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Chapter 150 Mo Yun's Help

Chapter 150 Mo Yun's Help

There is also Gu Han's copywriting.It was actually handed over to Lu Xi Temple to do it.

Mo Yun and Hua Xianzi took the elevator to the first floor.

But Mo Yun didn't go out.Instead, he took the elevator up again.

Hua Xianzi felt that the people behind her were not following, so she turned her head to look.

"Hey! Did Mo Yun come down together just now? Why is there no one around at this time. Forget it, I should hurry to eat, I'm starving to death."

Lu Xici was still struggling with the alien writing in front of him.

He shook his head helplessly for a while, and shook his head helplessly for a while.

But judging from some words that have been typed.One thing that Lu Xici must admit is that the copywriting written by Gu Han is really good, even she was impressed by these creative ideas after reading it.

"Sometimes the neuropathy among geniuses can also be used to praise people!"

"Why don't you stay here and eat?"

Lu Xici looked up and saw Mo Yun standing opposite.

"Mo Yun."

How did he come here.

"Are you looking for Manager Xu? He just went out."

"I'm not looking for him, I'm looking for you."

Looking for Luxi Temple?

"Huh? What do you want me to do?"

"Is it okay to work so hard that you don't even eat?"

Lucy Shrine was surprised!How could he know.

"I just feel awkward if I don't make it."

Mo Yun walked up to her, took a look at the copywriting in his hand, and looked at the computer in front of Lu Xici.

"You have only sorted out half of these few pages. If you don't eat until you finish it, I'm afraid you don't even want to eat dinner. Let's go! Go to dinner first. If there is anything I don't know, I will help you later." You see. Tell me if it's good or not."

Lu Xici looked at Mo Yun in front of him, then nodded.

After closing the documents, he turned and walked towards the cafeteria.

Hua Xianzi was startled when she saw Lu Xi Temple.

"Manager Mo has a solution! I just called Xiaoci and she didn't come?"

Lu Xici smiled awkwardly.

Turn around and go to cook.

Originally, Lu Xici thought that Mo Yun was helping her just as a joke, but she never expected that Mo Yun would follow her back to the office after dinner.

After seeing it, Hua Fairy asked suspiciously.

"Hey! Isn't Manager Mo's office upstairs?"

"I'm here to help Xiaoci. She can't understand some of Gu Han's writing."

"Wow! Manager Mo is really kind to Xiaoci!"

Lu Xici sat down in his seat.

Mo Yun leaned against the table holding Gu Han's manuscript.

"I'll get you a stool and you sit down!"

When Lu Xici was about to leave, Mo Yun grabbed her wrist.

Then let go immediately.

Lu Xici looked at his grasped wrist.

"No need, I just had a meal, it's fine if I just stand like this, come on! I'll read it for a while and you will call directly, and when I ask you to make it free, you can make it free. If there are really unfamiliar characters, you can't keep reading." If you are entangled in it, jump over it first, and then slowly return to watch after all the fights are over. This saves time."

In the past, Luxi Temple was too eager for quick success, and those who didn't know a word kept struggling there.

As a result, a lot of time was wasted, and what Mo Yun said was right.

When she was about to speak, Mo Yun had already started to read.

Surprised, Lu Xici immediately put his hands on the keyboard and started typing.

Mo Yun's voice was pleasant to hear, especially at this moment when he was reading the sentence seriously, it seemed extraordinarily attractive.

 【An'an Theater】

  One day, when the author was sitting in front of the computer and rushing to finish the manuscript, suddenly a cold knife came to the author's neck.

  "Why haven't I appeared in so many chapters. Look at me, my wife is going to run away with others."

  The author sat trembling on the chair, almost crying bitterly.

  "Well, Jian Luo, let's talk about something!"

  "Hurry up and write me out, I want to watch my daughter-in-law. Hmph"

  "This, that, at least give me some benefits!"

  "What's the benefit?" Jian Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at the author of a book under his control.

  "For example. Some recommendation tickets or something, the more the better, the more the better!"


(End of this chapter)

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