Chapter 144

Lu Xici looked at the news of adding friends that was still being refreshed.

It's too late to even click Reject to block.

Messages popped up automatically one by one.

Sitting in front of the computer, Lu Xici took his hands off the keyboard.

Hold them in mid-air and tightly pinch them together.

"Gu Yuze'an, you bastard, you actually put her in this embarrassment."

I don't know if the sound insulation effect of the room is not good, or the distance between the two rooms is too close.Or the windows where two people are side by side are open at this time.

Therefore, the moderate voice from Luxi Temple just reached Jian Luo's ears next door.Jian Luo, who was sitting at the desk, heard her complaints.

Looking at the screen on the computer in front of him, he smiled quietly.

Such a thing happened in Luxi Temple.

Now even Gu Yin wants to step in.

[Secret Chat] [Drunken Flower Yin] What a great girl, Gu and Ze'an are talking like this.Did you say nothing at all?
[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] What do you want from me? If you don't say anything, even if you send me an emoji now, I can know what you are thinking?
[Secret Chat] [One Shrine of Spring River Water] Isn't it about what Gu Yu Ze'an said, I can tell you clearly now, don't even think about it, it's impossible.

What about Qingcheng's deputy gang leader?If he wanted to, Lu Xici could persuade himself to marry Gu Yu Ze'an?Then he asked him to give the position of deputy leader to Lu Xi Temple, and then he would get everything.

[Secret Chat] [One Temple of Spring River Water] If you have this spare time, I should go to rest early or read all the materials, work and work, and I will also go to rest.

After talking to Gu Yin, Lu Xici turned around and looked at the rest of the news.

There are still so many people sending her messages and adding her as friends.

Lu Xici directly closed the computer.Sit in front of the computer.

Finally, two words are summed up.


So that night, Lu Xici suffered from insomnia, and sat on the dining table staring at a haggard face early in the morning.

"Xiaoci, what's the matter with you! You look so listless, you can't be so tired just after going to work!" Tang Li felt distressed when she saw Lu Xici's appearance.

In the end, Lu Yuanzhi ruthlessly exposed it.

"It's just that she is still busy with work. I think it's because she played games for too long at night and forgot to rest."

"That's not true, although I took a little time to sleep, I went to bed very early! If it weren't for" Lu Xici obediently shut his mouth halfway through the words.

Forget it, it's meaningless to tell them these things at this time.

The two of them don't play games or anything.I don't know who Gu Yu Ze'an is.

Lu Xici looked at the empty seat beside him.

"Who didn't come down?"

"You child, why do you call that so-and-so? Does Xiaoluo have no name? According to your age, you still have to call someone "brother."

"Yes, yes, I know, so now I just want to ask why my legendary brother didn't come down to eat?"

Lu Yuanzhi also looked at Jian Luo's door.

"That's right! When I went to wake him up at first, I heard him reply, but I haven't come down yet. Maybe it's because I worked too hard last night, and I want to sleep a little longer this morning. Forget it, anyway, now It's still early, let the child rest."

(End of this chapter)

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