile.

"Mo Yun, don't you mean you want to chase me!" Seemingly a joke, Lu Xici was also testing Mo Yun intentionally or unintentionally.If Mo Yun really meant something to her, Lu Xici thought that she would subconsciously stay away from this person in the days to come.

Generally, if you don't like others, you will never give any chance.

"Will you let me chase?"

There were only the two of them in the elevator, and the current atmosphere was indeed a bit awkward.

Just when Lu Xici was about to speak, Mo Yun leaned on the elevator wall and laughed.

Looking at Luxi Temple, I was very puzzled.

"what are you laughing at?"

Mo Yun reached out to touch Lu Xici's head.It's just that the hand stopped in mid-air.

It never fell.

"I was joking with you just now, don't take it seriously, go to work quickly!"

Lu Xici regained consciousness, nodded and smiled.

"I thought it was true? Thinking about it, it's impossible. An excellent person like you must be an equally outstanding person. I'll go to work first."

Until Lu Xici left, the elevator door slowly closed.

Mo Yun's face collapsed.

Would you like me to chase you?
After finishing these words, Mo Yun clearly felt the resistance in Lu Xici's eyes.

What does it mean to be an excellent person like you must be equal to an excellent person.

Likes and excellence have nothing to do with each other.

When Lu Xici took her seat, Fairy Hua greeted her.

"Morning, small temple!"

"Morning Fairy."

"Have a good time last night!"

"It's okay, but I didn't sleep very well."

"Well, I saw you being carried away by a man last night."

The pen that Lu Xici had just held slipped to the ground in an instant.

 (There have been a lot of things in the past few days, and I will start adding updates tomorrow, go to bed early everyone!)

(End of this chapter)

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